

单词 skiing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕At this time of year, the papers are full of advertisements for skiing holidays. 每年的这个时候,报纸上都登满了滑雪度假的广告。朗文写作活用〔ADVISE〕I strongly advise you to get medical insurance if you're going skiing. 如果你要去滑雪,我强烈建议你去买医疗保险。朗文写作活用〔BEST〕The conditions are ideal for a day's skiing. 这天气对滑雪而言是很理想的。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕I broke my leg last time I went skiing. 上次滑雪时我把腿摔断了。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕He's not sure whether he'll be able to continue skiing competitively after the operation. 他不能确定手术后是否还能比赛滑雪。朗文写作活用〔END〕The beginning of April usually marks the close of the skiing season. 4月的开始通常标志着滑雪季节的结束。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕This year we're going to Colorado on a five-day skiing trip. 今年我们打算去科罗拉多进行五天的滑雪之旅。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕There's nothing like skiing to work up an appetite. 滑雪最能增进食欲。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕It was such bad luck - it was our first time skiing and Nicola broke her leg. 运气真不好一我们第一次滑雪,妮古拉就摔断了腿。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕I think a skiing holiday is a brilliant idea. 我觉得滑雪度假是个好主意。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕Jimmy's gone skiing for the first time. I can just see him coming home with a broken leg. 吉米第一次去滑雪,我仿佛能看到他回家时一条腿骨折了。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕As soon as the kids got out on the slopes, they were bitten by the skiing bug. 孩子们到了山坡上立刻就对滑雪着了迷。朗文写作活用〔January〕We're going skiing next January.我们明年一月去滑雪。剑桥高阶〔LIKE〕I know she's really into sports, so I thought I'd ask her to come skiing with us. 我知道她很喜欢运动,所以我当时就想,我要叫她和我们一起去滑雪。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The program of outdoor activities includes skiing, climbing, and hiking. 户外活动计划包括滑雪、登山和远足。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕I'd rather we went skiing this year instead of hiking. 我倾向于今年去滑雪而不是远足。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Poor visibility made skiing extremely hazardous. 能见度差,滑雪非常危险。朗文写作活用〔START〕It was my sports teacher who first introduced me to skiing. 滑雪是我的体育老师领我入门的。朗文写作活用〔accident〕She met with an accident while skiing in Colorado.她在科罗拉多州滑雪时出了一起事故。牛津搭配〔ago〕He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident.几天前他在一次滑雪事故中丧生。外研社新世纪〔alpine〕Alpine Of or relating to competitive downhill racing and slalom skiing events. Alpine 下坡障碍赛的:竞争性的下坡赛跑和障碍滑雪比赛,或与之有关的美国传统〔alternately〕Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years.莱斯莉已同意吉姆每隔一年去滑一次雪。柯林斯高阶〔alternate〕Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years.莱斯莉已同意吉姆每隔一年去滑一次雪。外研社新世纪〔amateur〕The others had often been skiing before and made her feel like a rank amateur.其他人以前都经常滑雪,这使得她感觉自己像个不折不扣的生手。牛津搭配〔anything〕You can write about swimming, skiing, or anything else you enjoy doing.你可以写游泳、写滑雪或者别的,只要你喜欢的都可以写。朗文当代〔après-ski〕Social events or activities that take place after skiing.滑雪后社交事务,滑雪后社交活动美国传统〔attach〕There's inevitably an element of risk attached to sports such as skiing.