

单词 receiver
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CQ〕Code letters used at the beginning of radio messages intended for all receivers.广播信息开始前为所有接收器设立的代号美国传统〔FIRST〕The first generation of cellular phones used analog transmitters and receivers. 第一代手机使用了模拟传输器和接收器。朗文写作活用〔French telephone〕A telephone with the receiver and transmitter contained in a single unit.法式电话:一种听筒和话筒各自为一独立整体的电话美国传统〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Anybody with shares in the company is urged to contact the receivers to register a claim. 凡持有该公司股份者必须与破产管理人联系作所有权登记。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕The phone rang and, half-asleep, Winston fumbled about to find the receiver. 电话铃响了,温斯顿于半梦半醒之间笨手笨脚地摸索着找话筒。朗文写作活用〔STR〕Synchronous transmitter receiver.同步传送接收器美国传统〔bang ... up〕She banged up the receiver.她砰地挂上(电话)听筒。21世纪英汉〔bang down〕He banged down the receiver and looked at his colleagues.他啪的一声把听筒一摔, 然后看着他的同事们。外研社新世纪〔bomb〕The quarterback threw a bomb to the wide receiver.四分卫抛了一个长传球给外接手。韦氏高阶〔bound〕The receiver was still in bounds when he caught the pass.接球手接球时仍在界内。韦氏高阶〔bullet〕The quarterback threw a bullet to the receiver.四分卫向接球手投出一个高速球。韦氏高阶〔complete〕The pass to the receiver was complete for a gain of 10 yards.球前传成功,推进了10码。韦氏高阶〔concern〕The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern.破产管理人总是希望在公司仍然正常运转的时候将其卖掉。柯林斯高阶〔cradle〕He replaced the telephone receiver in the cradle.他把电话听筒搁回叉簧上。英汉大词典〔cradle〕I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.我把听筒放回听筒架上。柯林斯高阶〔cradle〕I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.我把电话听筒放回了听筒架。外研社新世纪〔cradle〕She replaced the receiver on the cradle.她把听筒放回听筒架上。朗文当代〔cradle〕The part of a telephone that contains the connecting switch upon which the receiver and mouthpiece unit is supported.叉簧:电话机中包括接线开关、搁电话听筒和送话器的那部分美国传统〔crash〕He crashed down the telephone receiver.他砰的一声将电话听筒摔下来。牛津高阶〔crystal detector〕A rectifying detector used especially in early radio receivers and consisting of a semiconducting crystal in point contact with a fine metal wire.晶体检波器:尤指在早期的无线电接收机中使用的检波器,由一块与一条细金属丝以点接触的半传导性晶体构成美国传统〔crystal set〕An early radio receiver using a crystal detector.晶体检波接收机:一种使用晶体检波器的早期无线电接收机美国传统〔dial tone〕A low, steady tone in a telephone receiver indicating that a number may be dialed.拨号音:电话接受器指示一串数字被拨的低的沉稳的音调美国传统〔dial〕A movable control knob or other device on a radio or television receiver used to change the frequency.调谐钮:收音机或电视机用来转换频率的转动控制钮或其它装置美国传统〔dial〕The panel or face on a radio or television receiver on which the frequencies or channels are indicated.调谐度盘:收音机或电视机指示频道或波段的盘或面美国传统〔digital satellite system〕A system in which a satellite dish receives a digital signal, decodes the signal, and passes it to a television, radio receiver, or computer.数字卫星系统:卫星碟形天线接收讯号,并将其译码传送至电视、无线电接受器或计算机的系统美国传统〔direction finder〕A device for determining the source of a transmitted signal, consisting mainly of a radio receiver and a coiled rotating antenna.无线电测向仪:一种确定被传送的信号源的装置,主要由一个无线电接收器和一卷盘绕的旋转天线组成美国传统〔disgust〕He slammed the receiver down in disgust.他气愤地砰的一声扔下电话听筒。英汉大词典〔dish antenna〕A microwave transmitter or receiver consisting of a concave parabolic reflector.截抛物面天线:一种由凹形的抛物面状的反射器构成的微波发射器或接收器美国传统〔earpiece〕A part, as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid, that fits in or is held next to the ear.耳塞:电话接收器或助听器上嵌入耳中或附著在耳上的部分美国传统〔feed〕Distribution of a locally broadcast radio or television program by way of a network or satellite to a larger audience or group of receivers.