

单词 raiding
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔loot〕After raiding the town, the soldiers helped themselves to any loot that they could find.突袭小镇之后,士兵们掠夺了他们能找到的所有东西。韦氏高阶〔raiding〕The village needs protection from raiding tribes.这个村庄需要防御一些部落的突袭。韦氏高阶〔raid〕A 19-year-old man has been found guilty of raiding a bank.一个19岁的男子被判抢劫银行罪。柯林斯高阶〔raid〕I caught Toby raiding the fridge.托比从冰箱里偷拿东西时被我撞上了。剑桥高阶〔raid〕I caught him raiding the fridge again(= taking food from it).我撞见他又在扫荡冰箱里的食物。牛津高阶〔stampede〕Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。柯林斯高阶〔war party〕A band of warriors engaged in fighting or raiding an enemy. Used especially of Native Americans.远征队:从事与敌作战或突袭敌人的一队战士。尤其用于美洲土著居民中美国传统〔worry〕The English, worried by the growing power of Prince Henry, sent a raiding party to Scotland to kill him.英格兰人对亨利亲王权势日增感到不安,便派突袭队到苏格兰除掉他。柯林斯高阶During the riots people were looting and raiding (= entering places illegally).骚乱中人们洗掠抢劫。剑桥国际




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