

单词 revolt
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔authoritarianism〕the long revolt against authoritarianism.对独裁主义的长期反抗柯林斯高阶〔authoritarianism〕the long revolt against authoritarianism对独裁主义的长期反抗外研社新世纪〔backbench〕a backbench revolt 一次后座议员的反抗朗文当代〔backbench〕a backbench revolt 后座议员的一次反抗剑桥高阶〔convention〕revolt against rigid convention 反抗死板的流俗英汉大词典〔head〕head a revolt 领导起义英汉大词典〔install〕the revolt that installed Aquino in office in 1986 1986年使阿基诺得以上台的叛乱麦克米伦高阶〔morality〕the revolt against traditional American morality 对美国传统道德观的反叛麦克米伦高阶〔raise〕raise a revolt (mutiny) 激起叛乱(哗变) 英汉大词典〔raise〕raise the standard of revolt 举张义旗 英汉大词典〔repress〕repress a revolt (disturbance) 镇压暴乱(动乱) 英汉大词典〔revolt〕revolt against parental authority 违抗父母之命英汉大词典〔revolt〕revolt within the party 党内叛乱牛津搭配〔revolt〕a revolt against authority 对权威的反抗朗文当代〔revolt〕a revolt against the central government 对中央政府的反叛朗文当代〔revolt〕a revolt against the government 针对政府的反抗行动韦氏高阶〔revolt〕a revolt by consumers over high prices = a consumer revolt over high prices 消费者对高物价的抵制韦氏高阶〔revolt〕a revolt over the proposed spending cuts 对缩减开支建议的反对朗文当代〔revolt〕a period of revolt 叛乱时期 英汉大词典〔revolt〕a student-led revolt 学生领导的起义牛津搭配〔revolt〕mount a massive revolt against the corrupt government 发动反对腐败政府的大规模起义英汉大词典〔revolt〕rise in open revolt 公开反叛 英汉大词典〔revolt〕students in revolt over administrative policies.在抗议管理政策状态中的学生美国传统〔revolt〕the revolt against the new tax 对新税的反抗牛津搭配〔revolt〕the revolt of/by the slaves 奴隶起义韦氏高阶〔revolt〕the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 *1381 年的农民起义牛津高阶〔revolt〕the Polish revolt of 1863 1863 年的波兰起义朗文当代〔revolt〕the biggest back-bench revolt this government has ever seen 本届政府所遭遇到的规模最大的一次普通下院议员的反抗牛津高阶〔revolt〕the farmers' revolt over imported meat 农民对进口肉类的抗议牛津搭配〔revolt〕the peasants' revolt of June 1381 1381年6月的农民起义麦克米伦高阶〔revolt〕the successful revolt of the American colonies 美国殖民地成功的反抗朗文当代〔revolt〕to revolt against authority.反抗当权者。牛津同义词〔revolt〕to revolt at a public display of cruelty.对残酷行为的公众展示感到厌恶美国传统〔revolt〕to lead/stage a revolt 领导╱发动起义牛津高阶〔seed〕the seeds of revolt 暴乱的起因英汉大词典〔spark〕the spark of revolt 叛乱的诱因英汉大词典〔squash〕squash a revolt (strike) 镇压叛乱(罢工) 英汉大词典〔squash〕to squash a plan/an idea/a revolt 使计划落空;否定想法;镇压反叛牛津高阶〔stamp〕stamp out a revolt 镇压叛乱英汉大词典〔standard〕raise the standard of revolt 揭竿而起英汉大词典〔wide〕a country-wide revolt against the government 全国性的反政府起义朗文当代〔within〕revolt from within 内部造反英汉大词典〔yeast〕be seething with the yeast of revolt 躁动着酝酿反叛英汉大词典




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