

单词 skill in
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET〕Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them. 历史学家擅长收集史实并作出解释。朗文写作活用〔acrobat〕One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics.杂技演员,体操运动员:在体操的平衡与灵活技巧方面十分娴熟美国传统〔beautician〕One skilled in giving cosmetic treatments.美容专家:在美容整容方面技艺高超的人美国传统〔caballero〕One who is skilled in riding and managing horses; a horseman.骑士:技艺娴熟驾驶马匹的人;骑士美国传统〔characterizable〕He is a writer skilled in characterizing.他是一位擅长于塑造人物性格的作家。21世纪英汉〔conversation〕She's skilled in the art of conversation.她很懂得谈话的艺术。韦氏高阶〔craft〕Skill in evasion or deception; guile.狡诈:逃避或欺骗的技巧;诡计美国传统〔cunning〕Skill in deception; guile.诡计:骗人的技巧;狡诈美国传统〔dexterity〕The champion had great dexterity and skill in swimming.那个冠军游泳身手敏捷,技术超群。英汉大词典〔dialectician〕One who practices or is skilled in dialectic.辩证学家:精通或熟练辩证法的人美国传统〔flatter yourself〕I flatter myself on my skill in dancing. = I flatter myself that I'm a good dancer.我自认为舞跳得很好。韦氏高阶〔functional illiterate〕A person whose skills in reading and writing are insufficient for ordinary practical needs.半文盲:读写水平不足以应付一般实际需要的人美国传统〔gunman〕A man skilled in the use of a gun.射手:能熟练地使用枪枝的人美国传统〔gymnast〕A person who is trained and skilled in gymnastics, especially one who engages in competition.体操运动员:一个受过体操训练,技巧成熟的人,特别是指那些参加比赛的人美国传统〔horseman〕A man skilled in equitation.马术运动员美国传统〔horsewoman〕A woman skilled in equitation.女骑士:善于骑马的女骑手美国传统〔management〕Skill in managing; executive ability.经营才能:管理技巧;处事的能力美国传统〔markswoman〕A woman skilled in shooting at a target.擅长打靶的女人美国传统〔mime〕An actor or actress skilled in pantomime.哑剧表演者:擅长表演哑剧的男女演员美国传统〔motivated〕Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.球队下半场开局不利,看来格洛斯给队员鼓劲的技巧值得怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔motivation〕Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.球队下半场开局不利, 看来格洛斯激励队员的技巧值得怀疑。外研社新世纪〔pattern〕The configuration of gunshots upon a target that is used as an indication of skill in shooting.靶上的图形:靶的上密集的枪痕,用来表示射击水平的高低美国传统〔redound〕My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage.我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。柯林斯高阶〔rhetoric〕Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.修辞法:有效并有说服力地使用语言方面的技巧美国传统〔seamanship〕Skill in navigating or managing a boat or ship.航海技能:航海或驾驶船舶的技术美国传统〔service〕People skilled in these arts could command good fees for their services.精于这类技艺的人们提供的服务可获得高额酬金。英汉大词典〔skilled〕Not all doctors are skilled in helping their patients make choices.并非所有医生都善于帮助病人作出正确选择。柯林斯高阶〔skilled〕She is skilled in designing web sites.她擅长设计网站。麦克米伦高阶〔skilled〕The school offers a program for students who are skilled in metalwork.学校为精于金工的学生开设了一门课程。朗文当代〔skill〕He has much skill in finding allies in Congress.他很善于在国会中找到盟友。英汉大词典〔skill〕What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment.他捕捉瞬间画面的能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。牛津高阶〔stenographer〕One who is skilled in stenography, especially one employed to take and transcribe dictation or testimony.速记员:有速记技能的人,尤指受雇记录抄写口述或陈述的人美国传统〔strategist〕One who is skilled in strategy.战略家:精通战略或兵法之人美国传统〔street fighter〕One who has learned fighting skills in the streets as opposed to being formally trained in the art of boxing.街头拳手:在大街上学得击打技巧的人,与正式受过拳击技术训练的人相对美国传统〔topographer〕One who is skilled in topography.地形学者:精通地形学的人美国传统〔troubleshooter〕A mediator skilled in settling disputes especially of a diplomatic, political, or industrial nature.排解纠纷者:擅长解决争议,尤指外交、政治或产业争端的中间者美国传统〔underestimate〕Their big mistake was to underestimate their opponents' skill in handling the news media.他们犯的大错就是小看了对手应付新闻媒体的能力。麦克米伦高阶〔unmechanical〕Lacking ability or skill in the use of machinery and tools.不熟练的:缺乏使用机械和工具的能力或技巧的美国传统〔upstairs〕He was skilled in upstairs politics.他精通高层政治。英汉大词典〔watercraft〕Sports Skill in boating, swimming, or other water-related sports.【体育运动】 水上体育活动:驾舟、游泳或其它与水有关的运动的技术美国传统〔way〕Students develop those skills in myriad ways.学生们用各种方法来培养那些技能。牛津搭配〔weather-wise〕Skilled in predicting shifts, as in the weather or public opinion.善于预测变化的:善于预测变化的,如天气或舆论变化美国传统〔wit〕One noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee.富于机智的人:说话风趣的人,尤指善于机敏应答的人美国传统〔work rate〕We lacked that little bit of skill in the final third, but our work rate and commitment were tremendous.在最后第三节的比赛中我们的技巧有所欠缺,但是总体工作率和拼搏精神是非常出色的。剑桥高阶Don't believe a word he says--he's just a con artist (=a person skilled in trickery).他的话一句也别信----他是个骗人专家。剑桥国际HR managers need to be skilled in conflict resolution (= settling disagreements).人力资源经理必须善于解决冲突。牛津商务He is skilled in upstairs politics. 他精通上层政治。译典通He used his selling skills in the software industry.他把自己的推销技能运用到软件行业。牛津商务Their marksmanship (= skill in shooting) is remarkable when you consider that in this competition they ski between targets and have a time limit.如果考虑到比赛是滑雪射击且有时间限制,那他们的射击技艺可以算非常精湛了。剑桥国际Witchdoctors have been integrated into health teams in many African countries, so that their skills in traditional medicine can be studied.在许多非洲国家,巫医已被吸收到医疗队,这样就可以对他们的传统医疗技巧进行研究了。剑桥国际




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