在诸如滑雪之类的运动中不可避免地存在着危险。麦克米伦高阶〔attraction〕Skiing holds no attraction for me.滑雪对我来说没有吸引力。剑桥高阶〔awkwardly〕She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle.滑雪时,她笨重地摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。剑桥高阶〔bash〕I've never been skiing before, but I'm prepared to have a bash (at it).我以前从来没有滑过雪,但是我准备试试。剑桥高阶〔better〕If there's good skiing, breathtaking scenery and you don't need to catch a plane, all the better! 如果有好的滑雪场、令人叹为观止的美景,又不用赶飞机,那就再好不过了。柯林斯高阶〔biathlon〕A competition that combines events in cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.滑雪射击:一种把越野滑雪和射击结合在一起的比赛项目美国传统〔big time〕Chrissy's into skiing big time (= likes skiing a lot).克丽茜很喜欢滑雪。剑桥高阶〔break〕I broke a leg (a bone) skiing.我在滑雪时摔断了一条腿(一根骨头)。英汉大词典〔break〕She broke a leg in a skiing accident.她在一次滑雪事故中摔断了一条腿。柯林斯高阶〔bronze〕She won a bronze in skiing.她在滑雪比赛中赢得了铜牌。韦氏高阶〔camping〕He enjoyed skiing and camping.他喜欢滑雪和野营。外研社新世纪〔cap〕His victory in the world championship capped a brilliant week's skiing.他在世界锦标赛上的胜利给一周精彩的滑雪比赛画上了圆满的句号。麦克米伦高阶〔cast〕Sheila broke her arm skiing and had to wear a cast.希拉滑雪时胳膊骨折了,只好打上石膏。麦克米伦高阶〔clear〕If you're a beginner, steer clear of resorts with reputations for difficult skiing.如果你是初学者,那就不要去以滑雪难度大闻名的度假胜地。朗文当代〔competitively〕He's now back up on the slopes again, skiing competitively in events for the disabled.他复出了,在残疾人滑雪比赛中表现不俗。柯林斯高阶〔confidence〕Good training will give a beginner the confidence to enjoy skiing.良好的训练会给初学者带来享受滑雪乐趣的自信心。朗文当代〔convert〕He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing.他很快就使我迷上了越野滑雪。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing.他很快就让我喜欢上了越野滑雪。外研社新世纪〔counterbalance〕The ugliness of the resort is counterbalanced by the excellence of the skiing.优良的滑雪条件弥补了这片度假胜地景致方面的缺陷。剑桥高阶〔crack〕He cracked his collarbone in a skiing accident.他在一次滑雪事故中摔裂了锁骨。韦氏高阶〔crack〕She cracked several ribs and broke her arm skiing.她滑雪时摔裂了几根肋骨,手臂也骨折了。麦克米伦高阶〔crazy〕He's crazy about skiing.他对滑雪着了迷。外研社新世纪〔cross-country skiing〕The sport of skiing over the countryside rather than on downhill runs.越野滑雪:一种穿越乡间而不是沿着山坡滑行的滑雪运动美国传统〔cross-country〕A cross-country sport, especially racing or skiing.越野运动:越野运动,尤指越野赛跑或越野滑雪美国传统〔cross〕Snowboarding is a cross between surfing and skiing.单板滑雪是一种把冲浪和滑雪结合在一起的运动。韦氏高阶〔crud〕Sports Heavy, sticky snow that is unsuitable for skiing.【体育运动】 污垢雪:重而粘的雪,不适于在其上滑行美国传统〔cup〕I'm afraid that skiing just isn't my cup of tea.很遗憾,我不太擅长滑雪。韦氏高阶〔dayhop〕It was just a dayhop from New York City to the Berkshires for skiing.从纽约城到波克夏滑雪只需要一天的时间美国传统〔debate〕We're debating whether or not to go skiing this winter.我们盘算着今年冬天是否去滑雪。牛津高阶〔difference〕There's a big difference between reading about skiing and doing it yourself.书本中的滑雪与自己亲身滑雪之间是有很大差别的。牛津搭配〔down under〕For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than New Zealand.就澳新地区而言,夏季滑雪的最佳去处是新西兰。柯林斯高阶〔downhill〕A downhill skiing race.滑降比赛美国传统〔downhill〕I enjoy downhill skiing.我喜欢速降滑雪。韦氏高阶〔do〕While I'm in Norway, I want to do some skiing.我到挪威的时候要去滑雪。麦克米伦高阶〔dream〕I wouldn't dream of trick skiing on icy slopes.我不能想象在结冰的斜坡上滑雪美国传统〔dress〕She dressed warmly for skiing.