

单词 quality
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕Consumers are demanding lower prices, better quality, and a larger selection of goods. 消费者要求更低的价格、更好的质量和更丰富的品种。朗文写作活用〔BREATHE〕People nowadays are becoming more and more concerned about the quality of the air they breathe. 人们现在愈来愈关心他们呼吸的空气的质量。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕The consumer is interested in high quality goods, not just low prices. 消费者感兴趣的是高质量的产品,而非仅仅是低廉的价格。朗文写作活用〔Frenchify〕To make French in character or quality.使法国化:使具有法国的风格或特征美国传统〔LONG〕If a song is good enough, it has a timeless quality. 一首歌写得好就是永恒的。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕I am surprised that a company with your good reputation would produce such poor quality goods. 贵公司有着如此良好的声誉竟然生产出这么劣质的产品,真是让我吃惊。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕Going by the quality of the runners, I think this week's 800 metres final could produce a new Olympic record. 从赛跑运动员的素质来看,我觉得本周的800米决赛将产生一项新的奥运会纪录。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕Air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities. 我们城市里的空气质量迅速恶化。朗文写作活用〔abundance〕One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit.该队的一大特点是斗志昂扬。朗文当代〔accent〕A distinctive feature or quality, such as a feature that accentuates or complements a decorative style.特点,特征,特色:区别性特征或性质。如强调或补充一种装饰风格的特征美国传统〔accountable〕The hospital should be held accountable for the quality of care it gives.医院应当对医护质量负责。朗文当代〔androgynous〕Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them.贝琳达常能以自己的中性特质令男人倾心。柯林斯高阶〔apparent〕The difference in quality was immediately apparent .质量的差异显而易见。朗文当代〔bestiality〕The quality or condition of being an animal or like an animal.兽性:兽或象兽的品质或状态美国传统〔brand〕The company's core brand value is consistency in quality and service.这家公司的核心品牌价值在于始终如一的质量和服务。牛津搭配〔brilliance〕It is a very high quality production, brilliantly written and acted.其制作水准很高,剧本和表演都很精彩。柯林斯高阶〔buy〕Increased profits would be bought at the expense of paying less attention to quality.增加利润是以不注重质量为代价的。麦克米伦高阶〔candle〕Every egg is candled to assure quality.为保证质量,每只蛋都对着光检查过。英汉大词典〔check〕Conduct regular checks on your water quality.要经常检查水质。朗文当代〔colloquialism〕Colloquial style or quality.口语体:口语化或口语用法美国传统〔compensation〕Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.尽管收入减少了, 但是搬到生活质量优越的东北部还是有一些好处的。外研社新世纪〔competence〕Law The quality or condition of being legally qualified to perform an act.【法律】 权限:法律所赋予的作出某一行为的权力的性质或状态美国传统〔con sidering〕The price of this shirt is not high, considering its quality.就质量而言,这件衬衫的价钱并不贵。21世纪英汉〔connectivity〕The quality or condition of being connected or connective.连接:被连接或连接的性质美国传统〔constancy〕The condition or quality of being constant; changelessness.始终如一:始终如一的情形或性质;持久不变美国传统〔conventionality〕The state, quality, or character of being conventional.因循守旧:墨守成规的状态、性质或特征美国传统〔depend on/upon〕The manufacturer promises quality you can depend on.生产商承诺其质量可以信赖。韦氏高阶〔detergency〕The power or quality of cleansing.去垢力:清洁的能力或质量美国传统〔diffidence〕The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness.