

单词 roman
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Roman Catholic〕a Roman Catholic priest 天主教神父韦氏高阶〔Roman Catholic〕a Roman Catholic priest.天主教牧师柯林斯高阶〔RomanCatholic〕a Roman Catholic priest 一名天主教神父朗文当代〔Roman〕roman Abbr. rom,rom.Of or being a typestyle characterized by upright letters having serifs and vertical lines thicker than horizontal lines. roman 缩写 rom,rom.罗马体的,正体的:有衬线且垂直线条比横线条粗的竖式印刷字体美国传统〔Roman〕roman Abbr. rom,rom.Roman print or typestyle. roman 缩写 rom,rom.罗马体字体或正体字美国传统〔Roman〕a Roman hotel room.罗马的一个宾馆房间柯林斯高阶〔Roman〕the Roman skyline 罗马市的天空轮廓线韦氏高阶〔Roman〕the Roman system 罗马叫牌法 英汉大词典〔Roman〕the fall of the Roman Empire.古罗马帝国的覆灭柯林斯高阶〔Roman〕the remains of a Roman fort.一个古罗马堡垒的遗迹柯林斯高阶〔after〕a large hall fitted up after the Roman style 一间仿照罗马风格装修的大厅英汉大词典〔antiquity〕a museum of Roman antiquities 古罗马文物博物馆韦氏高阶〔bath〕ancient Roman baths 古罗马浴场韦氏高阶〔bath〕the Roman baths at Cirencester 赛伦塞斯特的罗马式公共浴室朗文当代〔bead〕beads Roman Catholic Church A rosary. beads 【罗马天主教】 念珠美国传统〔catacomb〕ancient Roman catacombs 古罗马地下墓窟韦氏高阶〔coinage〕the gold coinage of the Roman empire 罗马帝国时代的金币朗文当代〔conquest〕the Roman conquest of Britain 罗马人对不列颠的征服牛津搭配〔date〕a building of late Roman date 罗马时代后期的建筑牛津高阶〔date〕coins of Roman date 罗马时代的货币文馨英汉〔display〕a display of Roman coins 古罗马硬币展牛津搭配〔dominion〕the vast dominions of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的辽阔疆域牛津高阶〔empire〕the Roman Empire.罗马帝国柯林斯高阶〔empire〕the Roman empire 罗马帝国朗文当代〔empire〕the Roman empire 罗马帝国牛津高阶〔fall〕the fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的灭亡牛津高阶〔far-flung〕one of the farthest-flung outposts of the old Roman Empire.古罗马帝国最偏远的一个边境柯林斯高阶〔genius〕pl. ge.ni.i[jēʹnē-ī'] Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.【复数】 ge.ni.i[jēʹnē-ī'] 【罗马神话】 守护神:一个人或地方的保护神或守护神美国传统〔god〕the Roman god of war 罗马战神牛津搭配〔hierarchy〕the Roman Catholic hierarchy 罗马天主教统治集团英汉大词典〔impressive〕the remains of an impressive Roman villa 一座令人赞叹的古罗马别墅遗迹朗文当代〔invasion〕the Roman invasion of Britain under Julius Caesar 尤里乌斯·恺撒领导下的罗马对英国的侵略麦克米伦高阶〔invasion〕the Roman invasion of England 罗马人的入侵英格兰英汉大词典〔invincibility〕symbols of the invincibility of the Roman army罗马军队不可战胜的象征外研社新世纪〔later〕a later Roman emperor 罗马帝国末期的皇帝英汉大词典〔might〕the full might of the Roman army 罗马军队的强大麦克米伦高阶〔mosaic〕a Roman mosaic 罗马镶嵌画牛津高阶〔mosaic〕a Roman mosaic floor 罗马式的马赛克地板麦克米伦高阶〔mosaic〕a Roman villa which once housed a fine collection of mosaics.曾收藏有一批精美的马赛克镶嵌画的罗马别墅柯林斯高阶〔mosaic〕a Roman villa which once housed a fine collection of mosaics曾收藏有一批精美的马赛克镶嵌画的罗马别墅外研社新世纪〔numeral〕a flat, square wristwatch with classic Roman numerals一块标有古典式罗马数字的扁方手表外研社新世纪〔occupation〕the Roman occupation of Britain 罗马人对不列颠的占领牛津高阶〔pagan〕pagan temples devoted to the Greek and Roman gods 供奉希腊和罗马诸神的多神教神殿麦克米伦高阶〔permanency〕the permanency of the Roman Forum.罗马广场的永恒美国传统〔persecutor〕the struggle of the Christians with their Roman persecutors基督教徒和迫害他们的天主教徒之间的斗争外研社新世纪〔persuasion〕those who are not of the Roman Catholic persuasion那些不信仰天主教的人外研社新世纪〔pottery〕fragments of Roman pottery罗马陶器的碎片外研社新世纪〔predominate〕a country in which Roman Catholics predominate 罗马天主教徒占绝大多数的国家麦克米伦高阶〔prelate〕two Roman Catholic prelates 天主教教会的两名高级教士英汉大词典〔recognize〕a recognized authority on Roman pottery 古罗马陶瓷的公认权威朗文当代〔remains〕extensive Roman remains (=of ancient buildings) at Arles 在阿尔勒的一大片古罗马遗迹朗文当代〔retelling〕a retelling of a Roman myth.一个罗马神话的改写美国传统〔rise〕the rise and fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的兴衰朗文当代〔rise〕the rise and fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的兴衰牛津搭配〔rise〕the rise and fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的兴衰英汉大词典〔ritual〕the ritual of the Roman Catholic church 天主教仪式英汉大词典〔roman〕a Roman road/temple/villa 古罗马的公路╱庙宇╱别墅牛津高阶〔size〕a life-size model of a Roman soldier 真人大小的罗马士兵模型牛津搭配〔temple〕a Roman temple 罗马神殿英汉大词典〔worship〕the worship of the ancient Roman gods对古罗马诸神的敬奉外研社新世纪




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