她穿得暖暖地去滑雪。韦氏高阶〔elitist〕Skiing is old-fashioned, elitist and boring.滑雪是一种过时的、精英主义的无聊运动。柯林斯高阶〔equipment〕Skiing gear can be expensive.滑雪用具有时会很昂贵。牛津高阶〔exhilarate〕I felt exhilarated after a morning of skiing.我滑了一上午的雪兴奋不已。牛津高阶〔fall line〕The natural line of descent, as for skiing, between two points on a slope.直接下滑线:斜坡上两个地点间的天然下降路线,如滑雪用的美国传统〔family〕All my family enjoy skiing.我们全家都喜欢滑雪。牛津高阶〔favourable〕Conditions are now favourable for skiing.现在的天气条件正适合滑雪。牛津搭配〔figure〕It figures that I'd break my leg as soon as the skiing season started.果不其然,滑雪季节一开始我就摔伤了腿。麦克米伦高阶〔fine〕The skiing is fine.滑雪运动挺好。外研社新世纪〔foot〕He had planned to go skiing on his own in March but his wife had decided to put her foot down.他原本打算在 3 月独自去滑雪,但是他的太太决定让他打消这个念头。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕He was going to go skiing, but his wife put her foot down.他准备去滑雪, 但他的妻子坚决反对。外研社新世纪〔forego〕Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.滑雪爱好者乐于利用暑期假日去滑雪。柯林斯高阶〔form〕As they chatted, the idea of going skiing together gradually took form.他们聊天时,逐渐形成了一起去度假的想法。剑桥高阶〔giant slalom〕A downhill skiing race in which participants must pass between pairs of gates set along a course that is larger and often steeper than a slalom course.大回转滑雪赛:一种由山上向山下的滑雪比赛,参加者必须经过设在几对门中的滑雪道,滑雪道比障碍滑雪要大并且通常较陡美国传统〔give it a go/shot/stab〕I've never gone skiing before, but I'm willing to give it a try.我以前从未滑过雪,但是我愿意试一试。韦氏高阶〔glory〕His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhill skiing event.赢得奥运会速降滑雪赛的那一刻是他最辉煌的时刻。牛津搭配〔go skiing〕We are planning to go skiing tomorrow.我们计划明天去滑雪。韦氏高阶〔go〕I'd thought about skiing for some time and finally decided to give it a go this winter.尝试做某事麦克米伦高阶〔go〕I've never gone skiing.我从来没去滑过雪。剑桥高阶〔grow〕Skiing has really grown in popularity.滑雪比以前流行多了。朗文当代〔hard〕There's a sauna where you can relax after a hard day's skiing.经过一天辛苦的滑雪后,你可以洗个桑拿放松一下。朗文当代〔her〕She broke her leg skiing.她滑雪时摔断了腿。牛津高阶〔his〕He broke his leg skiing.他滑雪时摔断了腿。牛津高阶〔hot dog〕Slang One who performs showy, often dangerous stunts, as in skiing or surfing.【俚语】 卖弄花式动作者:如在滑雪或滑冰中进行炫耀性的,通常较为危险的技能表演者美国传统〔hot-dog〕To perform daring stunts or acrobatic feats, especially while skiing or surfing.卖弄(花式动作):(尤指滑雪或滑冰时)进行危险性的表演或杂技性表演美国传统〔imagine〕Don't imagine that you'll be able to go skiing at the weekends.别以为你们周末就可以去滑雪了。外研社新世纪〔inadvisable〕Skiing is inadvisable if you have a weak heart.如果你心脏不好,那么去滑雪可不是好事。剑桥高阶〔it〕Since you don't like it, you don't have to go skiing.你既然不喜欢滑雪,就不必去啦。英汉大词典〔joy〕Discover the joys of skiing.去发现滑雪的乐趣吧。麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕You're a qualified skiing instructor? You kept that quiet! 你有滑雪教练资格?你从来没说过!剑桥高阶〔know〕This resort is considered by those who are in the know to have the best downhill skiing in Europe.了解情况的人认为,这个度假胜地有着欧洲最理想的滑雪坡道。剑桥高阶〔laughable〕His attempt at skiing was laughable.他在滑雪方面的尝试是荒唐可笑的。韦氏高阶〔leg〕He broke his leg skiing.他滑雪时摔断了腿。剑桥高阶〔less〕His death was the second skiing tragedy in less than a week.他的死亡成了不到一周时间里的第二起滑雪悲剧。麦克米伦高阶〔love〕I love skiing.我喜欢滑雪。剑桥高阶〔love〕I love skiing.我爱好滑雪。外研社新世纪〔low〕When we went skiing, I only went on the lower slopes.