

单词 sequence
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔action〕the film's final action sequence 这部电影最后的动作场面韦氏高阶〔analysis〕a DNA sequence analysis DNA 序列分析牛津搭配〔colour〕that marvellous sequence in colour towards the end末尾时那一连串绝妙的色彩变换外研社新世纪〔convergent〕a convergent sequence 收敛序列英汉大词典〔digit〕a sequence of binary digits 一组二进制数字牛津搭配〔disjunctive〕a disjunctive narrative sequence 不连续的叙述顺序英汉大词典〔endless〕a potentially endless sequence of repeated shapes 可以无限循环的重复图案牛津搭配〔generate〕a sequence of randomly generated numbers 随机生成的数列牛津搭配〔leaven〕leaven the deadly sequence of the meetings with a little drama 用一点戏剧因素来活跃那死气沉沉的一连串会议英汉大词典〔non-coding〕non-coding sequence 非编码序列英汉大词典〔ordered〕an ordered sequence of events 有序的事件韦氏高阶〔perfection〕a sequence of developmental stages towards / toward the perfection of his violin technique 他的小提琴技术臻于完美的一系列发展阶段牛津搭配〔proceeding〕proceedings A sequence of events occurring at a particular place or occasion: proceedings 活动:在某一特点地点或情况下发生的一系列事件:美国传统〔random〕a random sequence of letters 随意排列的字母顺序韦氏高阶〔random〕a seemingly random sequence of numbers 似乎随机选出的一串数字牛津搭配〔sequence〕sequence computer data 把计算机数据按顺序排好英汉大词典〔sequence〕a sequence from a film.电影中的一个片段。牛津同义词〔sequence〕a sequence of events 接二连三的事件韦氏高阶〔sequence〕a sequence of historical plays by Shakespeare 莎士比亚的一系列历史剧英汉大词典〔sequence〕a sequence of misfortunes 一连串的不幸事件英汉大词典〔sequence〕a sequence of numbers/thoughts/poems/photographs 一连串的数字/思绪/诗/照片韦氏高阶〔sequence〕a basic blues chord sequence 基础布鲁斯和弦牛津搭配〔sequence〕a chase sequence in a spy movie 间谍影片中的追逐片段韦氏高阶〔sequence〕a dance sequence 一套舞蹈动作麦克米伦高阶〔sequence〕a dazzling sequence of novels by John Updike.约翰·厄普代克令人惊叹的系列小说柯林斯高阶〔sequence〕a dream sequence involving the central character working on the Titanic 一组表现主人公梦见自己在“泰坦尼克”号上工作的镜头牛津搭配〔sequence〕a photo sequence 相关的一组照片英汉大词典〔sequence〕a remarkable winning sequence of games 引人注目的一连串比赛胜利牛津搭配〔sequence〕a representative cross section of the entire human genome sequence 人类全部基因序列代表性截面图牛津搭配〔sequence〕an unbroken sequence of events.连续不断发生的事件。牛津同义词〔sequence〕calamities in rapid sequence 接二连三的灾祸英汉大词典〔sequence〕in historical (alphabetical) sequence 按历史(字母)先后顺序英汉大词典〔sequence〕out of sequence 不成顺序英汉大词典〔sequence〕the sequence of events leading up to the war 导致这场战争的一连串事件朗文当代〔sequence〕the sequence of events which led to the murder.导致谋杀发生的一连串事件柯林斯高阶〔sequence〕the colour sequence yellow, orange, purple, blue, green and white.黄、橙、紫、蓝、绿、白的颜色顺序柯林斯高阶〔sequence〕the colour sequence yellow, orange, purple, blue, green and white黄、橙、紫、蓝、绿和白的颜色排列外研社新世纪〔sequence〕the complete DNA sequence of the human genome.人体基因组的完整 DNA 序列柯林斯高阶〔sequence〕the dream sequence in the film 影片中的梦境片段朗文当代〔sequence〕the famous opening sequence from Reservoir Dogs 电影《水库狗》中著名的开场片断麦克米伦高阶〔sequence〕the famous opening sequence of the film这部电影著名的开场片断外研社新世纪〔sequence〕the opening credit sequence 片头字幕牛津搭配〔sequence〕to sequence the names按顺序排列好名单21世纪英汉〔series〕a geometric progression. In asequence things follow one another in chronological or numerical order or in an order that indicates a causal or logical relationship or a recurrent pattern: 几何学的进步。 Sequence 指一个接一个按照年月或数字顺序或按照次序的事物, 表明因果或逻辑关系或循环的模式: 美国传统〔series〕a natural sequence of ideas.思想的自然连续。美国传统〔straight〕the straight sequence of events 事件的先后顺序英汉大词典〔survive〕the sequence of events that left the eight pupils battling to survive in icy seas for over four hours.致使这 8 个小学生在冰冷的海水里挣扎求生四个多小时的一连串事件柯林斯高阶〔time-lapse〕a time-lapse sequence of a flower opening 一组延时拍摄花蕾开放的镜头牛津高阶〔title〕the opening title sequence of the movie 影片片头牛津搭配〔uncertain〕an uncertain recollection of the sequence of events.关于一系列事件的模糊的记忆美国传统




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