

单词 shy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SHY〕shy feelings or behaviour 害羞的感觉或行为朗文写作活用〔SHY〕to stop being shy 不再害羞朗文写作活用〔bearing〕her pleasant, shy manner; 她愉快,羞涩的举止;美国传统〔bookish〕a shy bookish man 一个腼腆的书呆子朗文当代〔diminutive〕a shy diminutive man 一个腼腆的矮个子男人朗文当代〔draw〕managed to draw the shy child out.设法使害羞的孩子无拘无束地说话美国传统〔engage〕engage a shy person in conversation.使害羞的人加入了交谈美国传统〔fearful〕a shy and fearful child 一个害羞、胆怯的小孩朗文当代〔half〕a shy half-smile 羞涩的微笑韦氏高阶〔introspective〕a shy and introspective person 一个腼腆自省的人朗文当代〔painfully〕a painfully shy young man.害羞过头的青年男子柯林斯高阶〔pathetic〕a pathetically shy woman 令人怜悯的腼腆女人牛津高阶〔province〕a shy young man from the provinces 腼腆的外地男青年牛津高阶〔retiring〕a shy retiring young man 害羞而离群的年青人麦克米伦高阶〔retiring〕to be shy and retiring 腼腆孤僻剑桥高阶〔shied〕to shy away the difficulties回避困难21世纪英汉〔shied〕to shy bad eggs at向…投掷臭鸡蛋21世纪英汉〔shied〕to shy from (doing) something厌恶(做)某事21世纪英汉〔shun〕a shy woman who shunned publicity 避免惹人注意的羞怯女子朗文当代〔shyly〕a high-school dropout rate just shy of 53%.几近53%的中学辍学率柯林斯高阶〔shy〕shy from new involvement in the conflict 不想再卷入冲突英汉大词典〔shy〕shy from the idea of leaving home 眷恋着不想离家英汉大词典〔shy〕shy gambling hells 声名狼藉的赌窟英汉大词典〔shy〕shy of strangers.小心生人美国传统〔shy〕shy stones at a bottle [over the surface of the water] 向瓶子[朝水面]扔石头文馨英汉〔shy〕a shy bird 易受惊的鸟英汉大词典〔shy〕a shy girl 害羞的女孩文馨英汉〔shy〕a shy glance.羞怯的一瞥美国传统〔shy〕a shy grin 羞涩的微笑麦克米伦高阶〔shy〕a shy smile 羞怯的微笑文馨英汉〔shy〕a shy smile 羞怯的微笑朗文当代〔shy〕a shy smile 羞怯的微笑英汉大词典〔shy〕a shy smile 腼腆的微笑牛津高阶〔shy〕a quiet, shy man 腼腆、不大说话的人牛津高阶〔shy〕animals that are nocturnal and shy 夜间活动的胆小动物韦氏高阶〔shy〕be shy of the 1130 delegates needed for the nomination 未达到提名所需的1130名代表数英汉大词典〔shy〕her shy manner 她腼腆的举止韦氏高阶〔shy〕publicity shy 不愿在公众场合露面的韦氏高阶〔shy〕publicity shy 不爱抛头露面的英汉大词典〔shy〕the shy recesses of the woodland 林区的幽僻深处英汉大词典〔shy〕with shy steps 以畏缩的脚步文馨英汉〔side〕the shy side of his personality.See Synonyms at phase 他性格中腼腆的一面 参见 phase美国传统〔speechless〕a shy and speechless person 一个腼腆而不爱说话的人英汉大词典〔sweetly〕a sweetly sincere, rather shy man一个善良真诚、非常害羞的男人外研社新世纪〔timorous〕a shy and timorous teenager 害羞胆小的少年韦氏高阶〔trusting〕a shy and trusting child 一个害羞、容易相信别人的孩子朗文当代




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