

单词 breeding
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abandoned〕abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime.沦为了犯罪温床的弃置楼群柯林斯高阶〔abandoned〕abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime变成犯罪温床的废弃建筑外研社新世纪〔animal〕animal breeding 家畜饲养英汉大词典〔article〕in the article of breeding 在教养方面英汉大词典〔birth〕a gentleman by birth and breeding 有身份有教养的绅士英汉大词典〔blooded〕blooded breeding stock.纯种的牲畜美国传统〔breeding ground〕a breeding ground for seals 海豹繁育场韦氏高阶〔breeding ground〕the university as a breeding ground for new scientific theories.作为新的科学理论发源地的大学美国传统〔breeding ground〕workers whose vile living conditions were a breeding ground for germs居住在易滋生病菌的恶劣环境中的工人外研社新世纪〔breeding〕a breeding colony of penguins企鹅的一个繁殖集落外研社新世纪〔breeding〕a breeding program 饲养方案韦氏高阶〔breeding〕a campaign to save the condor by captive breeding 通过人工养殖拯救兀鹰的行动牛津搭配〔breeding〕a person of (good) breeding 有(良好)教养的人英汉大词典〔breeding〕a person who lacks breeding 缺乏教养的人韦氏高阶〔breeding〕a sign of good breeding 良好教养的体现牛津高阶〔breeding〕during the breeding season 在繁殖季节英汉大词典〔breeding〕horse/dog/plant breeding 马匹/犬类饲养;植物培植韦氏高阶〔breeding〕the breeding of horses 养马英汉大词典〔breeding〕the breeding of horses 马匹的饲育文馨英汉〔breeding〕the breeding of horses 马的饲养牛津高阶〔breeding〕the breeding of pedigree dogs 纯种狗的繁育朗文当代〔breeding〕the breeding season 繁殖季节牛津高阶〔breeding〕the breeding season 繁殖季节韦氏高阶〔breeding〕the world leader in cattle breeding technology 世界种牛饲养技术的领先者麦克米伦高阶〔breed〕civil disturbance breeding from discontent 由不满引起的平民骚乱英汉大词典〔captive〕captive breeding(= the catching and breeding of wild animals) 野生动物的人工捕获饲养牛津高阶〔colony〕breeding colonies of rare birds 珍稀鸟类繁殖群体朗文当代〔fertile〕a fertile breeding ground for this kind of violent racism.易于滋生这种极端种族主义的温床柯林斯高阶〔fertile〕an area that is a fertile breeding ground for political extremism 滋生大量政治极端主义的地区韦氏高阶〔good〕good breeding 良好的教养文馨英汉〔image〕the image of good breeding 良好教养的典型英汉大词典〔in-and-in〕in-and-in breeding 同种繁殖英汉大词典〔marine〕breeding grounds for marine life.海洋生物的繁殖地柯林斯高阶〔migrate〕fall migrations to breeding grounds 秋季前往繁殖地的迁徙韦氏高阶〔pair〕a breeding pair 用于繁殖的一对牛津高阶〔pair〕a breeding pair 繁殖对朗文当代〔pair〕a breeding pair 进行繁殖的一对剑桥高阶〔pair〕a breeding pair of tropical fish 一对繁殖期的热带鱼麦克米伦高阶〔pioneer〕pioneer new techniques for breeding the birds in captivity 开创笼养鸟繁殖新技术英汉大词典〔plume〕the long plumes of a heron in the breeding season.处在繁殖季节一只鹭的长羽毛美国传统〔royal〕a cow of royal breeding 良种母牛英汉大词典〔season〕birds arriving for the breeding season.飞来准备度过繁殖季节的鸟群柯林斯高阶〔season〕the breeding season繁殖期外研社新世纪〔selective〕selective breeding 选择性培育朗文当代〔selective〕selective breeding 选择性的养殖文馨英汉〔selective〕selective breeding 选择性的养殖韦氏高阶〔selective〕the selective breeding of cattle 牛的选择性培育牛津高阶〔shell〕to shell a new oyster breeding ground为新牡蛎养殖场铺贝壳21世纪英汉〔stock〕breeding stock 种畜牛津高阶




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