

单词 referred
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglican〕Outside England, the Anglican Church is often referred to as the Episcopal or Episcopalian Church.在英格兰之外,英国圣公会常被称为 the Episcopal(ian) Church (新教圣公会)。剑桥高阶〔Court of Appeal〕The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal.案件被移交至上诉法院。外研社新世纪〔Court of Appeal〕The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal.该案件将移交上诉法院审理。柯林斯高阶〔DISASTER〕The President referred to Friday's air disaster as a ‘tragic loss of life’. 总统把周五的空难称为是“悲剧性的生命损失”。朗文写作活用〔East Indies〕Indonesia. The term is sometimes used to refer to all of Southeast Asia. Historically, it referred chiefly to India.东印度群岛:印度尼西亚群岛。有时用来指所有东南亚各地,历史上主要指印度美国传统〔Hobson's choice〕He jokingly referred to dinner as a Hobson's choice between soup and salad or salad and soup.他开玩笑地说晚餐完全没有选择余地,永远是汤和沙拉或者沙拉和汤。韦氏高阶〔MENTION〕I apologized, and the matter was never referred to again. 我道了歉,这件事就没有再被提起过。朗文写作活用〔Sir〕Dear Sir, Your letter of the 9th October has been referred to us.尊敬的先生, 您10月9日的来信已转交我处。外研社新世纪〔WITH/TOGETHER〕These substances are referred to collectively as ketone bodies. 这些物质被总称为酮体。朗文写作活用〔adjudicate〕The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication.该案件已提交上级法院裁决。牛津高阶〔another〕Her doctor referred her to another surgeon.她的医生让她去看另一位外科医生。外研社新世纪〔another〕The counsellor referred her to another therapist.咨询指导让她去看另一位治疗专家。柯林斯高阶〔axis〕A center line to which parts of a structure or body may be referred.中轴:结构物或人体的某些部分可被参照的中心线美国传统〔axis〕An imaginary line to which elements of a work of art, such as a picture, are referred for measurement or symmetry.中轴线:相对于某些要求测量或对称的文艺作品的一条假想线,如绘画美国传统〔breed〕The British used to be referred to as the 'bulldog breed'.英国人过去常被戏称为“斗牛犬种族”。外研社新世纪〔broken〕He referred to his country as the land of broken dreams.他把他的国家称为梦想破灭之地。麦克米伦高阶〔by〕The Federal Bureau of Investigation is usually referred to by its initials “FBI.” 人们通常用首字母组合FBI来指代联邦调查局。韦氏高阶〔chick〕She doesn't like being referred to as a 'chick'.她不愿意被叫做“小妞儿”。外研社新世纪〔colloquially〕In some parts of Britain, stoneflies are often referred to colloquially as 'mayflies'.在英国的一些地区, 石蝇通常俗称为“蜉蝣”。外研社新世纪〔committee〕The bill has been referred back to committee.这项法案被再次提交委员会审议。韦氏高阶〔competent〕The case was referred to a competent authority.事情已交给有关当局处理。牛津高阶〔continuity〕Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting.我和沃尔特参照着一盘原始电影胶片录像带来检查镜头的剪辑和灯光。柯林斯高阶〔continuity〕Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting.沃尔特和我看了原始录影带来检查镜头的剪辑和灯光。外研社新世纪〔counselling〕He was suspended from school and referred for counselling.他被暂时停学去接受心理辅导。牛津搭配〔crumpet〕Because he is brainy as well as handsome, the actor is often referred to as “the thinking woman's crumpet.” 由于既聪明又英俊,这名男演员常被称作“理性女子的尤物”。韦氏高阶〔denotation〕Something signified or referred to; a particular meaning of a symbol.指示:有所表示或有所指(的事物);符号的特定含义美国传统〔direction〕A position to which motion or another position is referred.方位:运动或另一位置用以参照的位置美国传统〔disparage〕He referred disparagingly to his car as “an old clunker.” 他以贬低的口气称自己的车为“老爷车”。韦氏高阶〔euphemism〕The prison was euphemistically referred to as a “correctional facility.” 监狱被委婉地称作“教养所”。韦氏高阶〔female〕He referred to his angry coworkers as “a bunch of spiteful females.” 他把他愤怒的同事称为“一群恶娘儿们”。韦氏高阶〔flatteringly〕He was flatteringly referred to as 'the world's great hope'.人们语带奉承地称他为“世界的伟大希望”。外研社新世纪〔freely〕We have referred freely to his ideas.我们大量地参考了他的意见。外研社新世纪〔freely〕We have referred freely to his ideas.我们频繁地提到了他的观点。柯林斯高阶〔gp〕The GP referred her to a specialist.全科医生转而把她介绍给一位专科医生。