

单词 remedy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic. 我一感冒,祖母就会用药草、生姜、柠檬和蒜调制汤药。朗文写作活用〔CURE〕Salt water is a good home remedy for a sore throat. 喝盐水是治喉咙疼痛有效的家庭疗法。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The company was ordered to remedy the racial imbalance in its workforce. 公司被责令纠正工作人员中存在的种族不均衡现象。朗文写作活用〔Rx〕A remedy, cure, or solution for a disorder or problem.方法:为处理混乱或问题而提的解决方法、治疗或改正美国传统〔SOLVE〕Equal rights for women were necessary to remedy the injustices done to them over the centuries. 女性必须享有平等的权利,以消除数百年来她们所遭遇到的不公正待遇。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕If you find it hard to live on your present salary, the best remedy would be to change jobs. 如果你觉得靠现时的工资难以维持生计,那最好的办法就是换工作。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕One remedy for racial attacks would be to educate our children more about social issues. 消除种族袭击的一个办法就是对我们的孩子多进行一些社会问题方面的教育。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕There have been several tragic rail accidents. The government must act quickly to remedy this situation. 铁路惨剧多次发生,政府必须立即采取行动消除这种情况。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Today, spectacles are fashion accessories rather than just a remedy for poor eyesight.如今, 眼镜已经成了流行的配饰, 而不仅仅是矫正视力的工具。外研社新世纪〔antidote〕A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.解毒药,解毒剂:用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂美国传统〔calm down〕I'll try a herbal remedy to calm him down.我来用草药试试,看能不能让他镇静下来。柯林斯高阶〔contravention〕This notice requires the individual to remedy the contravention within a stated period.这条公告要求个人在规定时间内纠正违章行为。外研社新世纪〔correct〕He took courses to remedy his abysmal ignorance.他学课程以弥补他极大的无知。美国传统〔correct〕Nothing has been done to remedy the lack.还没有采取任何措施以弥补这种缺乏。美国传统〔correct〕To remove, remedy, or counteract (a malfunction, for example).改掉、弥补或抵消(如故障)美国传统〔curative〕Something that cures; a remedy.药物:治疗疾病的东西;治疗法美国传统〔cure-all〕A remedy that cures all diseases or evils; a panacea.万灵药:能治愈所有疾病或罪恶的药物;仙丹美国传统〔cure〕An agent, such as a drug, that restores health; a remedy.药剂:使恢复健康的用剂,如药;药剂美国传统〔defect〕The builders agreed to remedy the structural defects.建筑商答应纠正结构上的缺陷。牛津搭配〔deficiency〕An engineer could remedy the deficiencies in the design.工程师会弥补设计上的缺陷。牛津搭配〔demand〕It's a desperate situation demanding a desperate remedy.情况危急,需要非常手段。朗文当代〔derivative〕They permit a shareholder to obtain leave from the court to bring a derivative action and thereby gain better access to a remedy.他们允许股东获得法院许可提起派生诉讼, 以便获得更好的补偿。外研社新世纪〔doctor〕A rig or device contrived for remedying an emergency situation or for doing a special task.医疗设备:执行特种任务的应急装置美国传统〔effectual〕Quinine is an effectual remedy for malaria.奎宁是治疗疟疾的有效药品。英汉大词典〔efficacy〕This is a remedy of great efficacy.这是一种非常有效的疗法。文馨英汉〔emetic〕Caution: large doses of this remedy are emetic.注意:大量服用这种药物会引致呕吐。柯林斯高阶〔existent〕Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology.他们的治疗方法利用现有技术可以实现。外研社新世纪〔existent〕Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology.他们的治疗方法利用现有技术可以实现。柯林斯高阶〔folk〕Chicken soup is a popular folk remedy for the common cold.鸡汤是一种广为流传的治疗普通感冒的民间药方。麦克米伦高阶〔help〕Relief; remedy.补救的办法;治疗药美国传统〔help〕This remedy helps digestion.这药助消化。英汉大词典〔icteric〕A remedy for jaundice.治黄疸的药物美国传统〔infallible〕There is no infallible remedy to these problems.这些问题没有万无一失的补救方法。韦氏高阶〔infusion〕This remedy contains infusions of five flowers.这个药方中包含了 5 种花的浸剂。柯林斯高阶〔medicine〕Something, such as a ritual practice or sacred object, believed to control natural or supernatural powers or serve as a preventive or remedy.