

单词 rise in temperature
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chinook〕A warm, dry wind that descends from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, causing a rapid rise in temperature.奇努克风:从落基山脉东坡吹下的会引起气温迅速上升的干燥暖风美国传统〔ENVIRONMENT〕Scientists estimate that global warming could cause a six degree rise in temperatures by 2100. 科学家预测,全球变暖可使气温到2100年上升6度。朗文写作活用〔chinook〕A warm dry wind that descends from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, causing a rapid rise in temperature.契努克风焚风:从落基山脉东坡吹下来的温暖干燥风,其会造成温度骤增美国传统〔correlate〕Illness tends to be correlated with a rise in temperature.疾病常常与体温升高有关。英汉大词典〔significant〕The rise in temperature is not statistically significant .从统计角度来看,气温的上升并不明显。朗文当代〔thermal pollution〕Industrial discharge of heated water into a river, lake, or other body of water, causing a rise in temperature that endangers aquatic life.热污染:将工业热水排入江河、湖泊或其它水体,引起温度升高危及水中生命美国传统There has been a sudden rise in temperature over the past few days (= The weather has become warmer).近几天来,气温突然升高。剑桥国际




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