

单词 reeled
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔access〕He reeled backwards in an access of dizziness.他一阵头晕目眩, 蹒跚着退后了几步。外研社新世纪〔bite〕The fisherman felt a bite at the end of his line and reeled in a fish.渔夫感到线尾有鱼咬钩,收绕钓线,拽起了一条鱼。韦氏高阶〔bloodily〕The soldier reeled bloodily away.这名士兵浑身是血,踉跄而去。柯林斯高阶〔brain〕His brain reeled as he realized the implication of his dismissal.当意识到这是暗示要解雇他时,他的大脑一阵眩晕。牛津搭配〔filature〕An establishment where silk is reeled.缫丝厂:卷丝的地方美国传统〔raw silk〕Untreated silk as reeled from a cocoon.生丝:刚刚从蚕茧中抽出,未经加工的丝绸美国传统〔reel ... off〕My grandmother often reeled off one story after another.我的祖母常常滔滔不绝地讲故事,讲完一个又一个。21世纪英汉〔reel in〕Gleacher reeled in the first fish.格里奇收线钓起第一条鱼。柯林斯高阶〔reel in〕Tom reeled in the first fish.汤姆收线钓起第一条鱼。外研社新世纪〔reel off〕She reeled off the right answers without hesitation.她毫不迟疑,接连说出了正确答案。韦氏高阶〔reel off〕She reeled off the titles of a dozen or so of the novels.她脱口说出十几本小说的书名。柯林斯高阶〔reel out〕He reeled out his line and waited quietly.他把钓丝放出去,然后静静地等待。21世纪英汉〔reel sb/sth in〕The article offers tips on how computer users can avoid being reeled in by internet scams.这篇文章给了电脑用户一些指点,让他们避免成为互联网骗局的受害者。剑桥高阶〔reel sth in/out〕Slowly the fisherman reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.垂钓者慢慢收绕鱼线,把鱼拉到岸上。剑桥高阶〔reel sth in/out〕The firefighters reeled out the hoses from their fire engine.消防员从消防车上把水龙带放出来。剑桥高阶〔reel sth off〕The old man reeled off the names of his 22 grandchildren.老人一口气说出了他22个孙子孙女的名字。剑桥高阶〔reel up〕She reeled up her fishing line and went back with an empty bucket.她把鱼线收回,提着一个空桶回来了。21世纪英汉〔reel〕A stone hit his head and the street reeled before his eyes.一块石头砸在他头上,他顿时觉得街道在他眼前打旋。剑桥高阶〔reel〕Andy reeled away from the bar and knocked over his stool.安迪跌跌撞撞地离开酒吧柜台,撞倒了凳子。朗文当代〔reel〕At closing time he reeled out of the bar and fell down on the pavement.酒吧关门时,他踉踉跄跄走了出来,一跤摔在人行道上。剑桥高阶〔reel〕Diane reeled back in amazement.戴安娜惊讶得朝后打了一个趔趄。朗文当代〔reel〕He reeled and then fell.他摇晃然后跌倒。文馨英汉〔reel〕He reeled back when the heavy blow landed on his head.他的头受此重重一击,使他向后打了个趔趄。21世纪英汉〔reel〕He reeled his partner in a dance.他拥着他的舞伴来回旋转。英汉大词典〔reel〕He reeled in (或 up) a big fish.他收绕钓丝钓起一条大鱼。英汉大词典〔reel〕He reeled off the answers.他轻而易举地说出(或写出)一个个答案。英汉大词典〔reel〕He reeled off the list of names.他一口气报出了那单子上的一长串姓名。英汉大词典〔reel〕He reeled out his finshing line and waited patiently.他放出绕线轮上的钓丝,耐心地等待。21世纪英汉〔reel〕He reeled under the shock of the punch.猛的一拳打得他迅速后退。麦克米伦高阶〔reel〕He lost his balance and reeled back.他身体失去了平衡, 向后一个趔趄。外研社新世纪〔reel〕He lost his balance and reeled back.他身体失去了平衡,向后一个趔趄。柯林斯高阶〔reel〕He suddenly reeled back against the wall.他突然后退到墙根。韦氏高阶〔reel〕His mind reeled at the question.这个问题让他大脑一片混乱。柯林斯高阶〔reel〕His mind reeled when he heard the terrible news.听到那骇人的消息,他只觉得一阵眩晕。英汉大词典〔reel〕His mind [brain] reeled at her words.听到她的话,他内心感到一阵晕眩。文馨英汉〔reel〕I reeled after that knock on the head.我头上挨了那一击后,感到眩晕。