

单词 refer to
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔admonish〕reprimand both refer to sharp, often angry criticism;of the tworeprimand more frequently implies formal or official censure: reprimand 都表示刻薄的,通常是愤怒的批评;在两者之间reprimand 在更多情况下暗示正式的或官方的责难: 美国传统〔bachelor〕a confirmed bachelor(= a person who does not intend to marry; often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 信守独身主义的单身汉(报章上常用来指同性恋男子)牛津高阶〔claustrophobic〕and then to refer to a space that induces such sensations (as in 然后指引发这种感受的空间(如 美国传统〔confirmed〕a confirmed bachelor(= a man who is not likely to get married, often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 抱定独身主义的男子(报章常用以指同性恋者)牛津高阶〔confirm〕validate a deed of sale) but can also refer to establishing the validity of something, such as a theory, claim, or judgment ( 使销售行为合法化), 但也可以指证实某事的真实性,如理论、声明或判断( 美国传统〔dark〕an obscure communiqué requiring clarification), but it can refer to physical darkness ( 需要说明的思路不清的公报), 但是它也能指物理上的黑暗( 美国传统〔estimate〕cut a minute piece off the ingot to assay it. In extended sensesappraise, assess, and assay can refer to any critical analysis or appraisal: 切下一小片金属并分析它。 意思延伸后,appraise,access 和 assay 可指苛刻的分析和鉴定: 美国传统〔expect〕anticipating her desires. The term can also refer to having a foretaste of something expected before its occurrence: 预先满足她的愿望。 这个词也指在预料中某物的出现前就已拥有: 美国传统〔flexible〕flexible wire); the word can also refer to adaptability to change or the need for change ( 软金属丝); 这个词也可指对变化的适应性或需求( 美国传统〔judge〕umpires studying complex tax cases). In sportsreferee and umpire refer to officials who enforce the rules and settle points at issue. 研究复杂税务案件的公断人)。 在运动中referee 和 umpire 都指执行规则并且解决争议点的执法人 美国传统〔refer〕to refer to a dictionary 查词典牛津高阶〔significance〕the significance of the words that refer to the bread Christ shares with his disciples 关于耶稣基督分给门徒的饼的福音含义朗文当代to refer to a dictionary 查阅词典牛津商务




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