巫术,魔力:被认为是控制着自然或超自然力量的东西或是可以作为预防性药物或治疗物的东西,例如宗教仪式或圣物美国传统〔nostrum〕A favorite but untested remedy for problems or evils.妙策:对问题或邪恶的受欢迎但却未经检验的解决方法美国传统〔nostrum〕A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret; a quack remedy.秘方:药效未被证明且成份通常是秘密的药;庸医治疗法美国传统〔operation〕Medicine A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction.【医学】 外科手术:为修补伤口、缺陷或畸形等治疗疾病的外科手术美国传统〔panacea〕A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all.万应药:治疗所有病患、不幸和困难的药物;万应灵药美国传统〔perceive〕The remedy for the problem was only dimly perceived by scientists until recently.直到最近科学家们才隐约意识到解决该问题的办法。牛津搭配〔redress〕To set right; remedy or rectify.纠正;补救美国传统〔remedial〕Supplying a remedy.治疗的:提供治疗法的美国传统〔remedied〕These tablets will do nothing to remedy my sore throat.这些药片一点也治不了我的嗓子疼。21世纪英汉〔remedied〕We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area.我们将尽全力来改善贫民区的状况。21世纪英汉〔remedied〕You'd better wear glasses to remedy bad eyesight.你最好戴眼镜来弥补视力不佳。21世纪英汉〔remedy〕A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.已经做了很多内部工作对这种情形进行补救。柯林斯高阶〔remedy〕Aspirin may remedy a headache.阿司匹林可治头痛。英汉大词典〔remedy〕Building more roads isn't always the best remedy for traffic congestion.修建更多的道路并不总是解决交通拥堵的最佳方法。韦氏高阶〔remedy〕Comfrey seems to have been a remedy for all ills.紫草科植物好像可以包治百病。麦克米伦高阶〔remedy〕Ginger is a popular remedy for morning sickness.人们通常用生姜来治疗孕妇晨吐。牛津搭配〔remedy〕He found a way to remedy the mistake.他找到了纠正这一错误的办法。外研社新世纪〔remedy〕He took a herbal remedy for his hay fever.他服用草药治疗花粉热。牛津搭配〔remedy〕Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.持有版权是反对盗版的唯一法律手段。牛津高阶〔remedy〕One dose of the remedy is sufficient.这药吃一服就够了。牛津搭配〔remedy〕She felt as if her marital problems were beyond remedy.她觉得她的婚姻问题好像已经无法挽回了。朗文当代〔remedy〕She was left without remedy since the court did not recognize her claim.她的问题没有得到解决,因为法庭不承认她的索赔要求。韦氏高阶〔remedy〕Something must be done to remedy the problem/situation.必须采取行动解决这一问题/扭转这一局势。韦氏高阶〔remedy〕Technicians are busy finding and remedying faults.技工们忙着查找并排除故障。英汉大词典〔remedy〕The remedy lies in the hands of the government.解决良策掌握在政府手中。柯林斯高阶〔remedy〕The remedy was given in different strengths to a group of volunteers.药按照不同的浓度分发给了一组志愿者。牛津搭配〔remedy〕The agreement states that he has a remedy against the subcontractor.协议称他有一种对付分包商的办法。牛津搭配〔remedy〕The best remedy for (或 against) overweight is careful dieting.治疗肥胖的最好办法是注意节制饮食。英汉大词典〔remedy〕The best remedy for grief is hard work.排解忧伤的最好办法就是努力工作。剑桥高阶〔remedy〕The bill seeks to remedy a historic injustice in which blacks were deprived of their right to own land.这项法案试图纠正黑人被剥夺了土地所有权这一历史性的不公正现象。麦克米伦高阶〔remedy〕The evil is past (或 beyond) remedy.这种弊病是无药可救的。英汉大词典〔remedy〕The government should have taken steps to remedy the situation.政府本应该采取措施挽救这一局势。牛津搭配〔remedy〕The government took over the railways, hoping to remedy confusion and inefficiency.政府接管了铁路,希望杜绝混乱和效率低下的情况。英汉大词典〔remedy〕The herb is used as a folk remedy (=a traditional medicine, rather than one a doctor gives you) for a baby's teething pains.这种草药是治疗幼儿牙疼的民间药方。朗文当代〔remedy〕The only remedy for superstition is knowledge.破除迷信的唯一办法是知识。英汉大词典〔remedy〕The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.该运动员坚持说他只是服用了感冒药而不是什么禁药。牛津搭配〔remedy〕The problem was beyond remedy.那个问题无法解决。韦氏高阶〔remedy〕The problems in our schools do not have a simple remedy.我们学校的问题没有简单的解决办法。朗文当代〔remedy〕The program is one remedy for discrimination.这个方案是解决歧视问题的一个办法。