

单词 receipts
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕When we added up the receipts we realized we had spent too much. 我们把收据加起来,发现钱用得太多了。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕You must make sure that your sales figures match up with your receipts at the end of each week. 每个星期结束的时候,销售额和你发票上的数目一定要对起来。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts. 她的手提包鼓鼓囊囊,有钥匙、香烟、碎纸片和旧收据。朗文写作活用〔against〕Check your receipts against the statement.核对你的收据与结算单是否相符。牛津高阶〔along〕She placed the bank notes, along with the change and receipts, back in the drawer.她把钞票连同找回的零钱和发票一起重又放进抽屉。英汉大词典〔arrive〕These figures are arrived at on the basis of dentists' receipts for 1991-1992.这些数字是根据1991至1992年间的牙医收据统计得出的。柯林斯高阶〔boxoffice〕Box-office receipts for the movie have hit $50 million.这部电影的票房收入已达 5,000 万美元。牛津搭配〔car〕Receipts were: wheat 38 cars and soybeans 9.收到小麦38车和大豆9车。英汉大词典〔cashbook〕A book in which a record of cash receipts and expenditures is kept.现金帐:记录现金收据和花费的帐本美国传统〔cover〕I kept copies of my expense receipts, just to cover myself.我把花费的票据都复印保留了一份,免得让人挑出毛病。剑桥高阶〔documentation〕Keep your receipts as documentation of your purchases.保管好发票,作为购买凭证。韦氏高阶〔exclude〕These figures exclude cash receipts.这些数字不包括现金收入。麦克米伦高阶〔gross receipts〕Moviegoers bought $2.19 billion of tickets this summer, down slightly from last summer's record $2.2 billion in gross receipts.今年夏天电影观众花了21.9亿美元在电影票上,比去年创纪录的22亿美元总收入略少。剑桥高阶〔ground〕The assumption is well grounded in the box office receipts.这个设想以票房收入为其坚实后盾。英汉大词典〔keep〕Make sure you always keep your receipts.请务必保留收据。外研社新世纪〔make a point of doing sth〕She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.她总是把所有的购物发票都保留下来。剑桥高阶〔offset〕He keeps his petrol receipts because petrol is one of the expenses that he can offset against tax (= can show to the government as being a business cost, and so not pay tax).他保留着他的汽油费收据,因为汽油费是可以抵扣税款的一项开支。剑桥高阶〔purchaser〕Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars.其中一些收据是购买汽车时开的。柯林斯高阶〔receipts〕He was tallying the day's receipts.他在清点当天的收入。外研社新世纪〔receipts〕On Saturdays Amos takes the week's receipts to the bank.每逢周六, 阿莫斯就会把一周的收入存进银行。外研社新世纪〔receipts〕The film opened to healthy box office receipts.这部电影公映后, 获得了相当高的票房收入。外研社新世纪〔receipt〕Cash receipts reached £70 million.现金收入达到了 7,000 万英镑。牛津搭配〔receipt〕Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts.现金收入是从总收入中减去总贸易收入来计算的。牛津搭配〔receipt〕Gate receipts have fallen compared to last season.门票收入与上一赛季相比有所下降。 牛津搭配〔receipt〕He always paid by credit card and kept the receipts.他总是用信用卡付账并保留收据。麦克米伦高阶〔receipt〕He was tallying the day's receipts.他正在清点一天的收入。柯林斯高阶〔receipt〕His credit-card receipts show he was in New York at the time.他的信用卡凭条表明他当时在纽约。牛津搭配〔receipt〕Make sure you get receipts for everything.买任何东西都一定要拿收据。朗文当代〔receipt〕My receipts have increased since last year.自去年以来,我的收入增加了。英汉大词典〔receipt〕Obtain and keep all receipts for taxi fares.收取并保存好所有的出租车发票。外研社新世纪〔receipt〕Our company deposits cash receipts every day.我们公司每天都将现金收入存入银行。韦氏高阶〔receipt〕Tax receipts exceeded £2 million.税款收入超过200万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔receipt〕Tax receipts rose 2.5%.税收提高了 2.5%。牛津搭配〔receipt〕The film opened to healthy box office receipts before rapidly falling off.这部影片的票房收入开始的时候持续上涨,但是后来急剧下降。柯林斯高阶〔receipt〕The theatre's receipts for the winter were badly down.该剧院冬季的收入大幅下降。剑桥高阶〔receipt〕The total receipts barely covered expenses.全部收入仅够偿付各项支出。英汉大词典〔runner〕At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts.这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。柯林斯高阶〔sale〕Gross receipts.总收据美国传统〔save〕It's always a good idea to save business letters, bills, and receipts.把商业信件、账单和收据保存起来不失为好主意。英汉大词典〔sort out〕Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.尽快整理好你所有的账单、收据、发票和开支,并记好账目明细。柯林斯高阶〔sort out〕Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices, and expenses.把你所有的账单、收据、发票和支出都挑出来。外研社新世纪〔spike〕Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.发黄的收据被穿在一根金属扦上。柯林斯高阶〔surplus〕Excess of receipts over expenditures.盈余:扣除开支以外的收入盈余额美国传统〔take〕A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business arrangement or venture.一次清算的数量:一次所收集的数量,尤指在一次商业活动或商业投机中所得到的利润或收益的数量美国传统〔total〕At the end of the day, please total your receipts.一天营业结束后,请计算一下进款总额。麦克米伦高阶Receipts from tourism fell by about one third.旅游收入减少了大约三分之一。牛津商务Bar codes mean customers can have itemized receipts.条码意味着顾客可以拿到逐项列出的收据。牛津商务Box-office receipts amounted to over a million. 票房收入超过了一百万。译典通Busy shoppers should check their price scanner receipts for errors.时间紧的购物者应该核对一下收银条看是否有错。牛津商务Fasten these receipts with a paper clip, please. 请用回纹针将这些收据夹住。译典通In 1990, American films accounted for 58 per cent of box office receipts / takings in France. 1990 年法国电影票房收入美国电影占58%。剑桥国际Make sure you keep all your receipts.务必保留好所有的收据。牛津商务Marks and Spencer depositary receipts are traded on Euronext in Brussels and Amsterdam.马莎存托凭证在布鲁塞尔和阿姆斯特丹的泛欧交易所进行交易。牛津商务She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.她总是把所有的购物发票都留起来。剑桥国际That klutz lost several account receipts, so the accountants were upset. 那个傻瓜掉了几张帐目收据,因此会计很不高兴。译典通The company produced receipts in substantiation of (= to support) its claim.公司出示收据为其索赔作证。剑桥国际The economic slowdown has reduced tax receipts.经济放缓使税收收入减少了。牛津商务The theatre's receipts for the winter were badly down.剧院冬季票房收入很低。剑桥国际




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