

单词 rise in price
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕The pension will increase in line with the rise in prices. 养老金将随物价上涨而增加。朗文写作活用〔bull〕A person who buys commodities or securities in anticipation of a rise in prices or who tries by speculative purchases to effect such a rise.屯积居奇的人:在预测物价要上涨前购进商品或证券的人或试图通过投机买卖来影响物价上涨的人美国传统〔drive back〕I have been driven back on cheaper cigarettes by the rises in prices.由于物价上涨,我只好重新抽廉价香烟了。21世纪英汉〔drive〕Many families have been driven back on cheaper food by the rises in prices.由于物价上涨,许多家庭只好又吃起廉价的食品来。英汉大词典〔expectation〕They bought real estate in the expectation of a rise in prices.他们购进了房地产期望升值。牛津搭配〔hit〕Consumers will be hard hit by the rise in prices.消费者将会受到价格上涨的严重影响。外研社新世纪〔long〕One who acquires holdings in a security or commodity in expectation of a rise in price.囤积商品者:持有证券或货物等待物价上涨的人美国传统〔nullify〕A rise in prices nullifies a rise in wages.物价上涨抵消了工资的增加。英汉大词典〔price〕Petrol has risen in price by about 10p a litre over the last year.汽油价格去年一年每升涨了10便士。外研社新世纪〔quicken up〕The rise in prices is quickening up.物价正在迅速上涨。21世纪英汉〔sceptic〕Sceptics argued that the rise in prices was temporary.持怀疑态度的人争辩说价格上涨是暂时的。朗文当代〔signal〕The rise in prices was a signal for social instability.物价上涨引起了社会动荡。英汉大词典〔steady〕This year we've seen a steady rise in prices.今年我们看到了物价的持续增长。外研社新世纪〔top ... off〕The rise in prices have topped off.价格的上涨已经到顶了。21世纪英汉A rapid rise in prices soon eventuated in mass unemployment. 价格的快速上涨很快就导致了大量的失业。译典通Customers felt cheated by the sudden rise in price.由于突然涨价,顾客觉得被欺骗了。牛津商务People were discontented with the steep rise in prices. 人们对物价飞涨不满。译典通The rise in price was consequent on the failure of the crops. 物价上涨是由年成不好引起的。译典通The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages. 物价的上涨抵销了薪资的增加。译典通The rise in prices of basic foodstuffs, such as meat, cheese and sugar, has led to strikes and demonstrations.肉类,奶酪和食糖等基本食品的涨价导致了罢工和示威游行。剑桥国际The government took no step to stay the rise in prices. 政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨。译典通




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