

单词 rhythmical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beat〕A regular, rhythmical unit of time.拍子:一般的韵律时间单位美国传统〔beat〕The measured, rhythmical sound of verse; meter.韵律:诗的节奏,韵律;音步美国传统〔chronobiology〕The study of the effects of time and rhythmical phenomena on life processes.时间生物学:对生命历程中时间现象和周期现象的影响的研究美国传统〔dance〕A musical or rhythmical accompaniment composed or played for dancing.舞曲:为舞蹈所作的曲或为跳舞而演奏有音乐或节奏的伴奏美国传统〔dance〕A series of rhythmical motions and steps, usually to music.舞蹈,舞步:一系列有节奏的移动或踏步,通常是和着音乐美国传统〔eurythmics〕The art of interpreting musical compositions by rhythmical, free-style bodily movement.音乐伴奏舞蹈术:一种以富有节奏感、风格自由的身体动作来诠释音乐作品的艺术美国传统〔eurythmy〕A system of rhythmical body movements performed to a recitation of verse or prose.和谐的配合或动作:有节奏地身体运动以配合诗或散文的叙说美国传统〔jazzy〕Resembling jazz in form or nature; rhythmical.爵士乐的:在形式上或本质上似爵士乐的;有节奏的美国传统〔march〕To be arranged in an orderly fashion that suggests steady, rhythmical progression.稳定前进:排成整齐的队列,使人想到平稳而有节奏行进美国传统〔movement〕The rhythmical or metrical structure of a poetic composition.韵律:诗篇中韵或节奏的结构美国传统〔pulsate〕These verbs mean to exhibit recurrent rhythmical movements of or like those involved in the periodic expansion and contraction of the heart.这些动词的意思是表现类似心脏周期性扩张和收缩的重复有节奏的运动。美国传统〔pulsatory〕Having rhythmical vibration or movement.有节奏地颤动或运动的美国传统〔pulse〕A regular or rhythmical beating.律动:有规律或有节奏的搏动美国传统〔pulse〕The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck.脉搏:尤在腕部和颈部可感觉到的由心脏有规律的收缩造成的动脉有节奏的跳动美国传统〔rhythmical〕The dancing was very rhythmical.那舞蹈是非常有节奏的。英汉大词典〔rhythmical〕The machine made a soft rhythmical pulsing sound.机器发出柔和而有节奏的脉冲声。英汉大词典〔roll〕A resonant, rhythmical flow of words.洪亮且有节奏的语流美国传统〔rumba〕A complex rhythmical dance that originated in Cuba.伦巴舞:一种起源于古巴的复杂而有节奏的舞蹈美国传统〔stomp〕A dance involving a rhythmical, heavy step.跺脚舞:一种有节奏的使劲跺脚的舞蹈美国传统〔tom-tom〕A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound.单调鼓声:一种单调的有节奏的敲鼓声或类似的声音美国传统His breathing became more rhythmical. 他的呼吸变得更有节奏了。译典通




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