缺乏自信;胆怯:缺乏自信的性质或状态;胆小的或羞怯的美国传统〔dilute〕Large classes dilute the quality of education that children receive.大班上课会降低孩子所受教育的质量。牛津高阶〔dirty〕With poor quality tapes you could also risk dirtying the heads on your video recorder.使用劣质磁带还有可能会污损你的录像机磁头。柯林斯高阶〔dreamlike〕Her paintings have a naive, dreamlike quality.她的画作带有质朴、空灵的韵味。外研社新世纪〔dreamlike〕Her photographs have a dreamlike quality.她的照片给人一种梦幻般的感觉。韦氏高阶〔drop ... off〕The quality of work has dropped off since last month.自上月起,工作质量已下降了。21世纪英汉〔drop〕A swift decline or decrease, as in quality, quantity, or intensity.下跌:在质量、数量或密度上的迅速下降或减少美国传统〔effeminacy〕The quality or condition of being effeminate.女人气的特征或状态美国传统〔elegiac〕The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality.曲子有一种梦幻般的哀伤。外研社新世纪〔erode〕Years of mismanagement have eroded the quality of their products.多年来的管理不善慢慢地毁掉了他们产品的质量。韦氏高阶〔eroticism〕An erotic quality or theme.性爱:性爱的性质或主题美国传统〔exceptional〕The quality of the recording is quite exceptional.录音质量相当不错。牛津高阶〔fall away〕The quality of his work has fallen away a little.他的工作质量下降了一些。剑桥高阶〔fallacy〕The quality of being deceptive.欺骗性美国传统〔fascination〕An intensely interesting, attractive quality or trait.迷惑力:一种引起强烈兴趣,吸引人的品质或特点美国传统〔fatality〕The question is not the fatality of a disease, but quality of life of the sufferer.问题不是疾病的致命性, 而是患者的生命质量。外研社新世纪〔feudality〕The quality or state of being feudal.封建性或处于封建状态美国传统〔first fruit〕These improvements in quality are the first fruits of our investment.质量上的改善是我们投资取得的初步成果。剑桥高阶〔fortuity〕The quality or condition of being fortuitous.偶然性,偶然:偶然发生的性质或状态美国传统〔funk〕An earthy quality appreciated in music such as jazz or soul.乡土音色:如爵士乐或爵士灵歌中朴实无华的音色美国传统〔gayness〕The quality of life for gay men has improved over the last two decades.同性恋者的生活质量在过去20年里有了改善。柯林斯高阶〔giveaway〕Wine and food of superlative quality are available everywhere at giveaway prices.随处都能买到价格低廉而质量上乘的酒和食品。柯林斯高阶〔godhood〕The quality or state of being a god; divinity.神性:作为神的地位或状态;神圣美国传统〔guarantee〕A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量。柯林斯高阶〔high〕This is high quality stuff.这东西质量很好。柯林斯高阶〔hipsterism〕The quality or condition of being hip.赶时髦:赶时髦的状态美国传统〔holiness〕The state or quality of being holy; sanctity.神圣的状态或品质;圣洁美国传统〔homogeneity〕The state or quality of being homogeneous.同质:同质或相似的性质或状态美国传统〔immensity〕The quality or state of being immense.巨大,广大:巨大的状态或性质美国传统〔immunity〕The quality or condition of being immune.免除,免疫:免疫的状态或性质美国传统〔incision〕The condition or quality of being incisive; incisiveness.锋利:锋利的情况或性质;锋利美国传统〔incommensurable〕Lacking a common quality on which to make a comparison.不能比较的:缺乏能进行比较的共同特质的美国传统〔ineptitude〕The quality of being inept; ineptness.不合适,不擅长,笨拙:不合适、不擅长、笨拙的特性美国传统〔inferior〕It produces photographs of inferior quality.它会造成劣质的照片。麦克米伦高阶〔interim〕During the interim period, air quality has deteriorated.在过渡期间,空气质量下降了。朗文当代〔investment〕When selecting boots, fine, quality leather will be a wise investment.在挑选长筒靴的时候,购买上等的好皮靴将是明智的选择。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevance〕The quality or state of being unrelated to the matter at hand.