

单词 at the beginning of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕Finally, I'd like to go back to the point I made at the beginning of the lecture. 最后,我想继续谈谈讲座开始时我提出的那个观点。朗文写作活用〔HABIT〕You ought to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week. 你应该养成习惯,每个星期一开始就安排好工作。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕Topics may be selected by the chairperson at the beginning of the meeting. 议题将由主席在会议开始时挑选。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕In New Mexico, a state statute permits one minute of silent prayer at the beginning of school. 在新墨西哥,有一条新法规允许每天上课之前可以有一分钟的默祷。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕There is a village festival every year at the beginning of May. 每年5月初都有一个乡村节日。朗文写作活用〔allegiance〕In many American schools, the students pledge allegiance (to the flag) at the beginning of the school day.在很多美国学校里,学生每天上课前要(向国旗)进行宣誓。剑桥高阶〔assurable〕She was assured a job at the beginning of next year.有人保证她在明年初将有工作。21世纪英汉〔at〕It's a style that was popular at the beginning of the 20th century.这是20世纪初期流行的一种风格。麦克米伦高阶〔become law〕The bill will become law at the beginning of the year.这一议案年初就会成为法律。韦氏高阶〔beginning〕A poem was recited at the beginning of the wedding ceremony.婚礼以诗朗诵开始。韦氏高阶〔beginning〕I'm paid at the beginning of each month.每月月初给我发工资。牛津搭配〔beginning〕She contacted me at the beginning of August.她8月初的时候跟我联系过。外研社新世纪〔beginning〕There is no need to start at the beginning of each section.没有必要从每部分的开头开始。麦克米伦高阶〔cluster〕The /str/ at the beginning of "stray" is a cluster.“stray”这个单词的前三个字母str组成了一个辅音丛。剑桥高阶〔commence〕The academic year commences at the beginning of October.学年于10月初开始。柯林斯高阶〔concern〕To whom it may concern…(= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) 敬启者…(如用于公告或求职推荐信的开头)牛津高阶〔content〕Look up the contents at the beginning of the book.查一下卷首的目录。英汉大词典〔curtain〕The rising or opening of a theater curtain at the beginning of a performance or an act.启幕:在表演或戏剧的一幕开始时升起或拉开戏院的幕布美国传统〔dateline〕A phrase at the beginning of a newspaper or magazine article that gives the date and place of its origin.日期栏:报纸或杂志文章开头的短评,注明发生的时间和地点美国传统〔doubtful〕At the beginning of the war things were looking very doubtful.战争刚开始时,形势看上去很不明朗。牛津高阶〔duty〕He leaves the hospital tomorrow and is expected to resume his duties at the beginning of next month.他明天出院,预计下个月初重新开始工作。牛津搭配〔early bird〕Early bird discounts are usually available at the beginning of the season.在换季之初抢先购买通常会有折扣优惠。柯林斯高阶〔enter〕Wilson entered a plea of not guilty (=said that he was not guilty at the beginning of a court case) .威尔逊在法庭上否认有罪。朗文当代〔goal〕You should set goals for yourself at the beginning of each school year.你应该在每学年开始时为自己确立目标。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting? 我想回到你在会议开始时所提的话题,行吗?牛津高阶〔handsel〕A gift to express good wishes at the beginning of a new year or enterprise.贺礼:在企业开张或新年伊始之时用以表示祝福的礼品美国传统〔headline〕El Salvador first hit the world headlines at the beginning of the 1980s.萨尔瓦多在20世纪80年代初首次成为世人关注的新闻焦点。柯林斯高阶〔jump〕Don't let the other runners get the jump on you at the beginning of the race.不要让其他运动员在赛跑开始时抢在你的前面。 英汉大词典〔life〕Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game.每一个赌注式台球的参加者在开局时有3“生”。英汉大词典〔loan〕The average home loan is now almost triple what it was at the beginning of the Eighties.现在的平均住房贷款几乎是八十年代初的三倍。朗文当代〔march on〕At the beginning of a ceremonial parade,he gives the order to march on.阅兵仪式开始时,他下令部队进场。21世纪英汉〔meager〕They suffered through several meager years at the beginning of their marriage.在刚结婚的头几年,他们过得很困难。韦氏高阶〔rent〕I pay the rent at the beginning of every month.我每月初交付房租。朗文当代〔shambolic〕Things are often a bit shambolic at the beginning of the school year.学年刚开始的时候,事情往往有点儿混乱。剑桥高阶〔ship〕Both products are due to ship at the beginning of June.这两种产品都定于六月初上市。朗文当代〔soda〕Games The card turned face up at the beginning of faro.【游戏】 法罗牌戏开始时翻出的第一张牌美国传统〔speech〕Do you know the words to Hamlet's famous speech at the beginning of Act III? 你知道第3幕开头哈姆雷特那段著名的台词具体怎么说吗?剑桥高阶〔spireme〕The tangle of filaments that appears at the beginning of the prophase portion of meiosis or mitosis.染色质缠绕:减数分裂或有丝分裂前期开始时出现的细丝缠绕美国传统〔spring〕When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.她在八月初联系我寻求帮助时, 我和莎伦便立即行动起来。外研社新世纪〔unutterable〕I am at the beginning of a new and unutterable loneliness.我再次陷入莫名的孤独寂寞中。柯林斯高阶〔unutterable〕I am at the beginning of a new and unutterable loneliness.我再次开始陷入莫名的孤独寂寞之中。外研社新世纪At the beginning of a drug-induced hallucination people report seeing simple, coloured, geometric patterns.人们在由毒品所致的幻觉开始时诉说看见了简单的彩色几何图形。剑桥国际At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in to show two people sitting by the side of a river.在影片开始的时候,镜头对准了坐在河边的两个人。剑桥国际It takes time for the children to settle in at the beginning of a new school year.孩子们在新学年开始时要花一段时间适应。剑桥国际Leave an indentation at the beginning of every new paragraph.每新起一段都要留出空格。剑桥国际Notes on how to use this dictionary can be found at the beginning of the book.如何使用这本词典的说明在书的开头。剑桥国际The Manx language became extinct at the beginning of the 20th century.马恩语在20世纪初期消失。剑桥国际They usually play the national anthems of the teams at the beginning of a big international football match.在重大的国际足球赛开始前,他们通常演奏参赛队的国歌。剑桥国际Things are often a bit shambolic (= confused and not well organized) at the beginning of the school year.在学年开始的时候,情况常常有些混乱。剑桥国际We had a few problems at the beginning of the project so there were a lot of stops and starts.我们在这项目一开始就有些问题,因此工程断断续续。剑桥国际




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