

单词 ruby
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔balas〕A rose-red to orange spinel used as a semiprecious gem, once confused with the ruby.玫红尖晶石:一种用作半宝石的玫瑰红到橙红色的晶石,以前曾被混淆为红宝石美国传统〔boule〕A pear-shaped synthetic sapphire, ruby, or other alumina-based gem, produced by fusing and tinting alumina.人造宝石:一种通过将铝熔化和染色而制成的梨形合成蓝宝石、红宝石或其它矾土宝石美国传统〔crow〕She gave the purse to Ruby, who crowed with delight.她把钱包给了鲁比,鲁比高兴得叫了起来。牛津搭配〔dance〕They danced to Ruby Newman's orchestra (=the orchestra was playing).他们随着鲁比‧纽曼的乐队的演奏跳起舞来。朗文当代〔diamond〕The ruby was surrounded by a ring of diamond.红宝石周围镶嵌着一圈钻石。韦氏高阶〔go〕Ruby blew out all her candles at one go.鲁比一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛。朗文当代〔light〕His eye lit on a ruby ring.他的视线落到一枚红宝石戒指上。朗文当代〔misspend〕Ruby recalled getting stoned during her misspent youth.鲁比还记得,在虚度光阴的少女时代她曾经因为吸食毒品而飘飘欲仙。柯林斯高阶〔misty-eyed〕They got misty-eyed listening to records of Ruby Murray singing 'Danny Boy'.聆听着唱片里鲁比·默里演唱《丹尼男孩》的时候,他们泪眼模糊。柯林斯高阶〔possess〕The ruby was once possessed by an ancient queen.这颗红宝石曾为古代的一位皇后所有。韦氏高阶〔precious stone〕Any of several gems, including the diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire, that have high economic value because of their rarity or appearance.宝石:一种因稀有或因外观而具有很高经济价值的宝石,包括钻石、绿宝石、红宝石和蓝宝石美国传统〔reset〕She reset a ruby in her necklace.她在她的项链上重新镶上一块红宝石。21世纪英汉〔rubasse〕A variety of quartz colored ruby red by its iron-oxide content.红水晶:因含氧化铁而呈红宝石色的一种石英美国传统〔ruby laser〕A laser that uses a ruby crystal to produce an intense, narrow beam of coherent red light, used in light-transmission communication and for localized heating.红宝石激光器:用红宝石晶体发出密集的连贯的红色细光线的一种激光器,用于炮线传播交流和局部加热美国传统〔ruby wedding〕It's our ruby wedding.这是我们的红宝石婚。外研社新世纪〔ruby〕A dark ruby stain covered the left side of his face.他左脸上有一大块深红色的斑。外研社新世纪〔ruby〕Karen wears a ruby quilted jacket.卡伦穿着一件深红色棉袄。外研社新世纪〔ruby〕Of the color ruby.红玉色的美国传统〔ruby〕Reaching the ruby anniversary was one hell of an achievement.能庆祝红宝石婚是很了不起的。外研社新世纪〔ruby〕Something, such as a watch bearing, that is made from a ruby.红宝石制品:用红宝石制成的东西,如表的轴承美国传统〔yard〕Hugh and Rose were celebrating their ruby wedding anniversary, complete with uniformed caterers and florists, the whole nine yards.休和罗斯在庆祝红宝石婚, 请了身穿制服的酒席承办人, 定了花商, 该有的全有了。外研社新世纪She had ruby (= ruby-coloured) lips.她有红宝石色的嘴唇。剑桥国际




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