

单词 reproductive organ
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ascogonium〕The female reproductive organ of ascomycetous fungi.产囊体:子囊菌的雌性生殖器官美国传统〔desex〕To remove part or all of the reproductive organs of; neuter.阉割:割去部分或全部生殖器官;阉割美国传统〔dioecious〕Characterized by species in which the male and female reproductive organs occur on different individuals; sexually distinct.雌雄异体的:雌雄异株的雌花和雄花生在不同的个体上;性区别的美国传统〔dioecious〕Having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species.雌雄异株的:在一个个体上产生雄性器官,而在另一同种的个体上产生雌性器官的美国传统〔genitalia〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs; the genitals.生殖器:生殖器官,尤指外生殖器;外阴部美国传统〔genitals〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs.外生殖器:生殖器官,尤其是指外部性器官美国传统〔genital〕A reproductive organ, especially one of the external sex organs. Often used in the plural.生殖器官,尤指外生殖器之一。通常用复数形式美国传统〔gonophore〕A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part, such as a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.生殖芽体:有生殖器官或部分生殖器官的结构,如再生性珊瑚虫或螅状群的芽体美国传统〔gynoecium〕The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.雌蕊群:花的生殖器官;作为一个群体的雌蕊美国传统〔hermaphrodite〕Biology An organism, such as an earthworm or a monoclinous plant, having both male and female reproductive organs.【生物学】 雌雄同体:兼有雄性和雌性生殖器官的生物体,如蚯蚓或雌雄同花的植物美国传统〔hermaphrodite〕One having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes.两性体:具有生殖器官和第二性征的许多特点的个体美国传统〔loin〕The reproductive organs.生殖器官美国传统〔monoecious〕Botany Having unisexual reproductive organs or flowers, with the organs or flowers of both sexes borne on a single plant, as in corn and pines.【植物学】 雌雄同株的:有雌雄异花的繁殖器官和花朵,并且其两性的器官或花朵长在同一株植物上的,如玉米和松树美国传统〔organ〕Extra doses of the hormone caused the animals' reproductive organs to develop sooner than usual.额外的荷尔蒙剂量使得这些动物的生殖器官比正常水平发育得更快。朗文当代〔ovary〕The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and, in vertebrates, estrogen and progesterone.卵巢:通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性激素和孕激素美国传统〔ovotestis〕A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods.卵精巢:雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现美国传统〔paraphysis〕One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses.侧丝:通常出现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝美国传统〔proglottid〕One of the segments of a tapeworm, containing both male and female reproductive organs.节片:绦虫的段节之一,其中包括雌雄生殖器官美国传统〔pseudohermaphrodite〕One that possesses the internal reproductive organs of one sex while exhibiting some of the external physical characteristics of the opposite sex.假两性体:内部有一个性别的生殖器官,而显出另一性别的外部身体特征的东西美国传统〔semen〕A viscous, whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and serving as their transporting medium.精液:雄性生殖器官产生的白色粘液,含有精子并是精子的输送媒介物美国传统〔sex〕The property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions.性别:基于生殖器官和功能而将生物体分为雌或雄的性质或特点美国传统〔stamen〕The pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower, usually consisting of a filament and an anther.雄蕊:花的生产花粉的繁殖器官,通常包括花丝和花药美国传统〔sterilize〕To deprive (a person or an animal) of the ability to produce offspring, as by removing the reproductive organs.使绝育:消除(人或动物)生育子孙的能力,如切除生殖器官美国传统A plant's male and female reproductive organs are contained in the flower.植物的雄性与雌性繁殖器官均在花朵里。剑桥国际




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