不相干性:与所讨论的事物不相干这一性质或状态美国传统〔laxity〕The state or quality of being lax.松弛的状态或性质美国传统〔lay ... out〕The quality products were neatly laid out in the exhibition hall.优质产品整齐地陈列在展览厅里。21世纪英汉〔less〕They're focusing more on quality and less on quantity.他们更多地注重质量,较少关注数量。韦氏高阶〔liberality〕The quality or state of being liberal or generous.慷慨大方的状态或性质美国传统〔locality〕The fact or quality of having position in space.方位性:在空间中占有一位置的事实或性质美国传统〔long run〕We expect a substantial increase in sales of the book in the long run. The paint must not deteriorate in quality over the long run.我们希望这本书最终能增大销量。这种油漆千万不能在经过一段时间后质量下降美国传统〔long suit〕The personal quality or talent that is one's strongest asset.长处:作为个人最强的长处的品质或天赋美国传统〔low〕Cost-cutting has led to a lower quality of service.削减成本导致了服务质量的降低。朗文当代〔man-to-man marking〕If you employ man-to-man marking against quality players like Messi, you'll give away goals.如果对象梅西这样优秀的球员采取人盯人,那你会失球的。剑桥高阶〔markedly〕The quality of their relationship improved markedly.他们的关系有了显著改善。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕An inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin.标签:物品上的印记、名称、邮戳或封印,表明所有者、质量、制造者或其来源美国传统〔matter〕The quality of the ambulance service is a matter of life and death.救护车服务的质量是关乎生死的问题。朗文当代〔maturity〕The state or quality of being fully grown or developed.发达,完全发育:完全长成或发展了的状态或品质美国传统〔mediocrity〕The state or quality of being mediocre.平庸,平凡:居中的状态或品质美国传统〔middling〕Sound quality is fair to middling.音质马马虎虎。外研社新世纪〔miss〕Their efforts to improve quality have somewhat missed the mark.他们想努力提高质量,但没有达到目的。朗文当代〔modality〕The fact, state, or quality of being modal.形式:作为一种形式的事实,状态或性质美国传统〔monstrosity〕The quality or character of being monstrous.怪异的特点或性质美国传统〔morality〕The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.品德:符合正确的或好的行为标准的品质美国传统〔more〕It's worth spending a bit more to get better quality.为了获得更好的质量, 多花点钱也是值得的。外研社新世纪〔mortality〕The quality or condition of being mortal.必死性:濒临死亡的特征或状态美国传统〔name〕Quality, that's the name of the game.质量,这才是最重要的。朗文当代〔nothingness〕The condition or quality of being nothing; nonexistence.虚无:无物的状态或性质;不存在美国传统〔notoriety〕The quality or condition of being notorious; ill fame.声名狼藉的,恶名昭彰的美国传统〔occupied〕We occupy a quality position in the market place.我们在市场上居于高端地位。柯林斯高阶〔onus〕The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description.店主有义务提供质量与其描述相符的商品。柯林斯高阶〔opacity〕The quality or state of being opaque.黑暗:变暗或变黑的性质和状态美国传统〔originality〕The quality of being original.独创性:独创的特性美国传统〔overall〕She likes the overall quality of the product.她对产品的总体质量很满意。韦氏高阶〔overall〕The college has few ways to assess the quality of education overall.总体看来,这所大学评估教育质量的方法寥寥无几。柯林斯高阶〔over〕I value quality of life over money.我把生活质量看得比金钱更重要。剑桥高阶〔patency〕Biology The state or quality of being open, expanded, or unblocked.【生物学】 开放,不闭合:公开的、展开的或打开的状态或性质美国传统〔perch〕A frame on which cloth is laid for examination of quality.框架:放置布的架子,用以检验布的质量美国传统〔performance〕The quality of his performance was unmatched.他的表演水平无与伦比。牛津搭配〔pertain〕To belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality.附属:作为附属物、部件、所有物或品质属于美国传统〔pitch〕Music Any of various standards for this quality associating each tone with a particular frequency.【音乐】 音调:一种音高标准,将每一音调与其特定的频率相连美国传统〔popularity〕The quality or state of being popular, especially the state of being widely admired, accepted, or sought after.普及,流行,通俗性:处于流行或普及状态,尤指广为喜爱、接受或追随的情况美国传统〔positivism〕The state or quality of being positive.积极性:积极的状态或性质美国传统〔precipitancy〕The quality of being precipitant.沉淀性:可被沉淀的性质美国传统〔premium〕People are prepared to pay premium prices for quality products.人们愿意出高价购买优质产品。朗文当代〔premium〕People are willing to pay premium prices for quality products.人们愿意花高价购买优质产品。麦克米伦高阶〔print〕Laser printers give high quality print.激光打印机的打印质量很好。柯林斯高阶〔print〕The book is beautifully printed on good quality paper.那本书纸质优良,印刷精美。牛津搭配〔producer〕The estate is generally a producer of high quality wines.这片土地盛产优质葡萄酒。柯林斯高阶〔productivity〕The quality of being productive.生产力:具有生产能力的性质美国传统〔product〕Those who used the products were generally satisfied with the quality.使用过本产品的人普遍对其质量感到满意。牛津搭配〔prosaism〕A quality or style that is prosaic.平淡无奇:平凡的特点或风格美国传统〔prose〕Commonplace expression or quality.平淡无奇:普通的表达或性质美国传统〔prosperity〕A country's future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people.一个国家未来的繁荣昌盛在一定程度上取决于国民的教育质量。剑桥高阶〔proxy〕Price differences are used as a proxy for differences in quality.一分钱一分货。柯林斯高阶〔prudery〕The state or quality of being prudish.过分拘谨:过分拘谨的状态或品质美国传统〔put〕Our company puts the emphasis on quality.我们公司重视质量。牛津高阶〔quality of life〕A healthy lifestyle leads to a better quality of life.健康的生活方式能够带来更高的生活品质。外研社新世纪〔quality〕My quality of life has improved tremendously since I moved to the country.移居乡村以来,我的生活质量大大提高。剑桥高阶〔quality〕The music gives the movie a dreamlike quality.音乐赋予这部电影一种梦幻般的感觉。牛津搭配〔quality〕We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices.我们的宗旨是质量上乘、价格合理。牛津高阶〔rap〕Slang A negative quality or characteristic associated with a person or an object.【俚语】 缺点:与某人或某物有关的反面的性质或特点美国传统〔record〕When it comes to quality, our record speaks for itself.在质量方面,我们的成绩是不言而喻的。牛津搭配〔referee〕One to whom something is referred, especially for settlement, decision, or an opinion as to the thing's quality.被问询者:特别是为了解决、决定或对某物质量的看法而被询问的人美国传统〔relativity〕The quality or state of being relative.相对性:相对的性质或状态美国传统〔relish〕A trace or suggestion of a pleasurable quality.滋味:令人愉快的微量或意味美国传统〔remarkable〕This painting is of remarkable quality.这幅画是上乘之作。英汉大词典〔renown〕The quality of being widely honored and acclaimed; fame.名望:被广泛地尊重和赞誉的品质;声誉美国传统〔resolution〕The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.果断,决意:态度坚决的状态或品质;坚定的决心美国传统〔same〕Similar in kind, quality, quantity, or degree.同种的:在种类、质量、数量或等级上相似的美国传统〔sanctity〕The quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability.神圣,尊严:神圣的美德或节操;不可侵犯性美国传统〔savagery〕The quality or condition of being savage.野蛮状态:处于未开化的性质或状态美国传统〔scant〕They produce goods with scant regard for quality.他们生产的产品不够重视质量。朗文当代〔second〕One that is next in order, place, time, or quality after the first.第二名:在顺序、地点、时间、或质量上仅次于第一美国传统〔secularity〕The condition or quality of being secular.现世性:世俗的状态或性质美国传统〔set apart〕That rare quality sets him apart from the rest.