牛津搭配〔handout〕On page two of your handout you will find a list of the books that I have referred to during the lecture.在讲义的第2页,你们会看到一份我在讲座中提到的书目。剑桥高阶〔heliocentric〕Referred or with respect to the sun.日心的:意指太阳或崇拜太阳的美国传统〔henceforth〕Multiple Sclerosis (henceforth referred to as MS) 多发性硬化(以下称为 MS)朗文当代〔higher〕The case was referred to a higher court.案件转到了上级法院。牛津高阶〔immediate〕He referred me to his immediate superior.他让我去找他的直接领导。韦氏高阶〔indirectly〕He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.他含蓄地提及了领土争端。柯林斯高阶〔indirectly〕He referred only indirectly to the current crisis.他只是隐晦地提到了当前的危机。外研社新世纪〔lapsed〕He referred to himself as a lapsed Catholic.他把自己称作是一个离经叛道的天主教徒。麦克米伦高阶〔laughingly〕The news network was laughingly referred to as the 'Disaster Channel.' 这个新闻网络被戏称为“灾难频道”。朗文当代〔law〕Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.近100家法律事务所被告上律师纪律审裁庭。外研社新世纪〔law〕Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.近百家律师事务所被送上律师纪律法庭。柯林斯高阶〔learned〕He referred to Douglas Hogg as 'my learned friend' as if they were both in court.他称道格拉斯•霍格为“我精通法律的同行”, 好像他们两人都是出庭律师似的。外研社新世纪〔lecture〕She referred to Professor Jones's work in her lecture on Shakespeare's imagery.她在莎士比亚的意象运用讲座中谈及了琼斯教授的研究。牛津搭配〔male〕She referred to her husband's friends as “a bunch of clumsy males.” 她把她丈夫的朋友们称为“一群笨男人”。韦氏高阶〔misleading〕These bats are sometimes misleadingly referred to as ‘flying foxes’.这些蝙蝠有时被误称为“飞狐”。牛津高阶〔obliquely〕He obliquely referred to the US and Saudi Arabia.他间接地提及了美国和沙特阿拉伯。外研社新世纪〔obliquely〕He obliquely referred to the US, Britain and Saudi Arabia.他旁敲侧击地提到美国、英国和沙特阿拉伯。柯林斯高阶〔obliquely〕She referred to the scandal obliquely in her speech.她在讲话中间接地提到了那桩丑闻。韦氏高阶〔oblique〕He referred only obliquely to their recent problems.他只是隐约提到他们最近遇到的问题。牛津高阶〔onto〕Of, relating to, or being a mapping such that every element of the set referred to is the image of an element in another.映成的:一集合中的每一元素,经映象后为另一集合至少一元素的象的;与之有关的;或成为象的美国传统〔opinion〕My doctor has referred me to a specialist for a second opinion on the results of my blood test.我的医生将我转诊给一位专科医生以对我的验血结果作再次鉴定。剑桥高阶〔orthopaedic〕He was referred to an orthopaedic consultant.他被转到了一位矫形外科医师那里。外研社新世纪〔parallel〕Printing A sign indicating material referred to in a note or reference.【印刷术】 平行符号:一种在备注或参考文字中标明所指内容的符号美国传统〔parish〕Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons.堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。柯林斯高阶〔parlance〕Oral contraceptives are referred to as "the pill" in common parlance.口服避孕药通常被统称为 the pill。剑桥高阶〔pikey〕He referred to them as dirty pikey scum.他称他们是肮脏又无知的叫花子。牛津高阶〔proverbial〕Widely referred to, as if the subject of a proverb; famous.出名的:被广泛地提到的,好象谚语的主题一样;著名的美国传统〔psychologist〕She was referred to a psychologist.她被介绍到一位心理学家那里就诊。外研社新世纪〔purgatory〕The marathons were jokingly referred to as one-day purgatories.马拉松赛跑曾被谑称为“一日苦难”。韦氏高阶〔ref.〕Referred.涉及的美国传统〔refer (sb) to sth〕He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.他查阅历史书来弄清法国大革命的日期。剑桥高阶〔refer (sb) to sth〕The reader is constantly referred back to the introduction.在书中作者多次提请读者参阅序言部分。剑桥高阶〔refer ... to〕All his classmates referred to him as “Blackbeard.”他的同学都称他为“黑胡子”。21世纪英汉〔refer ... to〕He never referred to his sisters in his letters.他在信里从未提到过他的姊妹。21世纪英汉〔refer ... to〕Mr White referred his success to his hard work.怀特先生说他的成功是靠勤劳工作而获得的。21世纪英汉〔refer ... to〕The salesman referred me to the manager.售货员让我去找经理。21世纪英汉〔refer ... to〕The scientists referred the tiger to the cat family.科学家将虎归入猫科。21世纪英汉〔refer ... to〕They referred their plan to the management.他们将计划提交管理部门。21世纪英汉〔refer oneself to〕He referred himself to his father's power and influence.