朗文当代〔remedy〕There is no simple remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决办法。牛津高阶〔remedy〕There's no easy remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决办法。牛津搭配〔remedy〕They hoped to remedy their lacklustre performance by a few changes in personnel.他们希望作若干人事调动来改进毫无起色的工作表现。英汉大词典〔remedy〕They will have to seek a judicial remedy for breach of contract.他们将不得不求助于司法手段来解决合同违约的问题。牛津搭配〔remedy〕They're hoping to find a remedy for the condition.他们希望找到一种医治这种疾病的方法。牛津搭配〔remedy〕Those flaws seem to me capable of remedy.那些缺点我看是能够予以纠正的。英汉大词典〔remedy〕To remedy the situation, the water must be chemically treated.为了改善这种情况,水必须进行化学处理。朗文当代〔remedy〕Travel is the sure remedy for grief.旅行是排遣忧愁的万无一失的办法。英汉大词典〔remedy〕We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to remedy the situation (matter).我们准备采取一切措施来改变局面(事态)。英汉大词典〔remedy〕When the reservoir becomes blocked, the only remedy lies in cleaning the entire system.水库堵塞,唯一的解决办法就是疏浚整个系统。牛津搭配〔remedy〕When there is a nuisance, the law provides a legal remedy by way of injunction or damages.当有妨害公共利益的行为时,法律通过禁令和赔偿来进行法律约束。麦克米伦高阶〔remedy〕With his ship at a perilous cant, he took the desperate remedy of cutting away the mainmast.他的船出现了危险的倾斜度,为了救险,他孤注一掷砍掉了主桅。英汉大词典〔remedy〕You have a remedy in civil law.你可以求助于民法来解决。牛津搭配〔remedy〕Your best remedy is to go to the small claims court.解决你问题的最好办法是去小额索赔法院。牛津搭配〔resign〕We have to resign ourselves to fate since we cannot think out an effective remedy.既然我们想不出一个有效的挽救办法,我们只好听天由命了。21世纪英汉〔shortcoming〕Their proposal seeks to remedy the shortcomings of the current system.他们的建议旨在弥补当下体制存在的缺陷。牛津搭配〔sociodrama〕A psychotherapeutic technique that utilizes dramatization and role-playing to identify and remedy intergroup problems and conflicts.社会心理剧:一种心理测验技巧,利用戏剧行为及角色扮演来确定并治疗团体间的问题及冲突美国传统〔sovereign〕Love is a sovereign remedy for unhappiness.爱是治疗悲伤的灵丹妙药。剑桥高阶〔specific〕A remedy intended for a particular ailment or disorder.特效药:用于治疗某种疾病或紊乱的专门药美国传统〔spring from〕They failed to remedy the grievances from which these disorders sprang.他们未能平息引起骚乱的那些不满情绪。21世纪英汉〔tarantella〕A lively, whirling southern Italian dance once thought to be a remedy for tarantism.塔兰台拉舞:一种起源于意大利南部的欢快绕圈舞蹈,曾被认为是一种治疗毒蜘蛛舞蹈症的方法美国传统〔teething〕Camomile has long been used as a remedy for teething babies.春黄菊长期以来一直用作减轻婴儿出牙时的不适的药物。柯林斯高阶〔teething〕Camomile has long been used as a remedy for teething babies.洋甘菊长期以来一直被用作减轻婴儿出牙时不适的药物。外研社新世纪〔treatment〕The substance or remedy so applied.使用:如此使用的物质或药物美国传统〔trick〕Her remedy certainly did the trick.她的治疗方案确实奏效了。麦克米伦高阶〔vulnerary〕A remedy used in healing or treating wounds.创伤药:用于愈合或治疗伤口的药美国传统Aspirin may remedy a headache. 阿斯匹林可治头痛。译典通Ginseng has been used for over 5000 years in the Orient as a restorative and preventive remedy.人参作为一种滋补与防病的药品已在东方使用了5000多年。剑桥国际I know a remedy for headaches. 我知道一种治头疼的药。译典通If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it. 我如果有错的话,我会改正的。译典通One legal remedy might be to sue the agency for breach of contract.其中一种法律手段是控告代理商违反合同。牛津商务So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。译典通The remedy lies in education. 补救的办法在于教育。译典通The best remedy for grief is hard work.克服悲痛的最好方法就是努力工作。剑桥国际There is no simple remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决方法。牛津商务There is no sovereign remedy for colds. 伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。译典通There is no specific remedy for the malady. 没有医治这种病的特效药。译典通There's no surefire remedy for the common cold.一般的感冒没有药可保证治愈。剑桥国际




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