

单词 at the bottom
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bottom〕a battle between the teams at the bottom of the league 联盟排名最后的几个队之间的争斗牛津高阶〔bottom〕a contract researcher at the bottom of the pay scale.工资级别最低的合同研究人员柯林斯高阶〔bottom〕a pain at the bottom of my back 我背部下端的疼痛麦克米伦高阶〔bottom〕a researcher who is at the bottom of the pay scale一个工资级别最低的研究人员外研社新世纪〔bottom〕creatures that live at the bottom of the sea 生活于海底的生物麦克米伦高阶〔bottom〕keep sb. at the bottom of society 把某人压在社会的底层英汉大词典〔bottom〕march at the bottom of the procession 走在队伍的末尾英汉大词典〔bottom〕started at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy.从公司的最基层干起美国传统〔bottom〕the Cathedral at the bottom of the street.街道尽头的大教堂柯林斯高阶〔bottom〕the Cathedral at the bottom of the street街尽头处的大教堂外研社新世纪〔bottom〕the observatory he built at the bottom of his garden他在花园尽头建造的天文台外研社新世纪〔concentrate〕mineral concentrates found at the bottom of rivers 在河底发现的精矿牛津高阶〔dregs〕dregs at the bottom of a cup.杯底的渣滓。牛津同义词〔flare〕pants that flare at the bottom 喇叭裤韦氏高阶〔flare〕the flare at the bottom of the vase 花瓶底部向外展开部分韦氏高阶〔form〕primitive life forms at the bottom of the sea 海底的原始生命形态牛津搭配〔mat〕the dense mat of roots at the bottom of the tree 树底部盘根错节的树根牛津搭配〔muck〕muck at the bottom of the drainpipe 排水管底部的积垢英汉大词典〔mud〕mud at the bottom of a pond 池底淤泥英汉大词典〔notch〕a river that runs at the bottom of the notch 流经谷底的河英汉大词典〔premiership〕their position at the bottom of the Premiership.他们在英超比赛中垫底柯林斯高阶〔premiership〕their position at the bottom of the Premiership他们在联赛中的垫底名次外研社新世纪〔runout〕a snowy runout at the bottom of the ski slope.滑雪下坡底部的雪的弯曲面美国传统〔sea〕a wrecked ship lying at the bottom of the sea 海底沉船英汉大词典〔sediment〕sediment at the bottom of a bottle.瓶底的沈淀物。牛津同义词〔silt〕silt at the bottom of an estuary.河口水底的淤泥。牛津同义词〔yonder〕down at the bottom of that road yonder 在那条路的尽头处英汉大词典〔zone〕an oxygen-depleted dead zone at the bottom of the sea 海底的无氧死区牛津搭配cleaners, and others at the bottom end of the wage scale 清洁工以及其他处于工资等级底层的人员牛津商务




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