他仰仗着他父亲的权势。21世纪英汉〔refer sb to sth/sb〕My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist.我的医生把我转诊给一位医院的专家。剑桥高阶〔refer sb to sth/sb〕The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal.高级法院已将此案呈交上诉法院。剑桥高阶〔refer to〕At one time, people referred to the city as the Paris of the East.人们曾一度称这座城市为“东方巴黎”。韦氏高阶〔refer to〕No one referred to the incident.没有人提及这件事。韦氏高阶〔refer to〕The victim was referred to only as “John Doe.” 受害者只是被称作“某男”。韦氏高阶〔referee〕One to whom something is referred, especially for settlement, decision, or an opinion as to the thing's quality.被问询者:特别是为了解决、决定或对某物质量的看法而被询问的人美国传统〔reference〕The passage or source so referred to.参考资料:供参考的篇章或资料美国传统〔referent〕Something referred to.所指事物美国传统〔refer〕Cromwell referred his victories to God.克伦威尔把自己的胜利归于天意。外研社新世纪〔refer〕Even as a boy he referred to his father as Steve.即使还是小孩子时,他就叫他父亲史蒂夫。麦克米伦高阶〔refer〕He referred Jenny to a specialist.他让珍妮转到一位专科医生那里就诊。外研社新世纪〔refer〕He referred briefly to his notebook.他简单地看了看自己的笔记。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕He referred briefly to his notebook.他简单地翻看了一下自己的笔记。外研社新世纪〔refer〕He referred me to a lawyer.他叫我去找律师。英汉大词典〔refer〕He referred me to the manager.他把我介绍给了经理。外研社新世纪〔refer〕He referred the company to his former employer for his character.他请公司向他以前的雇主查询自己的品行。英汉大词典〔refer〕He referred the dispute to the board of directors.他将这件纠纷转给董事会处理。21世纪英汉〔refer〕He referred the team's defeat to poor training.他把球队的失败归因于训练不力。英汉大词典〔refer〕He referred to her former employer for her character.他向她以前的雇主询问她的品行。英汉大词典〔refer〕He referred to his friends for information.他向朋友们打听消息。21世纪英汉〔refer〕He referred to many authorities in the subject.他引证了这一学科方面的许多权威性典籍。英汉大词典〔refer〕He referred to the report in passing.他顺便提了一下那个报告。牛津搭配〔refer〕He always referred to his friend as Mr Lowry.他总是称他的朋友为劳里先生。外研社新世纪〔refer〕He likes to be referred to as 'Doctor Khee'.他喜欢别人叫他“基博士”。朗文当代〔refer〕He often referred to notes while speaking. / 他演讲时常看讲稿。英汉大词典〔refer〕He simply referred to him as Ronnie.他就叫他龙尼。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕He was referred for three months.他3个月以后补考。英汉大词典〔refer〕Her case was referred to the Court of Appeal.她的案子已移交到上诉法院。麦克米伦高阶〔refer〕Her mother never referred to him again.她的母亲再也没有提起过他。牛津高阶〔refer〕I was referred to the Inquiry Office.人家叫我去问讯处询问。英汉大词典〔refer〕In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada.他在讲演中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕Kaminsky and Reinhart-hereafter referred to as KR Kaminsky 和 Reinhart- 以下称为 KR牛津搭配〔refer〕Management referred the labour dispute to the arbitration board.资方将劳资争议提交仲裁委员会处理。英汉大词典〔refer〕Marcia had referred to him as a dear friend.马西娅把他称作好朋友。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕Most of the patients we see here were referred by other doctors.我们这里看到的大多数病人都是其他医生转过来的。韦氏高阶〔refer〕Mr Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.布赖恩先生还建议我去查阅美国记者安东尼·斯卡杜托的一本书。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕My complaint was referred to the manufacturers.我的投诉已转交给制造商。朗文当代〔refer〕My doctor referred me to a specialist.我的医生建议我去找一位专家诊治。韦氏高阶〔refer〕My doctor referred me to a specialist.我的医生让我去找一位专家诊治。牛津高阶〔refer〕Now and then I referred a client to him.我不时地介绍客户给他。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕Our economy is referred to as a free market.我们的经济被称为自由市场经济。外研社新世纪〔refer〕Our economy is referred to as a free market.我们的经济被称作自由市场经济。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their doctor.病人大多数是在医生建议下转往医院就医。