

单词 rose
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-blooming〕a pink climbing rose in full bloom.盛开的粉色藤蔓玫瑰柯林斯高阶〔arbour〕a rose arbour 爬满蔷薇的凉亭剑桥高阶〔bed〕rose beds 玫瑰花坛朗文当代〔bloom〕a rose in full bloom.玫瑰花盛开美国传统〔blown〕a full-blown rose 盛开的玫瑰文馨英汉〔bosom〕a rose pinned to her bosom 别在她胸襟上的一朵玫瑰牛津高阶〔bowl〕the Rose Bowl 玫瑰杯赛朗文当代〔bowl〕the Rose Bowl玫瑰碗球场外研社新世纪〔brace〕a brace of bottles of Mercier Rose champagne.两瓶玛喜尔玫瑰香槟柯林斯高阶〔breed〕a rose that is bred mainly for its scent主要为获取其芳香而培育的玫瑰品种外研社新世纪〔bud〕rose buds 玫瑰花苞朗文当代〔bush〕a rose bush 玫瑰丛朗文当代〔bush〕a rose bush 玫瑰丛牛津高阶〔bush〕to prune the rose bushes 修剪蔷薇花丛牛津搭配〔charmingly〕the charming custom of wearing a rose on that day.在那天戴朵玫瑰的可爱风俗柯林斯高阶〔charming〕the charming custom of wearing a rose on that day在那天戴一朵玫瑰的有趣风俗外研社新世纪〔climb〕a climbing rose 攀缘生长的玫瑰牛津高阶〔conspectus〕a brief conspectus on rose diseases and theircontrol 有关蔷薇花病害及其控制的概要英汉大词典〔degree〕rose by degrees from clerk to manager of the store.按阶级逐渐从店员上升到经理美国传统〔delicate〕a rose with a delicate scent 散发清香的玫瑰剑桥高阶〔distillation〕the art of distilling rose petals.提取玫瑰花瓣精油的技巧柯林斯高阶〔distillation〕the distillation of rose petals to produce rosewater为生产玫瑰水而对玫瑰花瓣进行的提炼外研社新世纪〔distil〕the art of distilling rose petals蒸馏提取玫瑰花瓣精油的工艺外研社新世纪〔early〕a rose that was cultivated to bloom early.经过培育而早开的玫瑰美国传统〔embower〕like a rose embowered in its own green leaves 像绿叶丛中的一朵玫瑰花英汉大词典〔eminence〕rose to eminence as a surgeon.成为一位杰出的外科医生美国传统〔engraft〕engraft a new rose on a wild rose 把一新品种玫瑰的枝条嫁接在野玫瑰上英汉大词典〔family〕plants of the rose family 蔷薇科植物英汉大词典〔flower〕a lovely rose bush with delicate pink flowers 一簇开着娇嫩的粉红色花朵的美丽蔷薇朗文当代〔fortune〕as the country's fortunes rose and fell 随着国家命运的跌宕起伏牛津搭配〔full-blown〕a full-blown rose 盛开的玫瑰英汉大词典〔garden〕a rose garden(= where only roses are grown) 玫瑰园牛津高阶〔glory〕a rose garden in a glory of colour 色彩绚丽的玫瑰园英汉大词典〔hardiness〕the hardiness of the rose 玫瑰的耐寒性韦氏高阶〔height〕the mid-1980s, when house prices rose to absurd heights.房价高得离谱的20世纪80年代中期柯林斯高阶〔hybrid〕a hybrid rose 杂种蔷薇英汉大词典〔leaf〕a rose leaf 玫瑰花瓣英汉大词典〔motif〕a rose motif.玫瑰图案柯林斯高阶〔motif〕a rose motif玫瑰花主题图案外研社新世纪〔mystical〕the mystical rose 象征圣母马利亚的玫瑰英汉大词典〔perfectly〕a perfectly formed rose 毫无瑕疵的玫瑰韦氏高阶〔petal〕rose petals 玫瑰花瓣剑桥高阶〔red〕a fine old gentleman with a face as red as a rose 一位满面红光的漂亮老绅士英汉大词典〔rise〕a politician who rose to fame/power/prominence very quickly 迅速成名/掌权/获得显赫地位的从政者韦氏高阶〔rose hip〕rose hip wine(=made from rose hips) 玫瑰果酒麦克米伦高阶〔rose〕rose paint 玫瑰色的油漆英汉大词典〔rose〕rose velvet curtains 玫瑰色天鹅绒窗帘朗文当代〔rose〕a rose bush 蔷薇丛剑桥高阶〔rose〕a rose bush/garden 玫瑰丛;玫瑰园牛津高阶〔rose〕a rose jar 插玫瑰的广口瓶 英汉大词典〔rose〕a rose petal (wreath) 玫瑰花瓣(花圈)英汉大词典〔sheer〕cliffs which rose sheer from the sea 由海面垂直拔起的悬崖朗文当代〔show〕a glorious show of colour in the rose garden 玫瑰园里色彩斑斓的景象朗文当代〔snuff〕snuff the fragrance of the rose 吸入玫瑰花的香味英汉大词典〔stem〕a long-stemmed rose 一枝长茎玫瑰牛津高阶〔sweetness〕the sweetness of the wild rose 野玫瑰的芬芳朗文当代〔theory〕rose early, on the theory that morning efforts are best; the modern architectural theory that less is more.早起,基于早晨效率最高的理论;越少越好的现代建筑理论美国传统〔trailing〕a trailing rose 蔓生的玫瑰剑桥高阶〔unscented〕an unscented rose 无香味的玫瑰花英汉大词典〔variety〕cultivated varieties such as the damask rose 像突厥蔷薇这类的栽培品种牛津搭配




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