我们去滑雪的时候,我只在较低的山坡上滑。剑桥高阶〔next to〕Next to skiing my favourite sport is skating.我最喜欢的运动除了滑雪就是溜冰。牛津高阶〔next〕Next time I go skiing, I'll wear warmer clothes.下一次去滑雪的时候,我要穿得暖和一点。朗文当代〔next〕Next to skiing, she likes hiking.除了滑雪,她最喜欢徒步旅行美国传统〔novice〕I'm a complete novice at skiing.滑雪我完全是个新手。牛津高阶〔off-piste〕We enjoy skiing off-piste.我们喜欢在滑道外滑雪。牛津高阶〔off-season〕We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.我们常在淡季期间去滑雪,因为价钱便宜一些。剑桥高阶〔often〕I'd like to go skiing more often.我希望多去滑雪。外研社新世纪〔on〕He died suddenly while on a skiing holiday with his family in Val d'Isere.他与家人在瓦勒迪泽尔滑雪度假时猝然过世。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕My outside interests are skiing and sailing.我的业余爱好是滑雪和航海美国传统〔picture〕I can't picture him skiing. He's so clumsy! 我想象不出他滑雪的样子,他那么笨手笨脚的!朗文当代〔play〕Skiing is getting a big play these days.滑雪运动近来非常热门。英汉大词典〔pleasurable〕He found sailing more pleasurable than skiing.他觉得驾驶帆船比滑雪更好玩。外研社新世纪〔pleasurable〕He found sailing more pleasurable than skiing.他觉得驾驶帆船比滑雪更好玩。柯林斯高阶〔popular〕Skiing has become very popular recently.滑雪运动最近盛行起来。牛津高阶〔powder〕I love skiing in deep powder.我喜欢在厚厚的雪上滑雪。剑桥高阶〔practise〕There is no better place to practise skiing than Savoie.没有比萨瓦更适合练习滑雪的地方了。外研社新世纪〔prepare for〕We're preparing for our skiing holiday.我们正在筹划去滑雪度假。外研社新世纪〔prerogative〕Skiing used to be the prerogative of the rich, but now a far wider range of people do it.滑雪过去是富人的特权,但现在更多的人都可以玩了。剑桥高阶〔proceed〕She sat down and proceeded to tell me about her skiing holiday.她坐了下来,接着告诉我有关她滑雪度假的事情。剑桥高阶〔put sb in mind of sth〕The mention of skiing holidays put me in mind of a documentary that I saw last week.提到假日滑雪使我想起上周看到的一部旅行记录片。剑桥高阶〔quite〕His encouragement and interest inspired quite a few people to take up skiing.他的鼓励和兴趣使不少人喜欢上了滑雪。麦克米伦高阶〔require〕Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.以每小时80英里的速度滑雪需要全神贯注。剑桥高阶〔schuss〕A straight, steep course for skiing.下滑滑道:用于下滑的笔直、陡峭的滑道美国传统〔schuss〕To make a fast straight downhill run in skiing.滑雪中直线下滑:沿山坡直线下滑美国传统〔search sth/sb out〕Despite the warm weather, we searched out some snow and went skiing.尽管天气很暖和,我们还是找到了雪地,就去滑雪了。剑桥高阶〔shop〕This is your one-stop shop for all your skiing needs.这是可以让你一次性购齐所有滑雪用品的一站式商店。牛津搭配〔sideslip〕Sports To slide sideways and downward in skiing.【体育运动】 横滑:在滑雪中向侧下方滑行美国传统〔skier〕My hobbies were skiing and scuba diving.我爱好滑雪和潜水。柯林斯高阶〔skiing〕He taught us how to improve our skiing technique.他教我们如何提高滑雪技术。牛津搭配〔skiing〕We're going to go skiing in Colorado this winter.今年冬天我们要去科罗拉多滑雪。朗文当代〔skiwear〕Clothing appropriate for various types of skiing.滑雪服装:适合各种各样滑雪种类的服装总称美国传统〔ski〕Let's go skiing.我们去滑雪吧。剑桥高阶〔ski〕We went skiing in France in March.三月份我们去法国滑雪了。牛津高阶〔slalom〕The act or sport of skiing in a zigzag course.弯道滑雪比赛:沿着曲折的路线滑雪的活动或运动美国传统〔sleep like a baby/log〕After a long day of skiing, I slept like a baby/log last night.滑了一天雪之后,我昨晚睡得很香。韦氏高阶〔snowplow〕Sports A maneuver in snow skiing in which the tips of the skis are brought together in order to slow or stop progress.【体育运动】 犁式制动:滑雪运动中的一种动作,滑雪板顶端并在一起来放慢速度或停止前进美国传统〔snowplow〕To perform a snowplow maneuver in skiing.