外研社新世纪〔refer〕Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their general practitioners.病人大多数是在他们的全科医生建议下转往医院就医。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕Readers are referred to the bibliography for further information.读者可查看参考书目获取详细资料。朗文当代〔refer〕She referred to the subject several times during her speech.在演讲中她好几次提到这个话题。麦克米伦高阶〔refer〕She always referred to Ben as 'that nice man'.她总是把本称作“那个好男人”。牛津搭配〔refer〕She always referred to Ben as ‘that nice man’.她总是称本为“那个大好人”。牛津高阶〔refer〕The Senate bill has been referred to the Finance Committee.参议院议案已经提交给了财政委员会。韦氏高阶〔refer〕The case was referred to the Court of Appeal.这个案子被送交到上诉法院。牛津高阶〔refer〕The discovery of America is generally referred to Columbus.一般人都说美洲是哥伦布发现的。21世纪英汉〔refer〕The disease was commonly referred to as 'the green sickness'.人们一般将这种病称为 “萎黄病”。牛津搭配〔refer〕The doctor referred her to a heart specialist.医生嘱她转诊于一位心脏病专家。英汉大词典〔refer〕The doctor referred me to a skin specialist.医生让我去看皮肤病专家。麦克米伦高阶〔refer〕The pain of appendicitis may be referred to any region of the abdomen.阑尾炎的疼痛在腹部的任何部位都可以有牵连性痛感。英汉大词典〔refer〕The patient should be referred for tests immediately.病人必须马上转去医院做化验。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕The patient should be referred for tests immediately.这位病人应该立即转诊接受检查。外研社新世纪〔refer〕The speaker referred to him as an up-and-coming politician.演讲者称他是一位有为的政治新秀。英汉大词典〔refer〕The victims were not referred to by name.没有提到受害人的姓名。牛津高阶〔refer〕Their proposal was referred to the United Nations.他们的提案已提交联合国。21世纪英汉〔refer〕They didn’t have what I wanted, so they referred me to another shop.我要的东西他们没有,所以他们叫我到另外一家店铺去买。牛津同义词〔refer〕This style of architecture is usually referred to the sixteenth century.这种风格的建筑一般是属于16世纪的。21世纪英汉〔refer〕Those questions are best referred to experts.那些问题最好提交专家们处理。英汉大词典〔resolve〕It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.经过表决决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。牛津高阶〔resolve〕They resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.他们经过表决,决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。牛津高阶〔shipping〕The body of ships belonging to one port, industry, or country, often referred to in aggregate tonnage.船舶总量:属于一个港口、行业或国家的一批船只,经常用总吨位指称美国传统〔sir〕Dear Sir, Your letter of the 9th October has been referred to us.尊敬的先生,您 10 月 9 日的来信已转交我处。柯林斯高阶〔sneeringly〕Critics sneeringly referred to the novel as “juvenile.” 评论家嘲讽这部小说“幼稚”。韦氏高阶〔social service〕The case was referred to social services.这件案子已经交给了社会服务部。剑桥高阶〔specialist〕I've asked to be referred to a specialist about my back pain.我已经要求转诊,让专科医生来治我的背痛。剑桥高阶〔stupid〕She referred to him as a stupid cow.她竟把他称作笨母牛。英汉大词典〔summing-up〕The judge referred to this point several times in his summing-up.法官在最后陈词中几次提到了这一点。剑桥高阶〔synesthesia〕A sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referred pain.牵连感觉:因对身体的某一部位的刺激而使身体的另一部位感到此种感觉,如在谈到痛苦时美国传统〔system〕The governor referred to a prison system that was bankrupt of compassion.州长指的是一个完全丧失同情心的监狱体制。牛津搭配〔temperature〕A specific degree of hotness or coldness as indicated on or referred to a standard scale.标准温度:用一个标准尺度指示冷热的特定程度美国传统〔thing〕Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.东西:用文字、符号、标志或思想指代的事物;参照物美国传统〔tongue〕At one stage he referred to Anna as John's fiancée, but later said that was a slip of the tongue.曾有那么一段时间他把安娜称作约翰的未婚妻,但后来又说那是口误。柯林斯高阶〔tradition〕By tradition, ships are often referred to as 'she' in English.按照传统,船只在英语里通常被称为“她”。牛津搭配〔tribunal〕The case was referred to an industrial tribunal.该案件被提交到劳资法庭。牛津搭配〔unhappy〕He referred to an unhappy accident that had taken place.他提到了之前发生的一次不幸事故。