传播:地方电台广播或电视节目通过无线电或卫星传送给更多的听众和观众或更大的接收群体美国传统〔feed〕To distribute (a local radio or television broadcast) to a larger audience or group of receivers by way of a network or satellite.传播:通过无线电或卫星将(地方电台或电视台广播)传送给更多的听众和观众或更大的接收群体美国传统〔flankerback〕An offensive halfback stationed just behind the line of scrimmage and slightly wide of the formation, used chiefly as a pass receiver.侧翼队员:比赛中处于争球线后方离阵线较远的位置,主要任务是传球美国传统〔flea-flicker〕An offensive play in which a pass is thrown to a receiver who then laterals the ball to a teammate.摇摆式进攻:一种进攻打法,将球传给接球者,接球者接着将球横传给队员美国传统〔forward pass〕A pass thrown from behind the line of scrimmage to a receiver who is closer to the opponent's end line than the passer.向前传球:从进攻线后方传给距离对方底线较近的球员的球美国传统〔free〕He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.他一只手抓起电话听筒,另一只手去摸床头灯的开关。柯林斯高阶〔geophone〕An electronic receiver designed to pick up seismic vibrations.地音探听器,地震检波器:被设计用来收集地震震幅的电子接收器美国传统〔goniometer〕A radio receiver and directional antenna used as a system to determine the angular direction of incoming radio signals.无线方向探测器:一种无线电接收和指向天线系统,用来确定收到的无线电信号的角方向美国传统〔handset〕The handle-shaped part of a telephone, containing the receiver and transmitter and often a dial or push buttons.电话听筒:电话把手状的部分,通常该部分有受话器和送话器以及一个拨号盘或按压键美国传统〔hand〕The company is now in the hands of the official receiver.现在公司由法院指定的接管人管理。麦克米伦高阶〔headphone〕A receiver, as for a telephone, radio, or stereo, held to the ear by a headband.头戴式受话器,耳机:用头环套在耳朵上的用于接收电话、收音机或立体声等的接受器美国传统〔hello〕He picked up the receiver and said “Hello? ” 他拿起电话听筒说:“喂?”英汉大词典〔hold out〕The wide receiver is holding out for a new contract.那名外接手不肯妥协,期望签一份新的合同。韦氏高阶〔in sync〕The quarterback was in sync with his receivers.四分卫与接球手配合默契。韦氏高阶〔interference〕Sports Illegal obstruction or hindrance of the ball or of an opposing player, especially hindrance of a receiver in football.【体育运动】 阻挡犯规:犯规性阻挡球或对方队员,尤其是在足球赛阻挡挖球队员美国传统〔lead-in〕The wire that connects an outdoor antenna to an electronic transmitter or receiver.引入线:将室外天线与电子发射机或接收器连接起来的电线美国传统〔lift〕The phone rang and he lifted the receiver immediately.电话铃响了,他立即拿起听筒。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕Hold the line (= Don't put the receiver down), please.请别挂电话。牛津搭配〔lot〕The receivers are keen to sell the stores as one lot.破产事务官想要将这些店铺打包整体出售。柯林斯高阶〔main〕This receiver works on batteries, or you can plug it into the mains electricity.这架收音机可以用电池,也可以把它插入交流电源使用。英汉大词典〔monitor〕To check the quality or content of (an electronic audio or visual signal) by means of a receiver.监听,收听,收视:利用监听器或监视器来查验(电子视频或暗频信号的)质量或内容美国传统〔noise〕Snow in a television receiver is a form of noise.电视接收机的“雪花”是一种干扰。英汉大词典〔only〕She picked up the receiver only when he entered, not before.他刚一进来她就接到了电话。美国传统〔overthrow〕The quarterback overthrew his receiver.四分卫投球过远,外接手没接到。韦氏高阶〔pass over〕Vapors pass over from a retort into a receiver.蒸汽从曲颈瓶里出来通入容器。21世纪英汉〔pass pattern〕A predetermined course that a receiver runs in order to be in position to catch a pass.传球模式:预先套好使接球者能跑来接住传球的路线美国传统〔phone〕I picked up the phone receiver and pressed it to my ear.我拿起电话听筒贴到耳朵边。牛津搭配〔pick〕I hurriedly picked up the receiver.我赶紧拿起听筒。牛津搭配〔place〕The receiver had already clicked into place.听筒咔地一声放回原位了。牛津高阶〔preamplifier〕An electronic circuit or device that detects and strengthens weak signals, as from a radio receiver, for subsequent, more powerful amplification stages.前置放大器:电子线路或装置,用来探测并加强无线电接收机所发出的微弱信号,从而使其达到更加有力的增幅程度美国传统〔purr〕He returned the receiver to its cradle and leaned back with a satisfied purr.他挂上电话,向后一仰,吐出满意的嗬嗬声。英汉大词典〔radarscope〕The oscilloscope viewing screen of a radar receiver.