犁式滑降:在滑雪时用犁式滑降美国传统〔so〕Skiing really isn't so hard – you should try it.滑雪真的不很难,你应该试一试。麦克米伦高阶〔specialize〕We specialize in skiing equipment.我们专营滑雪装备。外研社新世纪〔sport〕I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.我喜欢滑雪、滑冰之类的冬季运动。剑桥高阶〔stonking〕Christmas this year will be a stonker - we're going skiing.今天的圣诞节将会好极了——我们要去滑雪。剑桥高阶〔stuff〕He does mountain biking and skiing and stuff like that .他进行山地自行车、滑雪之类的运动。朗文当代〔such〕He was keen on sporting pursuits such as golf, skiing, shooting, and hill walking.他热衷于高尔夫球、滑雪、射击和徒步爬坡这类体育运动。麦克米伦高阶〔super giant slalom〕A downhill skiing race that has fewer gates set farther apart than those used in a giant slalom.超大回转滑雪赛:一种向下滑坡的滑雪比赛,门比大回转滑雪赛少得多,而且距离也远得多美国传统〔talk〕My husband talked me into going skiing.我的丈夫说服我去滑雪。朗文当代〔the rudiments〕It only took me an hour to learn/pick up the rudiments of skiing.我只花了一小时就学会了滑雪的基本技巧。剑桥高阶〔together〕We were going to go skiing over Christmas but we never got it together.我们原打算圣诞节去滑雪,可是却总没有成行。剑桥高阶〔tog〕They were all togged up in their skiing gear.他们全都身着滑雪服。牛津高阶〔traverse〕Sports A zigzag or diagonal course on a steep slope, as in skiing.【体育运动】 Z字形道:在一个陡峭的斜坡上的Z字形或斜向路线,如在滑雪中美国传统〔traverse〕Sports To go up, down, or across (a slope) diagonally, as in skiing.【体育运动】 滑上滑下:斜向对角地登上、走下或穿过(一个山坡),如在滑雪中美国传统〔traverse〕To go up, down, or across a slope diagonally or in a zigzag manner, as in skiing.Z形移动:斜向或按Z字形攀登、爬下或横穿一个山坡,如在滑雪中美国传统〔try〕I tried skiing for the first time last winter.我去年冬天第一次尝试滑雪。韦氏高阶〔try〕I tried my hand at skiing.我试着第一次滑冰美国传统〔try〕Tony's planning to give skiing a try this winter.托尼打算今年冬天试着滑滑雪。麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕The store turned over $5000 worth of skiing equipment in January.这家商店1月份经销了价值5000美元的滑雪器材。英汉大词典〔usually〕Usually we go skiing in February.一般我们在2月份去滑雪。剑桥高阶〔video〕Andrew videoed us skiing down the mountains.安德鲁拍摄了我们从山上滑雪下来的录像。麦克米伦高阶〔vorlage〕A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.前倾:滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟美国传统〔vote with your feet〕When the price of skiing doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going.当滑雪的价格翻番的时候,游客们都不愿接受,所以干脆就不去了。剑桥高阶〔water ski〕A broad ski used for skiing on water.滑水橇:滑水用的宽滑橇美国传统〔water sports〕Popular water sports include surfing and water skiing.流行的水上运动包括冲浪和滑水。剑桥高阶〔wedeln〕A snow skiing style in which the skier executes a series of short, quick, parallel turns by moving the backs of the skis from side to side at a constant speed.双板平行摆动转弯术:一种滑雪方法,即通过把滑橇的后部按同样的速度左右摆动来完成一系列短而快的平行转变美国传统〔weekend〕We go skiing most weekends in winter.我们在冬天的周末大多去滑雪。牛津高阶〔wintertime〕We enjoy skiing in the wintertime.冬季我们喜欢滑雪。韦氏高阶〔winter〕We usually go skiing in winter.冬季我们通常去滑雪。麦克米伦高阶〔win〕Our skiing team won a gold medal at the Olympics.我们的滑雪队在奥运会上获得了金牌。麦克米伦高阶〔world〕The skiing and the mountains were just out of this world! 滑雪和群山真是棒极了!麦克米伦高阶Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.以每小时80英里的速度滑雪需要完全集中注意力。剑桥国际Skiing holds no attraction for me (=I do not want to do it).滑雪对我没有什么吸引力。剑桥国际Skiing is inadvisable if you have a weak heart.如果你心脏不好去滑雪是不妥当的。剑桥国际Skiing used to be the prerogative of the rich, but now a far wider range of people do it.