

单词 rough
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ROUGH/NOT SMOOTH〕a rough voice 难听刺耳的嗓音朗文写作活用〔approximation〕a rough / crude approximation (=one that is not very exact) 粗略的估算朗文当代〔configure〕an internal security vehicle that was configured for rough terrain.专为崎岖道路而设计的内部安全车辆美国传统〔crossing〕a rough crossi ng from Dover to Calais 从多佛尔到加来波涛汹涌的横渡牛津高阶〔deal〕a rough deal 逆境;不幸文馨英汉〔draft〕the rough draft of his new novel 他新小说的初稿朗文当代〔feel〕a surface rough to the feel 摸上去很粗糙的表面英汉大词典〔file〕file away the rough edges 把粗糙的边缘锉掉英汉大词典〔flatten〕to flatten a rough surface.把凹凸不平的表面弄平。牛津同义词〔gas〕a rough gassed cotton fabric一块烧过毛的粗棉布外研社新世纪〔jittery〕a jittery ride over rough terrain.在崎岖地带的一段颠簸路程美国传统〔jog〕a rough wagon ride that jogged the passengers.把乘客颠来颠去的一段崎岖的马车路美国传统〔living/sleeping rough〕people living/sleeping rough on the streets 露宿街头的人们韦氏高阶〔plane〕plane off the rough edges on a board.刨掉板上的粗边美国传统〔rasp〕rasp away the rough corners 把参差不齐的棱角锉掉 英汉大词典〔rough and ready〕rough and ready soldiers.粗鲁的士兵柯林斯高阶〔rough and tumble〕the rough and tumble of politics 政治上的混战牛津高阶〔rough and tumble〕the rough and tumble of public life 公共生活的激烈竞争朗文当代〔roughly〕chairs set in a rough circle in the middle of the room.房间中央大致围成一圈的椅子柯林斯高阶〔rough〕rough bark; 粗糙的树皮;美国传统〔rough〕rough diamonds.未经加工的钻石美国传统〔rough〕rough economic bumps 剧烈的经济动荡英汉大词典〔rough〕rough in the shape of the head 把头形勾勒出来 英汉大词典〔rough〕rough it under canvas for a few months 过几个月简陋的帐篷生活 英汉大词典〔rough〕rough manners (words) 粗鲁无礼的态度(话语) 英汉大词典〔rough〕rough paper for making notes on 做笔记的草稿纸牛津高阶〔rough〕rough winds 狂风 英汉大词典〔rough〕rough work.粗制品。牛津同义词〔rough〕a rough but filling dinner 虽不考究但能饱肚的一顿饭英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough circle 不精确的圆英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough draft 草稿 英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough estimate of the cost 对成本的粗略估计朗文当代〔rough〕a rough fellow 粗汉 英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough humour 粗俗的幽默英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough life in the jungle 丛林中原始简陋的生活 英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough mob 作乱的暴民 英汉大词典〔rough〕a rough sketch 草图牛津高阶〔rough〕a rough surface.不平滑的表面。牛津同义词〔rough〕a rough translation of a Chinese proverb 对一则中国谚语的大致翻译韦氏高阶〔rough〕a rough voice.粗哑的嗓音。牛津同义词〔rough〕a book with rough edges (未切边的)毛边书 英汉大词典〔rough〕a sculpture in the rough 雕塑品的雏型英汉大词典〔rough〕at a rough guess, with everything, probably £100,000大致估计一下, 什么都算上的话, 可能要100,000英镑外研社新世纪〔rough〕equipment capable of withstanding rough treatment 坚固耐用的设备朗文当代〔rough〕had a rough time during the exam.考试期间很难熬美国传统〔rough〕live rough 餐风宿露 英汉大词典〔rough〕lose one's ball in the rough 在深草区失落一球英汉大词典〔rough〕play rough (比赛等时)动作粗野英汉大词典〔rough〕shape it from the rough 把这东西的毛坯加工使之成形英汉大词典〔rough〕the rough terrain at the base of the mountains 山脚下崎岖不平的地形朗文当代〔rough〕treat sb. rough 粗暴地对待某人 英汉大词典〔rough〕young people sleeping rough on the streets 露宿街头的年轻人牛津高阶〔skin〕the rough skin of a shark 鲨鱼粗糙的皮肤韦氏高阶〔sleep rough〕to sleep rough without eating没吃东西露宿街头21世纪英汉〔smooth〕through the rough and the smooth 通过崎岖的小道和平坦的大路英汉大词典〔smooth〕to smooth a rough surface.把毛糙的表面弄平。牛津同义词〔swell〕a heavy swell(=large rough waves) 翻涌的波涛麦克米伦高阶〔trade〕trade off large and small brushes for rough and fine work 交替使用大小刷子来做粗工和细工 英汉大词典〔treatment〕receive rough treatment from sb.受到某人的粗暴对待英汉大词典〔way〕a rough (winding) way 崎岖(蜿蜒)的路英汉大词典




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