他那种罕见的特质让他与众不同。外研社新世纪〔severity〕The state or quality of being severe.严肃:严肃的状态或品质美国传统〔shoddy〕Of poor quality or craft.质量或工艺差的美国传统〔solemnity〕The quality or condition of being solemn.庄重的性质或情况美国传统〔sorely〕Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today.勇气是当今世界领导人极缺的一种素质。朗文当代〔spirituality〕The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.精神性:成为精神的状态、性质、方式或事实美国传统〔spiritual〕The music had an almost spiritual quality.这支乐曲几乎已具有了精神意义。牛津搭配〔squalor〕A filthy and wretched condition or quality.肮脏:肮脏和破旧的状态或性质美国传统〔standard〕We have to try and achieve the quality standards set by the project.我们必须努力达到项目要求的质量标准。牛津搭配〔star quality〕He is a player who has the star quality to delight his fans.作为一个运动员,他具有愉悦球迷的明星气质。剑桥高阶〔stress〕I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality.我认为公司对成本强调有余,而对质量重视不足。牛津高阶〔successful〕We have been very successful in attracting some top quality firms to the area.我们已经很成功地把一些一流公司吸引到这个地区来了。麦克米伦高阶〔superior〕The sound quality is superior to that on a regular CD.这音质比一般CD的音质要好。麦克米伦高阶〔tactile〕Her paintings have a very tactile quality.她的画具有很强的质感。剑桥高阶〔tap〕Liquor of a particular brew, cask, or quality.酒的品质:某一特定酿造技术、酒桶或质量的酒美国传统〔the face of sth〕Poor quality is the unacceptable face of increased productivity.因为产量增加而出现质量滑坡是不能接受的。剑桥高阶〔third dimension〕The quality of depth or thickness in an object or a space.第三维:一个物体或空间的深度或厚度特性美国传统〔third-rate〕Of third quality or value, especially of less quality or value than second-rate.三等的:质量或价值处第三位的,尤指低于二等的美国传统〔ticky-tacky〕No one's interested in buying ticky-tacky houses anymore. They are looking for quality.再也没有人有兴趣购买粗制滥造的房子,大家都在寻求品质。文馨英汉〔timeless〕There is a timeless quality to his best work.他的佳作经得住时间考验。外研社新世纪〔tone〕A sound of distinct pitch, quality, and duration; a note.音:具有清晰的声调、音质和音长的声音;一个音阶美国传统〔tops〕Birmingham comes out tops for quality of life in a new survey.一项新的调查显示伯明翰在生活质量上非常出色。剑桥高阶〔triviality〕The quality or condition of being trivial.平凡,琐屑:平凡、琐屑的性质或状态美国传统〔tuberosity〕The quality or condition of being tuberous.枯节,块茎状:有块茎的状态或性质美国传统〔turn ... out〕Plans have been made to turn out more products of higher quality.已制订计划,生产更多高质量的产品。21世纪英汉〔unity〕The state or quality of being one; singleness.个体;单一:是一个的状态和性质;单一美国传统〔unreal〕The party began to take on an unreal, almost nightmarish quality.聚会开始呈现出虚幻、近乎梦魇般的气氛。牛津高阶〔unsurpassed〕The quality of Smallbone furniture is unsurpassed.斯莫尔本恩家具品质超凡。外研社新世纪〔unsurpassed〕The quality of Smallbone furniture is unsurpassed.斯莫尔本恩家具品质超凡。柯林斯高阶〔valuable〕Good eyesight is a quality which is extremely valuable for a hunting animal.敏锐的视力对猎食动物来说非常重要。牛津搭配〔vexation〕The quality or condition of being vexed; annoyance.烦恼的状况;烦恼美国传统〔viridity〕The quality or condition of being green; greenness.绿色,翠绿:绿色的品质或状态;绿色美国传统〔worst〕His worst quality is his impatience.他最不好的一点就是急躁。韦氏高阶Quality homes of character and distinction on a new development by Lloyds.位于劳埃德公司新开发区的特色优质房屋剑桥国际Bunuel's films have a surreal quality.布努艾尔的电影具有荒诞离奇的特点。剑桥国际Chutzpah is the quality shown by the man who, having killed both parents, throws himself on the mercy of the courts as an orphan.