外研社新世纪〔venerable〕Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor.她的中国朋友们把这位女皇称作令人敬仰的祖先。外研社新世纪〔venerable〕Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor.她的中国朋友们说这位女皇是他们值得敬仰的祖先。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕She referred to his previous visit in her speech of welcome/welcome speech.她在欢迎词中提到了他上一次的来访。剑桥高阶〔womanly〕She referred in a positive way to the "traditional womanly goals of marriage and motherhood" several times in her talk.她在讲话中数次以赞同的口吻谈到“结婚和生儿育女这些传统的女性目标”。剑桥高阶〔x〕During the trial she was referred to as Miss X.在审判时,她被称为某小姐。文馨英汉〔y〕The children on trial were referred to as child X and child Y.受试儿童被称作儿童X和儿童Y。剑桥高阶All three bids will be referred to the competition commission.所有这三个投标价将提交给竞争委员会。牛津商务Flights that depart at midnight are referred to as the red-eye flights. Their fare is normally cheaper than those of regular flights. 在午夜起飞的航班通称为红眼航班,通常票价比较便宜。译典通He referred all his troubles to bad luck. 他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。译典通He referred only parenthetically to his illness so I didn't enquire further.他只是附带提到他的病,所以我就没有进一步询问。剑桥国际He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.他查阅了一本历史书找出法国大革命的时间。剑桥国际I've asked to be referred to a specialist about my bad back.我要求让专科医生来检查我背上的毛病。剑桥国际If you spend any time in prison you're labelled (= considered or referred to by most people) (as a) criminal for the rest of your life. [+ obj + (as) n/adj] 如果你坐过牢,你将一辈子被当作罪犯。剑桥国际In his speech, he referred to the Bible several times. 他在演说中好几次提到圣经。译典通My GP has referred me to a specialist about my lungs.我的全科医生向我推荐了一位看肺病的专家。剑桥国际My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist.我的医生让我去看医院专家。剑桥国际My doctor has referred me to a specialist for a second opinion on the results of my blood test.我的医生嘱咐我转诊于一位专家,让他对我的验血结果再作一次鉴定。剑桥国际On page two of your handout you will find a list of the books that I have referred to during the lecture.在资料的第二页上,你们会发现我在讲座上提到的书的清单。剑桥国际Outside England, the Anglican Church is often referred to as the Episcopal(ian) Church.在英国之外,圣公会通常被称为新教徒主教教会。剑桥国际Press reports referred to the bank robber as a ‘pistol-packing mama’.新闻报道称这个银行抢劫犯是个“携带手枪的女人”。剑桥国际She referred to him rather snidely as “a small man in a large suit”.她讥诮地称他为“穿大衣服的小人。”剑桥国际She referred to his previous visit in her speech of welcome/welcome speech.她在欢迎致辞中提到了他的前一次访问。剑桥国际She referred to the ‘traditional womanly goals of marriage and motherhood’several times in her talk.她在谈话中几次提到“婚姻与为母之道的传统女性目标”。剑桥国际The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal.高等法院把此案转给了上诉法院。剑桥国际The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication.这案件已提交上级法院裁决。牛津商务The disputed insurance claim was referred to an independent arbitrator.这宗保险索赔争议已提交给独立仲裁员处理。牛津商务The doctor referred the patient to a specialist. 这位医生把病人转介绍给专门医生诊治。译典通The figures referred to data for the previous month.这些数字是上个月的数据。牛津商务The merger plan was referred to the Office of Fair Trading.合并计划已提交公平贸易局。牛津商务The reader is constantly referred back to the introduction.读者不断被要求去参阅前言。剑桥国际There were cries of outrage from the feminist contingent when the speaker referred to the women present as‘girls’.当发言者把在座妇女称为“女孩”时,女权主义代表团发出了愤怒的喊叫。剑桥国际Those were the days when workers were referred to as ‘hands’.那些日子里工人被称为“苦力”。牛津商务We referred the proposal to the board of directors. 我们把这一建议提交董事会处理。译典通When he referred to people not paying their fair share, I think he was having a sly (= not openly expressed) dig at me.当他谈及人们没有缴纳应交的一份时,我想他是在影射我。剑桥国际




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