

单词 receive from
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕A lot of the information we receive from historical sources is contradictory, inaccurate, or incomplete. 我们从历史资料中获得的许多信息都自相矛盾、不够准确或不够完整。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕Some students may judge that the benefits they receive from further education are less than the costs of that education. 有些学生也许会认为进修教育给他们带来的益处不及他们要支付的学费。朗文写作活用〔LETTER〕Your fax should include copies of any correspondence you have received from our office. 你的传真应附上我公司写给你的任何书信的副本。朗文写作活用〔SOS〕No SOS messages were received from the plane.没有收到从飞机上发出的紧急呼救信号。英汉大词典〔apology〕Apologies have been received from the Browns.收到了布朗家的致歉。牛津搭配〔apology〕Apologies were received from Phil Baker and Mark Johnson.菲尔•贝克和马克•约翰逊发来致歉信告知他们不能出席。剑桥高阶〔back up〕Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。柯林斯高阶〔box office〕The amount of money received from ticket sales for an entertainment.演出的票房总收入美国传统〔communicant〕Information was also received from the communicant on 15 May.5月15日还收到了来自报信员的信息。外研社新世纪〔conflict〕His account conflicted with reports received from other journalists.他的讲述和从其他记者那儿收到的报道有出入。麦克米伦高阶〔decried〕The king decried the lack of support he received from the people.国王公然非难他受人民支持不足。21世纪英汉〔derive〕To obtain or receive from a source.得到:从某一源泉得到(或取得)美国传统〔directive〕Directives have been received from headquarters.总部下达的命令已收到。外研社新世纪〔distressed〕My client is very distressed at the treatment she received from your officers.我的委托人因受到你们官员的如此对待而极为痛苦。朗文当代〔far〕They're delighted with the replies they've received from the public thus far.迄今为止,他们还满意公众的回答。朗文当代〔giggle at〕Two schoolgirls were giggling at a letter which one of them had received from a boy.两位女生对着信吃吃地笑着,这信是一个男生写给她们中的一位的。21世纪英汉〔good-natured〕The comments I received from local spectators were just good-natured banter.当地观众对我的批评只不过善意的玩笑。外研社新世纪〔grateful〕His family were grateful for the support they had received from their friends.他的家人对朋友们的支持表示感激。外研社新世纪〔last〕This is the last I received from Alice.这是我从爱丽丝那里所得到的最后的消息。文馨英汉〔love〕From John, she received the love she had never received from her father.从约翰那里,她得到了从父亲那里从未得到过的爱。牛津搭配〔match〕Information received from the two informants didn't match up.从两个线人那里得到的消息不相符。麦克米伦高阶〔monies〕Any monies received from this interest will be treated as capital.所有得自此利息的钱款都将被当作本金。剑桥高阶〔profit〕Income received from investments or property.收益:投资或财产所得的收入美国传统〔progressively〕The amount of grant the council received from the Government was progressively reduced.这个委员会获得的政府津贴数额逐渐减少。柯林斯高阶〔radiate〕The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.木星内部散发出的热量是它吸收太阳热量的两倍。剑桥高阶〔rejoice〕The admission notice he received from the university rejoiced his mother's heart.他收到的大学录取通知书使他的母亲心花怒放。21世纪英汉〔restitution〕He is considering making restitution for the gifts he received from subordinates.他正在考虑对收自下属的礼品作出报偿。英汉大词典〔stark〕His criticism of the movie stands in stark contrast to the praise it has received from others.他对那部电影的批评与其他人的称赞形成鲜明对比。韦氏高阶〔stun〕She was stunned by the amount of support she received from well-wishers.居然有这么多人送上祝福,他们的支持令她受宠若惊。剑桥高阶All the proceeds from the concert (= the money received from selling tickets, etc.) will go to charity.音乐会所有的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。牛津商务Declining car exports were responsible for the €2 billion current account deficit (= the amount by which money received from exports, etc. was less than money spent on imports, etc.).汽车出口下降导致 20 亿欧元经常账赤字。牛津商务Every present I've ever received from Camille has been in perfect taste.我收到的卡米尔的所有礼物都很有品味。剑桥国际He is still suffering from the rebuff he received from the senate finance committee.他仍承受着从参议院财政委员会得到的冷遇。剑桥国际In both cases, a coded warning was received from the bombers before the explosion.在两件案例中,爆炸前都收到了投弹人的密码警告。剑桥国际She was stunned by the amount of support she received from well-wishers.居然有这么多善意的人支持她,实在令她受宠若惊。剑桥国际The box office take (= money received from payments) was huge for the new show.这次新演出的票房收入很可观。剑桥国际The planet Jupiter has an internal source of heat, and radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.木星有一内部热源,从内发散出的热量是它从太阳获得热量的两倍。剑桥国际William is in a stew about/over the demand he received from the tax office.威廉正在为他收到税务局的传唤而为难着急。剑桥国际You inherit (= receive from a parent) half your genes from your mother and half from your father.你遗传了你母亲的一半基因和你父亲的一半基因。剑桥国际You wouldn't believe the amount of bumf we received from the local council when we applied for a grant! 你无法相信在我们提出申请补助金后,收到当地议会的公文有如此之多!剑桥国际




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