有一个人杀了父母,然后要求法庭因为他是孤儿而宽恕他。这样的人所表现出来的品质就是厚颜无耻。剑桥国际Goods must be of merchantable quality.商品必须达到可销售品质。牛津商务Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。译典通He examined the quality of the furniture carefully. 他仔细检查家具的品质。译典通He has failed to surround himself with a staff of real quality or experience (= failed to get a team of such people to work for him).他未能在自己周围组成一群有才华又有经验的人。剑桥国际Her voice had an extraordinary hypnotic quality.她的声音有一种奇特的催眠的特性。剑桥国际In a contract for sale of goods there is an implied condition that the goods are of satisfactory quality.在销售产品的合同中有一项暗含条件,即货物质量是令人满意的。牛津商务In the fashion industry, quality takes precedence over price.在时装界,质量重于价格。牛津商务It is a good idea to let a field lie fallow (= to plant nothing in it) to improve the quality of the soil and restore its fertility.留一块土地休耕以提高土壤质量、恢复土壤肥力是一个好主意。剑桥国际Maintaining quality is incompatible with increasing output (=you can't do both).保持质量和增加产量是对立的。剑桥国际One quality of wood is that it can burn. 木料的一个特点是能燃烧。译典通Poor quality is the unacceptable face of increased productivity.质量低劣是增加产量后令人无法接受的一面。剑桥国际Sam's schoolwork has shown a marked improvement in quality this year.今年萨姆的学业在质量上有显著的提高。剑桥国际The company has a reputation for quality and value.这家公司以质量和价值享有盛誉。牛津商务The demand is for quality, variety and novelty. 现在需求的是品质、花式品种和新颖性。译典通The latest computers are high on portability (=the quality of being easily able to be carried from one place to another).最新的计算机具有很强的便携性。剑桥国际The materials that the company buys are checked for quality by independent third-party auditors.这家公司购买的材料的质量由独立的第三方审计人员进行核查。牛津商务The newspaper report portrayed the car driver as a fiend, without a single good quality.报纸上的报道把那个小车司机描绘成一个一无是处的讨厌鬼。剑桥国际The picture quality is bad because the TV signal isn't powerful enough.图像效果不好,因为电视信号不强。剑桥国际The pursuit of high productivity is prejudicing the quality of service.对高生产率的追求损害了服务质量。剑桥国际Their main reason for not buying the car was that it was too big--subsidiary reasons were the style and quality.不买这辆车的主要原因是车身太大----次要原因则是款式和质量的问题。剑桥国际There is a pronounced dialectical quality to her films (= Her films develop and then try to solve an argument between two opposing opinions).她的影片暴露矛盾,然后试图解决矛盾。剑桥国际There is an almost cinematic quality to this novel/ play.这部长篇小说/话剧中有种近似电影的特点。剑桥国际They offer high quality products at a reasonable price.他们提供的产品品质优良,价格合理。牛津商务They withheld payments as they were not satisfied with the quality of the goods.由于对产品质量不满意,他们拒绝付款。牛津商务This model represents the best compromise between price and quality.这种型号是价格和质量之间所做到的最佳折中方案。牛津商务Traditionally in our industry the key performance indicators were price, quality and delivery.我们行业的传统关键绩效指标是价格、品质和交付。牛津商务We deliver a quality product with zero defects.我们交付零缺陷的优质产品。牛津商务You can always tell by the quality of a hand-made piece of furniture if it was made by someone who knew (=was good at) their craft.人们总能从手工制作的家具的质量判断出这是否出自巧匠之手。剑桥国际You sometimes need to trade price off against quality.人们有时需要在价格和质量之间取得平衡。牛津商务




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