滑雪过去是富人的特权,但现在很多人可以玩了。剑桥国际Skiing was impossible because the mountains were shrouded in fog.不可能去滑雪,因为山被大雾笼罩了。剑桥国际Despite the warm weather we managed to search some snow out and do some skiing.虽然天气暖和了,我们仍设法找到了一些雪地以供滑雪之用。剑桥国际He broke his leg skiing.他滑雪时把腿给摔断了。剑桥国际He went off skiing after he broke his leg.他摔断了腿之后就不喜欢滑雪了。剑桥国际I'd like to go skiing one Christmas.我想在某一个圣诞节去滑雪。剑桥国际I'd never tried water skiing before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.我从未滑过水,但我在希腊时试过一次。剑桥国际I'm a bit of a greenhorn when it comes to skiing.我在滑雪方面是个新手。剑桥国际I've never been skiing, but my parents go every year. 我从未滑过雪,但我父母每年都去。剑桥国际If you like skiing and swimming, the island allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds (= the advantages of two very different things).如果你既喜欢滑雪又喜欢游泳,去岛上能让你两全其美。剑桥国际If you're not used to skiing, it can make you sore in places which you never knew existed.如果你对滑雪不习惯的话,它会使你在某些你从未想到过的地方作痛。剑桥国际In summer, skiing is limited to the higher glaciers, but even here the snow turns to slush by noon.夏天里,只能在较高的冰川上滑雪,但即使在这儿,雪在中午也会开始融化。剑桥国际It only took me an hour to learn/pick up the rudiments of French grammar/of skiing.学会法语语法/滑雪的基本原理只花了我1个小时。剑桥国际Last winter we went skiing.去年冬天我们去滑雪了。剑桥国际Mark broke his leg when we went skiing and that took all the fun out of it.当我们滑雪的时候,马克把腿给摔断了,使整个滑雪的乐趣尽失。剑桥国际My initiation into skiing (=the occasion when I was first taught about it) was not a success.我初学滑雪并不成功。剑桥国际Part of what I like about skiing is that element of danger.我之所以喜欢滑雪,一部分是因为危险的因素。剑桥国际Powder is good for skiing on.粉状雪适于滑雪。剑桥国际She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle.滑雪时她笨拙地摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。剑桥国际She told him that shopworn story about the time she broke her leg while skiing.她告诉他关于滑雪时她摔断腿的那个老掉牙的故事。剑桥国际She wiped out skiing down the big slope and broke both her legs.她滑雪下这个大斜坡的时候失去了控制,摔断了双腿。剑桥国际The gentleness of the slope is perfect for those new to skiing.这斜坡坡度平缓,极适合那些初学滑雪的人。剑桥国际The last time I saw Rachel she was hobbling around with a stick, having injured her ankle skiing.上次我见到雷切尔时,她拄着拐杖一瘸一拐的,她在滑雪时伤了脚踝。剑桥国际The mention of skiing holidays put me in mind of a travelogue that I saw last week.提起滑雪假日使我想起上星期我看过的旅行纪录片。剑桥国际They go skiing in Switzerland every winter. 他们每年冬天去瑞士滑雪。译典通We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.我们往往在滑雪淡季去滑雪,因为那样比较便宜。剑桥国际We went skiing in France last year and we're hoping to go again next year.我们去年去法国滑雪了,希望明年还能去。剑桥国际We went skiing in the French Alps last year.我们去年到法国的阿尔卑斯山滑雪。剑桥国际We’re going skiing in the February half-term (= the holiday which happens in the middle of the term).我们准备在二月份的期中假期去滑雪。剑桥国际When the price of skiing in the mountain resorts doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going.当山区胜地的滑雪价格涨了一倍时,游客们不愿意接受,因此都不去了。剑桥国际When we went skiing, I only went on the lower slopes.我们去滑雪时,我只在低坡上(滑雪)。剑桥国际With his friend's family he was able to indulge his passion for the outdoors, especially skiing.与他朋友的家庭一起,他能够使自己户外活动的爱好得到满足,特别是滑雪。剑桥国际




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