

单词 resounding
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOSE〕The New York Times described the withdrawal of troops as a resounding defeat for the government. 《纽约时报》称这次撤军是政府的惨败。朗文写作活用〔assure〕Last night's resounding victory over Birmingham City has virtually assured them of promotion.昨晚大胜伯明翰城队实际上已确保他们能够晋级。柯林斯高阶〔assure〕Last night's resounding victory over Birmingham City has virtually assured them of promotion.昨晚该球队大胜伯明翰城队, 基本确定会晋级。外研社新世纪〔blemish〕This is the one blemish on an otherwise resounding success.如果没有这个小小的失误,这就是一次彻底的胜利。柯林斯高阶〔cheering〕The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.士兵对上校报以震天的欢呼声。柯林斯高阶〔cheer〕The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.人们对上校报以热烈的欢呼声。外研社新世纪〔crack〕A sharp, resounding blow.重击声:尖锐且有回声的打击声美国传统〔critically〕The show was also a resounding critical success.这次演出同样好评如潮。柯林斯高阶〔critical〕The show was also a resounding critical success.这次演出同样好评如潮。外研社新世纪〔notwithstanding〕Notwithstanding the audiences were small, the show was declared a resounding success.尽管观众很少, 但还是宣布这场演出大获成功。外研社新世纪〔plastering〕Informal A resounding defeat; a beating.【非正式用语】 惨败:沉重的失败;溃败美国传统〔rebuff〕The move to impair freedom of the press has received a resounding rebuff.限制新闻自由的行动受到了强大的抵制。英汉大词典〔resounding〕Our trip was a resounding success.我们的旅行取得了圆满的成功。外研社新世纪〔resounding〕She got a resounding round of applause.她赢得一片热烈掌声。柯林斯高阶〔resounding〕Supporters gave the team three resounding cheers.助阵的球迷们三次为球队大声呐喊加油。剑桥高阶〔resounding〕The answer, Segal says, was a resounding yes! 西格尔说,答案是一个响当当的“是!”柯林斯高阶〔resounding〕The class answered with a resounding no.全班给出了一个彻底否定的回答。韦氏高阶〔resounding〕The evening was a resounding success.晚会办得非常圆满。牛津高阶〔resounding〕The good weather helped to make the occasion a resounding success.天公作美,使得这次活动获得了巨大成功。柯林斯高阶〔resounding〕The plan was a resounding success/failure.这个计划非常成功/是个巨大的败笔。剑桥高阶〔resounding〕The show was a resounding success.这场演出极为成功。朗文当代〔resounding〕There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.安德鲁狠狠掴了他一巴掌,声音响亮干脆。柯林斯高阶〔resound〕By now, the whole room was resounding to the sound of the team's chants.到现在整个房间里还回响着球队的呼喊声。朗文当代〔reverberant〕Characterized by reverberation; resounding.发出回声的,共鸣的:以混响为特征的;共鸣的美国传统〔slap〕He hit the water with a resounding slap.他啪的一声拍了一下水。牛津搭配〔slap〕Then, with a resounding smack, she slapped Claudia's face.接着,啪的一声,她打了克劳迪娅一记耳光。麦克米伦高阶〔smacker〕A resounding blow.拍击:有回声的一击美国传统〔tightly〕That puts the president in a tight spot if the vote is not a resounding 'yes'.如果投票结果不是一个响亮的“是”,总统的处境就不妙了。柯林斯高阶〔trumpet〕A resounding call, as that of the elephant.喇叭似的,类似大象发出的回声美国传统〔trumpet〕To give forth a resounding call.发出回声美国传统〔voiceful〕Having a voice, especially a loud voice; resounding.有声的,高声的:具有声音,尤指高声;洪亮的美国传统〔whack〕To deal a sharp, resounding blow.重击:猛力且响亮地击打美国传统〔wham〕A forceful, resounding blow.重击:有力而声音响亮的重击美国传统〔wham〕To strike or smash into with resounding impact.使劲打:用…砰砰用力地击打或捣美国传统〔yes〕When the people were asked if they wanted the factory, the answer was a resounding yes.人们被问及是否需要这个工厂时,回答是响亮的“是”。牛津搭配Supporters gave the team three resounding cheers.支持者们给了这支球队3次响亮的喝彩。剑桥国际The plan was a resounding success/failure.该计划是一次惊人的成功/失败。剑桥国际




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