

单词 set down
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOT〕The waitress set down a pot of hot tea and a plate of cakes. 女服务员放下一壶热茶和一盘糕点。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕The movers brought in the dresser, which they set down against the wall. 搬运工把梳妆台抬进来,靠墙放下。朗文写作活用〔brief〕It was my brief to make sure that the facts were set down accurately.我的要求是确保准确记录所有事实。剑桥高阶〔curvet〕A light leap by a horse, in which both hind legs leave the ground just before the forelegs are set down.腾跃:马的轻盈跳跃动作,在前腿快要落下时,两条后腿同时跃离地面美国传统〔drop〕To leave or set down at a particular place; unload.卸下:在某特定地点放下;卸下美国传统〔indite〕To set down in writing.制定:用书面方法规定美国传统〔itemize〕To set down item by item; list.逐条记载,详细登录:一条一条依次记录;记录入表美国传统〔motor park〕Passengers are set down at Molete Motor Park.乘客在莫里特站下车。牛津高阶〔pause〕There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.酒吧女招待在我们面前摆放两个盘子时停顿了一下。柯林斯高阶〔pause〕There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates.酒吧女服务员放下两只盘子时稍微停顿了一下。外研社新世纪〔plank〕To put or set down emphatically or with force.用力放下:重重地或用力地放置或放下美国传统〔record〕An account, as of information or facts, set down especially in writing as a means of preserving knowledge.登录:如对信息或事实的叙述,尤指书面记录下来以作为保存知识的一种手段美国传统〔record〕To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.记录:以书写或其它永久性的方式记下以保存美国传统〔refill〕The waiter set down refills on a coffee table.侍者把重新斟满的酒杯一一放在咖啡小几上。英汉大词典〔save〕Setting down clear rules from the start will save arguments later on.从一开始就定下明确的规矩会免去以后的争吵。麦克米伦高阶〔set ... down〕He was set down as a fool.他被看成是个傻瓜。21世纪英汉〔set ... down〕I was set down by my father.我爸骂了我一顿。21世纪英汉〔set ... down〕My plane was set down in a heavy fog.我乘坐的飞机在浓雾中着陆。21世纪英汉〔set ... down〕The rules for service have been set down.有关修理业的规章已经出台。21世纪英汉〔set ... down〕The train stopped at the station to set down lots of waste.火车进站停车,卸下了许多废物。21世纪英汉〔set down to〕The accident was set down to negligence.事故被归咎于玩忽职守。外研社新世纪〔set down〕He is setting down his memories of village life.他正在写他的乡村生活回忆。外研社新世纪〔set down〕It is set down in the rules that only the goalkeeper may handle the ball.规则规定, 只有守门员才能用手触碰球。外研社新世纪〔set down〕Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.老沃尔特正在写他乡村生活的回忆录。柯林斯高阶〔set down〕Once she sets down the rules, there's no changing her mind.她一旦立下规矩,就不会改变。韦氏高阶〔set down〕She took out her notebook and started setting down her thoughts.她拿出笔记本,开始记下她的想法。韦氏高阶〔set down〕Taxis can pick up or set down passengers outside the station.出租车可以在车站外上客或下客。外研社新世纪〔set down〕The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request.会议制定了用以确定由哪个国家负责受理避难请求的规约。柯林斯高阶〔set sth down〕The rules of the club are set down in the members' handbook.俱乐部的规则写在了会员手册中。剑桥高阶〔set〕Clear guidelines have been set down for teachers.为教师制定了明确的准则。朗文当代〔set〕It's all set down in the notebook.内容全记在笔记本上了。英汉大词典〔set〕Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops.乘客只有在正式车站方可上下车。牛津高阶〔set〕The standards were set down by the governing body.这些标准是由管理机构制订的。牛津高阶〔set〕The trial has been set down for 12 April.审讯已定于4月12日举行。英汉大词典〔set〕These conditions were set down by the United Nations.这些条件是联合国制定的。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕We set down in a heavy fog.我们(的飞机)在浓雾中降落。英汉大词典〔set〕We set down the facts.我们记下事实美国传统〔storyteller〕He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers.他是首位将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。柯林斯高阶〔tread〕To set down the foot; step.踏:放下脚步;踏步美国传统〔treaty〕The document in which such an agreement is set down.条约:记录这种条约的文件美国传统〔turn〕Mother set down the heavy box and was turning away to another duty.母亲放下了沉重的箱子,正准备走开去干别的事情。英汉大词典〔uplift〕Coaches will set down and uplift passengers only as directed by the police in the streets mentioned.在上述街道,长途汽车只能在警方指定的地点让乘客上下车。剑桥高阶〔work sheet〕A sheet of paper on which preliminary notes or computations are set down.备忘单:记录最初的笔记或计算的一张纸美国传统〔write〕To set down in writing.写下:用文字的方式记下美国传统Coaches may only set down or uplift passengers at these locations.长途客车只可以在这些地点停车上下客。牛津商务He set down the bag and rested for a while. 他放下袋子,休息了一会儿。译典通I have set down everything that happened. 我已将发生的每件事记了下来。译典通It was my brief (= I was instructed) to make sure that the facts were set down accurately.我的任务是确保准确记录所有事实。剑桥国际The rules of the club are set down in the members’handbook.俱乐部的规则都印在成员手册上了。剑桥国际The waiter set down refills on a coffee table. 侍者把重新斟满的酒杯放在咖啡几上。译典通




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