雷达显示器:雷达接收器的示波器显示屏美国传统〔radio compass〕A navigational aid consisting of an automatic radio receiver that determines the transmission direction of incoming radio waves.无线电罗盘:一种导仪器,带有一个无线电自动接收器,可以测定发来的无线电波的发送方向美国传统〔radio〕An apparatus used to receive radio signals; a receiver.接收器:用于接收无线电信号的仪器;收报机美国传统〔range〕The receiver has a maximum range of about 30 feet.这个接收器能接收信号的最远距离为大约 30 英尺。牛津搭配〔receivership〕The office or functions of a receiver.破产事务官职位,破产事务官作用美国传统〔receiver〕A total of 1,059 firms called in the receiver.一共倒闭了1,059家公司。外研社新世纪〔receiver〕Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars.自动调节甚高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。柯林斯高阶〔receiver〕Between July and September, a total of 1,059 firms called in the receiver.7月到9月间,一共有1,059家公司破产在管。柯林斯高阶〔receiver〕He covered the receiver and mouthed, 'It's him.' 他捂着电话用口型示意:“是他。”牛津搭配〔receiver〕He slammed the receiver down and burst into tears.他砰地摔下电话,哭了起来。牛津搭配〔receiver〕His business has failed and is in the hands of the official receiver.他的企业倒闭了,现在由法院指定的财产管理人管理。英汉大词典〔receiver〕Molly's more of a giver than a receiver.莫利是捐赠者而不是接收者。牛津高阶〔receiver〕She angrily slammed down the phone's receiver.她愤怒地砰的一声扔掉了电话听筒。韦氏高阶〔receiver〕She picked up the receiver and dialled his number.她拿起听筒,拨打他的电话号码。朗文当代〔receiver〕She picked up the receiver and dialled his number.她拿起电话拨了他的号码。剑桥高阶〔receiver〕She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear.她拿起话筒,放在耳边。牛津搭配〔receiver〕She took a deep breath and lifted the receiver off its hook.她深吸一口气,拿起了电话。牛津搭配〔receiver〕She was listed as the receiver in the bankruptcy proceedings.在破产程序中她被列为接管人。韦氏高阶〔receiver〕The receiver was dangling from the payphone.听筒悬吊在公用电话机上。牛津搭配〔receiver〕The business is in the hands of the receivers .公司现在由破产管理人接管。朗文当代〔receiver〕The company remained in the hands (= under the control) of the receiver.公司仍由破产管理人管理。牛津搭配〔receiver〕The company went bankrupt and was put into the hands of the receivers.公司破产了,由破产管理人接管。剑桥高阶〔receiver〕They had to lay off 200 staff and call in the receivers.他们不得不解雇 200 名职工,并申请破产管理人协助。牛津搭配〔receiver〕To change channels, select the desired number on the receiver unit.如要转换频道,选择接收器上所要的频道号码。牛津搭配〔replace〕The line went dead. Whitlock replaced the receiver.线路中断了,惠特洛克把听筒放回原处。柯林斯高阶〔scrambler〕An electronic device that scrambles telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to anyone without a special receiver.扰频器:一种电子设备,用于扰乱无线电信号的频率使在无特殊仪器的情况下无法接收美国传统〔scramble〕Electronics To distort or garble (a signal) so as to render it unintelligible without a special receiver.【电子学】 扰频:打乱或扰乱无线电信号的频率使在无特殊仪器的情况下无法接收美国传统〔scramble〕To run around with the ball behind the line of scrimmage while searching for an open receiver.(单独带球)冲锋陷阵:在争球线后带球绕圈跑动以寻找一个自由接手美国传统〔screen pass〕A short forward pass to a receiver in the flat who is protected by a formation of blockers.掩护性传球:一个短的向前的传球,一旁的接球员被同队队员用阻拦对方球员的方法加以保护美国传统〔screen〕Electronics The phosphorescent surface on which an image is displayed, as on a television, computer monitor, or radar receiver.【电子学】 荧光屏:可以显示图象的磷光表面,如电视、计算机显示器或者雷达接收机美国传统〔selectivity〕Abbr. sel.The degree to which an electronic receiver is selective.缩写 sel.选择性:电子接收器的选择性所达到的程度美国传统〔shout〕He shouted into the receiver, “Have it your own way then.” 他对着话筒大声嚷嚷,“那就按你自己的方式办吧。”英汉大词典〔sonobuoy〕A buoy equipped with an acoustic receiver and a radio transmitter that emits radio signals when it detects underwater sounds.声纳浮标:一种浮标,上面装配有原声接受器以及在探测水底声音时能发射出电波信号的电波发射机美国传统〔spiral〕The quarterback threw a tight spiral to the receiver.四分卫向接球手扔了一个急旋球。韦氏高阶〔split end〕Football A pass receiver who lines up apart from the rest of the formation.