

单词 rudely
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUDE〕Blair rudely pushed his way to the front of the line. 布莱尔粗暴地推开别人挤到队伍前面。朗文写作活用〔V-sign〕The driver shouted rudely at the cyclist and gave her a/the V-sign.开车的人粗鲁地对那个骑自行车的人大吼大叫,并朝她做了个下流的V字形手势。剑桥高阶〔anyway〕I can't believe he acted so rudely. Who does he think he is anyway? 真不敢相信他会这么无礼。他到底以为自己是谁?韦氏高阶〔ashamed〕I can't believe that you behaved so rudely. I'm ashamed of you! 真不敢相信你举止这么粗鲁。我为你感到羞愧!韦氏高阶〔ashamed〕I can't believe that you behaved so rudely. I'm ashamed to be seen with you! 真不敢相信你举止这么粗鲁。我不想让人看见和你在一起!韦氏高阶〔awaken〕He was rudely awakened by the sound of drilling.他突然被钻孔的声音吵醒。牛津搭配〔awake〕The prime minister was rudely awoken to the realities of international finance.首相突然明白了国际金融的现状。外研社新世纪〔behove〕It ill behoves you to (= you should not) speak so rudely of your parents.你如此粗鲁地谈论自己的父母,很不应该。剑桥高阶〔brush ... off〕He had never been brushed off so rudely before.他以前从没遭到过如此粗暴的拒绝。21世纪英汉〔bulldoze your way〕They rudely bulldozed their way through the crowd.他们粗鲁地挤过了人群。韦氏高阶〔curse〕Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.奶奶提出抗议,但他辱骂她并把她粗暴地推到一旁。柯林斯高阶〔disconcert〕We were rather disconcerted when he rudely refused our invitation.他无礼拒绝我们的邀请时,我们不知怎么是好。英汉大词典〔dream〕His waking dream was rudely interrupted by the telephone.他的白日梦被一个电话硬生生打断了。牛津搭配〔elbow〕The actor's bodyguards rudely elbowed everyone out of the way.演员的保镖粗鲁地用肘把大家推到一旁。韦氏高阶〔go around〕You can't go around treating people so rudely.你不能对他人如此无礼。韦氏高阶〔help〕He rudely rejected her kind offer of help.他粗鲁地拒绝了她好心提出的帮助。牛津搭配〔ignore〕Sam rudely ignored the question.萨姆粗鲁地对这个问题不予理睬。朗文当代〔interrupt〕What was I saying, before we were so rudely interrupted? 我们被无礼打断之前我说到哪儿了?牛津搭配〔licence〕Being angry doesn't give you licence to treat others so rudely.你无权因为生气而对别人如此粗鲁。麦克米伦高阶〔particularize〕He said he had been treated rudely, then went on to particularize.他说他受到粗暴的对待,接着就开始详细地讲述。韦氏高阶〔pull〕Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up.吉姆跟母亲讲话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。英汉大词典〔retort〕He retorted rudely.他无礼地反驳。牛津同义词〔rudely〕He rudely interrupted me.他粗鲁地打断了我。韦氏高阶〔rudely〕He spoke very rudely to her.他非常粗野地对她说话。文馨英汉〔rudely〕I could not understand why she felt compelled to behave so rudely to a friend.我不明白为什么她非要如此粗鲁地对待一位朋友。柯林斯高阶〔rudely〕I have never been treated more rudely by a stranger.从来没有哪个陌生人对我如此无礼。外研社新世纪〔rudely〕I was rudely awakened by the phone ringing.我被突如其来的电话铃声吵醒了。牛津高阶〔rudely〕People were awakened rudely by a siren just outside their window.人们被窗外传来的汽笛声猛然惊醒了。柯林斯高阶〔rudely〕That illusion was about to be rudely shattered.那个幻想将被突然粉碎。外研社新世纪〔rudely〕They brushed rudely past us.他们粗暴无礼地与我们擦身而过。牛津高阶〔rudely〕We were rudely ignored.我们被无礼地晾在一边。外研社新世纪〔rude〕He answered me very rudely.他十分粗鲁地回了我一句。朗文当代〔rude〕I can't remember what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted! 讲话被粗鲁地打断后,我记不起自己先前在说什么了!麦克米伦高阶〔rude〕We were rudely awakened by the storm.我们被暴风雨猛然惊醒。朗文当代〔sadden〕It saddened her to watch him speak rudely like that.看到他那样粗暴无礼地说话,她感到十分痛心。21世纪英汉〔short〕Rudely brief; abrupt.简慢的;唐突的美国传统〔should〕She shouldn't have spoken to him so rudely.她本不该如此粗鲁地跟他讲话。韦氏高阶〔should〕You should be ashamed of yourself, behaving so rudely to our guests! 对客人如此粗鲁,你应当感到羞愧。韦氏高阶〔stare down〕He rudely stared down my friend in the corner of the street.在街角他把我的朋友盯得不敢与他对视。21世纪英汉〔walk〕When she spoke rudely he simply walked away from her.每当她口出恶语时,他就索性走开。英汉大词典He pushed past me rudely.他粗鲁地推开我走了过去。剑桥国际I'd like to return to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted.我想回到我被非常粗鲁地打断之前正在谈论的话题上来。剑桥国际It ill behoves you to (= you should not) speak so rudely of your parents.你如此粗鲁地谈论自己的父母,很不应该。剑桥国际She rudely interrupted my speech.她粗鲁地打断了我的演讲。剑桥国际The President cannot rudely ignore a head of state. 总统不能无礼地对一位国家元首不屑一顾。译典通The news rudely pushed her into the glare of world-wide publicity.这条新闻突然将她推入了全世界知名的强光。剑桥国际You say get lost to someone when you want to tell them forcefully and quite rudely to go away.走开!去你的!剑桥国际




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