

单词 put to the test
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TEST〕The soldiers worked out a strategy which was then put to the test in a training exercise. 士兵们想出了一种策略,并在一次演习中进行了试验。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The system's effectiveness will soon be put to the test. 这套系统的有效性很快将受到试验。朗文写作活用〔test〕His theories have never really been put to the test.他的理论从未真正经受过检验。牛津高阶〔wanting〕He is put to the test and is quickly found wanting.经测试很快便发现他并不够格。外研社新世纪All of her negotiating talents were put to the test.她全部的谈判才能要经受检验。牛津商务He claims that it is in the field of battle that the values of manliness and courage are put to the test.他声称男子气概和勇气只有在战场上才能得到考验。剑桥国际




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