【橄榄球】 边锋:列队在队形中其它队员之外的接球员美国传统〔squelch〕An electric circuit that cuts off a radio receiver when the signal is too weak for reception of anything but noise.静噪电路:当信号太微弱而只能收到杂声时断掉无线接收器的电子电路美国传统〔static〕Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.随机噪声:随机噪声,如接收器中的碎啪声或电视屏幕上的光斑,是由信号的大气干扰造成的美国传统〔strike〕The quarterback threw a strike to the receiver.四分卫传了一个绝妙的球给接球手。韦氏高阶〔summon〕The official receiver summoned a meeting of creditors.破产管理人召开了债权人会议。麦克米伦高阶〔superheterodyne〕A superheterodyne radio receiver.超外差式收音机美国传统〔take ... up〕She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。21世纪英汉〔telephone〕She put the telephone receiver down.她把电话听筒放下。外研社新世纪〔telephone〕When the telephone rang he picked up the receiver.电话铃响起时他拿起听筒。英汉大词典〔thin〕The team is dangerously thin at wide receiver.该(美式橄榄球)队的外接手位置是个致命软肋。牛津搭配〔trade〕The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions.接球手与四分卫将会对换位置。柯林斯高阶〔transceiver〕A transmitter and receiver housed together in a single unit and having some circuits in common, often for portable or mobile use.无线电收发两用机:安装在一个部件上并共用一部分相同电路的无线电发报机和收报机,通常便携或机动使用美国传统〔transmitter〕The receiver picks up pulses emitted by the transmitter.接收器接收发射机发出的脉冲信号。牛津搭配〔transmitter〕The portion of a telephone that converts the incident sounds into electrical impulses that are conveyed to a remote receiver.送话器:电话的一个部件,它把入射的声音转化为电脉冲,并传到一个远方的接收者那里美国传统〔troubleshoot〕He troubleshoots TV receivers.他检修电视机。英汉大词典〔tune〕Electronics Adjustment of a receiver or circuit for maximum response to a given signal or frequency.【电子学】 调谐:调整接收器或电路以获得对于给定的信号或频率的最强反应美国传统〔tune〕Electronics To adjust a receiver so as not to receive a particular signal.【电子学】 调出:调整接收器以不接收特定的信号美国传统〔tune〕Electronics To adjust a receiver to receive signals at a particular frequency or a particular program.【电子学】 调整频率(以接收):调整接收器来接收特定频率的信号或特定的节目美国传统〔videodisk〕A recording on disk of sounds and images, as of a movie, that can be played back on a television receiver.电视唱片:象电影一样带有声音和图像的录像盘,能够在电视接收器上反复播放美国传统〔wave trap〕An electronic filtering device designed to exclude unwanted signals or interference from a receiver.滤波器:电子过滤装置,设计用来排除接收器中不想要的信号或干扰美国传统〔wide receiver〕A receiver who usually lines up several yards to the side of the offensive formation.边接应队员:通常排在距离进攻方一侧几码处的直传球接手美国传统He forgot to cradle the telephone receiver when he finished. 他打完电话忘记把听筒搁在支架上。译典通Joe Montana overthrew that pass, missing his wide receiver altogether.乔·蒙太那传球太猛,完全超过了边接应队员。剑桥国际Our radio receiver went dead. 我们的无线电接收机失灵了。译典通Remember to replace the receiver when you have finished your call.记住打完电话后把听筒放好。剑桥国际She picked up the receiver and dialed the number. 她拿起听筒,拨了号码。译典通She picked up the receiver and dialled his number.她拿起听筒,拨了他的号码。剑桥国际She replaced the receiver. 她将听筒放了回去。译典通The receiver said he had the legal duty to obtain the best price for the business.官方接管人称为企业争取最好的价格是他的法律义务。牛津商务The company has called in the receivers after losing the support of its bankers.公司在失去其银行支持后已安排独立接管人管理财务。牛津商务The company went bankrupt and was put into the hands of the receivers.公司破产,被交给破产事务官处理。剑桥国际The remote control works by sending infra-red impulses to a receiver in the video recorder.遥控器靠向录像机上的接收器发射红外脉冲而运作。剑桥国际The speaker connects easily to your telephone receiver.扬声器与电话听筒之间连接简便。牛津商务The system encrypts your email so that only the intended receiver can read it.这个系统会对电子邮件进行加密,因此只有指定接收者才可以阅读。牛津商务The television receiver is an electronic device. 电视接收器是一种电子装置。译典通The television signal is attenuated because of the high hills around the receiver.由于周围有高山,电视机接收到的电视信号减弱了。剑桥国际




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