

单词 resurgence
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bulwark〕a bulwark against a resurgence of fascism 抵御法西斯主义复活的堡垒麦克米伦高阶〔nationalism〕a 19th-century resurgence of Finnish nationalism 19 世纪芬兰民族主义的复苏牛津搭配〔orthodoxy〕a resurgence of religious orthodoxy 宗教正统信仰的复苏麦克米伦高阶〔resurgence〕resurgence in demand/popularity/interest 需求的回升/再度流行/重新感兴趣剑桥高阶〔resurgence〕a resurgence in the housing market房地产市场的复兴外研社新世纪〔resurgence〕a resurgence in the popularity of 60s music 20 世纪 60 年代音乐的再次流行朗文当代〔resurgence〕a resurgence of Nazism 纳粹主义的复活文馨英汉〔resurgence〕a resurgence of inflation 通货膨胀的再一次冲击 英汉大词典〔resurgence〕a resurgence of interest/popularity 兴趣/流行的再度兴起韦氏高阶〔resurgence〕a resurgence of repression/terrorism/nationalism 再次镇压/恐怖主义/民族主义的再次兴起麦克米伦高阶〔resurgence〕a European and Japanese business resurgence 欧盟与日本之间贸易的再勃兴英汉大词典〔resurgence〕evidence of a resurgence in spending just before Christmas 圣诞节前夕再次出现的消费高潮的迹象麦克米伦高阶〔resurgence〕fight for national resurgence and liberation 为国家的复兴和解放而斗争英汉大词典〔resurgence〕prompt a resurgence of nationalism at home 促使国内民族主义重新抬头 英汉大词典




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