牛津同义词〔reel〕I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My head reeled.我无法相信我所听到的。我的头一阵眩晕。韦氏高阶〔reel〕I slowly reeled the fish in.我慢慢地收卷鱼线,将鱼钓起。牛津高阶〔reel〕Jack reeled off a list of names.杰克一口气背出了一长串名字。朗文当代〔reel〕Men in wheelchairs reeled around the room, shouting and singing.坐轮椅的男子们大喊大唱,绕着房间回旋移动。英汉大词典〔reel〕My brain reeled with all my plans for my new house.因为充斥着置一所新屋的各种主意,我的大脑一片混乱。英汉大词典〔reel〕My head reeled with the facts and figures.我的脑子被一堆事实和数据搞得一片混乱美国传统〔reel〕My mind reeled when I heard the bad news.我听到这个坏消息后感到一阵眩晕。21世纪英汉〔reel〕She reeled up a big fish.她钓起一条大鱼。21世纪英汉〔reel〕She hit him so hard that he reeled backwards.她出手太重,打得他朝后打了个趔趄。剑桥高阶〔reel〕She immediately reeled off several names.她立即一口气说出了好几个名字。牛津高阶〔reel〕Some anglers reeled in and went home.有些钓鱼的人绕起钓丝回家了。21世纪英汉〔reel〕The Yankees reeled off 14 straight wins.扬基队连续 14 次取得胜利。朗文当代〔reel〕The boxer reeled back and fell.拳击手朝后打了个趔趄,倒下了。英汉大词典〔reel〕The enemy reeled and then ran.敌军阵脚大乱而跑掉。文馨英汉〔reel〕The enemy reeled under our counterattack.敌人在我军反击之下弃守溃败。英汉大词典〔reel〕The fisherman reeled in and went home.渔夫收起钓丝回家去。英汉大词典〔reel〕The mountains reeled before her eyes.群山在她眼前似乎在打旋。英汉大词典〔reel〕The room reeled before his eyes.那个房间在他眼前晃来晃去。文馨英汉〔reel〕The room reeled before my eyes and I fainted.房间在我眼前旋转起来,随即我就晕了过去。朗文当代〔reel〕The ship reeled on the rough sea.船只在汹涌的海面上颠簸不止。英汉大词典〔reel〕They reeled around the room, laughing hysterically.他们在房间里踉踉跄跄地走来走去,狂笑不止。韦氏高阶〔reel〕They reeled from the shock of discovering that their own father was a liar.他们发现自己的父亲竟是个撒谎大王,极为震惊。英汉大词典〔reel〕They reeled out of the pub at midnight.他们在午夜时分摇摇晃晃地走出酒馆。21世纪英汉〔reel〕They reeled the hosepipe in rapidly.他们迅速将水龙带卷好。21世纪英汉〔sense〕Her senses reeled as she fought for consciousness.她挣扎着想保持清醒,可是感觉一阵眩晕。牛津搭配〔yo-yo〕A toy consisting of a flattened spool wound with string that is spun down from and reeled up to the hand by motions of the wrist.游游拉线盘,溜溜球:由缠有细绳的扁线盘构成的玩具,通过手腕运动在手上翻转,然后收到手里美国传统A stone hit his head and the street reeled before his eyes.一块石头击中他的头,大街在他眼前旋转起来。剑桥国际At closing time he reeled out of the pub and across the road.关门时他跌跌撞撞地走出酒吧,穿过了马路。剑桥国际He reeled giddily across the room. 他头晕目眩跌跌撞撞地穿过房内。译典通He reeled his partner in a dance. 他拥著他的舞伴旋转。译典通He reeled in a big trout. 他绕起钓丝,钓起一条大鳟鱼。译典通He reeled in his fishing line. 他收绕钓丝。译典通Her mind reeled when she learned her son had been abducted. 得知儿子被人拐走,她只觉得一阵眩晕。译典通She hit him so hard that he reeled across the room/reeled back.她打他打得很重,他在房间里站立不稳/往后跌过去。剑桥国际Slowly the fisherman reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.慢慢地渔夫收起钓鱼线,把鱼拉上岸。剑桥国际The bandits reeled back under police attack. 匪徒在警察的进攻下向后溃退。译典通The drunk man reeled down the street. 那醉汉跌跌撞撞沿街走去。译典通The firemen reeled out the hoses from their fire engine.消防队员从消防车上把水龙放出来。剑桥国际The room reeled before my eyes and I became unconscious. 房间在我眼前旋转,接著我便失去了知觉。译典通




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