

单词 revolting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HORRIBLE〕Dick had cooked a special stew, which looked and smelled revolting. 迪克烧了一个特别的炖锅菜,看上去和闻起来都恶心。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕He smiled showing his teeth, which were a revolting yellow colour. 他笑起来露出了牙齿,黄黄的令人恶心。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Who's that TV presenter who always wears those revolting sweaters? 那个老是穿那些恶心的毛衣的电视节目主持人是谁呀?朗文写作活用〔disgusting〕The stew looked revolting.这煨菜看上去令人作呕。牛津高阶〔foul〕Offensive to the senses; revolting.令人讨厌的;使人厌恶的美国传统〔ghoul〕One who delights in the revolting, morbid, or loathsome.以残忍(恐怖)勾当为乐:喜欢恶心的、令人毛骨悚然的或讨厌的事物的人美国传统〔humbug〕What a revolting humbug the man was! 那人真是个令人作呕的伪君子!柯林斯高阶〔humbug〕What a revolting humbug the man was!那人真是个令人讨厌的骗子!外研社新世纪〔revolting〕It was the most revolting thing I have ever tasted.这是我吃过的最让人反胃的东西。柯林斯高阶〔revolting〕Picking your nose is a revolting habit.抠鼻子是个令人讨厌的习惯。剑桥高阶〔revolting〕That dress is revolting.那衣服难看死了。英汉大词典〔revolting〕The bloody scenes in the movie were positively revolting.这部影片的血腥场面实在令人作呕。韦氏高阶〔revolting〕The food looked absolutely revolting.这些食物看上去真令人作呕。麦克米伦高阶〔revolting〕The smell in the cell was revolting.牢房的气味令人作呕。柯林斯高阶〔revolting〕The smell was quite revolting to him.那气味使他十分恶心。文馨英汉〔revolting〕Those condemned were executed with revolting cruelty.那些被判死刑的人们被极为残忍地处决。英汉大词典〔revolting〕What a revolting colour! 多么令人讨厌的颜色!朗文当代〔sickish〕Somewhat revolting or nauseating.有点反感或厌恶的美国传统〔slime〕There was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.浴室的瓷砖缝里有一摊令人作呕的绿色黏液。剑桥高阶He planted a big sloppy kiss on my hand--it was revolting.他湿漉漉地吻了我的手----真令人讨厌。剑桥国际He's revolting --he ogles (at) every woman who walks past him.他真令人厌恶----他挑逗地盯着每一个走过他身边的女人看。剑桥国际He's always got this revolting gunge in the corner of his eyes.他眼角里总有这令人作呕的脏东西。剑桥国际I don't know how you can eat that revolting stuff! 很难说你怎么吃得下这么恶心的东西!剑桥国际I was caught short at the station and had to use their revolting toilets.我在车站突然感到要上厕所,不得不使用他们那令人作呕的厕所。剑桥国际Just looking at the revolting food on offer made me / my stomach heave.看看那些削价出售的糟透的食物,真是令我作呕 / 让我反胃。剑桥国际Picking your nose is a revolting habit.挖鼻孔是一个令人反感的习惯。剑桥国际Someone else's dirty handkerchief is revolting but it's okay if it's yours.别人的脏手帕令人作呕,但如果是一个人自己的就没有关系了。剑桥国际The ceiling was mouldy and there was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.天花板上发霉了,在浴室的瓷砖间有着令人厌恶的绿色粘液。剑桥国际Ugh! That revolting old man at the bar just winked at me in a horribly suggestive way.啊!酒吧里那个令人作呕的老头刚刚在朝我抛可怕的挑逗媚眼。剑桥国际What a revolting smell of rotting cabbage.腐烂卷心菜的气味真令人作呕。剑桥国际




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