

单词 resuming
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a tempo〕In the time originally designated; resuming the initial tempo of a section or movement after a specified deviation from it. Used chiefly as a direction.恢复原先的速度,用先前的速度:在原定的时间内;经过一个特定的偏移后,重新回到乐章或章节的最初节奏。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔breath〕I took a moment to catch my breath before resuming the climb.我歇了一会儿喘口气, 然后才继续攀登。外研社新世纪〔dormancy〕The United Nations is resuming a diplomatic effort that has lain dormant for almost two decades.联合国正重新开始暂停了近 20 年的外交努力。柯林斯高阶〔dormant〕The United Nations is resuming a diplomatic effort that has lain dormant for almost two decades.联合国正重新开始暂停了近 20 年的外交努力。外研社新世纪〔effect〕We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate effect.我们即刻起与叙利亚恢复关系。外研社新世纪〔effect〕We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate effect.我们即刻起与叙利亚恢复关系。柯林斯高阶〔lunatic〕The arms race is resuming on a scale more lunatic than ever.军备竞赛卷土重来, 疯狂程度前所未有。外研社新世纪〔preliminary〕The two presidents met today, as a preliminary to resuming the peace talks.两位总统今天会面了,为重启和谈做准备。牛津搭配〔resume〕She will be resuming her position at the company.她将恢复在公司的职位。韦氏高阶He ate a snack before resuming work. 他吃了一份快餐而后继续工作。译典通




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