

单词 qualities
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anaximander〕Greek philosopher and astronomer who speculated that the universe arose out of the separation of opposite qualities from one primordial substance.阿那克西曼德:希腊哲学家和天文学家,他猜测宇宙由一个原生质的相反品种分裂产生美国传统〔CHARACTER〕Among his other endearing qualities, Ralph was an exceedingly patient man. 除了其他令人喜爱的特质外,拉尔夫还是一个极有耐心的人。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕Besides intelligence and charm, Bella had some less desirable qualities. 除了头脑聪慧和富于魅力外,贝拉还有些不太可爱的性格特质。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕Despite its many qualities, the school simply isn't getting results. 尽管有许多特色,该校就是不见成效。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕There are certain qualities in Orwell's prose that I greatly admire. 奥威尔文笔中的一些特性我很欣赏。朗文写作活用〔Christian〕Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.基督的:表现出耶稣的品德或精神;具有耶稣精神的美国传统〔NEED/NECESSARY〕What are the qualities that are needed for the job? 做这工作要有什么样的品德?朗文写作活用〔NICE〕Louise's complete honesty was one of her most endearing qualities. 路易丝为人绝对坦诚,这是她最可人的地方之一。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕A final heat treatment makes the glass much stronger and improves its optical qualities. 最后一个热处理工序使玻璃更为坚固,并提高了它的透光性。朗文写作活用〔Vidalia onion〕A large, white, sweet, delicately flavored onion, having a thin yellowish outer skin and poor storage qualities.维达利亚大葱:一种大的、白色、甜美的洋葱,有一层黄色的薄皮,很难储存美国传统〔WOMAN〕Patience and kindness are often seen as female qualities. 忍耐和善良常被视作女性的品格特点。朗文写作活用〔ability〕These nouns denote the qualities in a person that permit or facilitate achievement or accomplishment.这些名词都表示某人具有取得进步或成功的素质。美国传统〔abundance〕They are qualities which Morris had in abundance.这些特质可以从莫里斯身上发现很多。外研社新世纪〔admirable〕One of O'Neill's more admirable qualities is his willingness to compromise.奥尼尔更令人称道的品质之一是他愿意妥协。外研社新世纪〔admirable〕She has many admirable qualities.她有很多值得敬佩的优点。牛津同义词〔ambiversion〕A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion.中向性格:一种包括内向和外向的性格特征美国传统〔among〕Among his good qualities is honesty.诚实是他众多优良品质之一。韦氏高阶〔among〕He has many good qualities. Chief among them is his honesty.他有许多优良品质,其中最重要的一点是诚实。韦氏高阶〔ancient〕Having the qualities associated with age, wisdom, or long use; venerable.年高德劭的:具有与年纪,智谋或长久使用相关的品质的;值得尊敬的美国传统〔antiheroine〕A woman protagonist, as in a play or book, characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities.反女主角:戏剧或书籍中缺乏传统主角特征的女主人公美国传统〔antihero〕A main character in a dramatic or narrative work who is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage.反英雄:戏剧或叙事作品中缺乏传统英雄品格,如理想主义或勇气的主人公美国传统〔antiseptic〕Some herbs have antiseptic qualities.一些药草有抗菌性。朗文当代〔antiseptic〕These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities.这些蔬菜和草本植物有很强的杀菌性。柯林斯高阶〔antithesis〕Collage had all the qualities that might be put in antithesis to minimalism.拼贴艺术的各种特质都可以与极简抽象艺术形成对比。外研社新世纪〔apperception〕The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an object are related to past experience.统觉:借助以往经验来理解一事物之新发现的属性的过程美国传统〔appreciation〕Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.欣赏:意识或灵敏的感知力,尤其指审美品质或价值美国传统〔area〕These nouns all denote extents of space, especially on a surface, that can be differentiated from others by particular qualities or characteristics.这些名词都意指空间的范围,尤指表面,由其特有的性质或特征而与其它词相区别。美国传统〔asset〕Her leadership qualities were the greatest asset of the Conservative Party.她的领导才能是保守党最宝贵的财富。柯林斯高阶〔attribute〕People are attributing qualities to me that I just don't have.人们正把一些我并没有的个性加在我身上。麦克米伦高阶〔attribute〕People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.人们开始觉得他超人一等。柯林斯高阶〔bearing〕These nouns pertain to a person's behavior as it reveals such distinctive personal qualities as his or her individuality or upbringing.这些名词都反映人的个性特征和由教养所决定的行为。美国传统〔beautiful〕Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.美的:具有使感官,特别是视觉愉快的性质的美国传统〔being〕All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence.要素:所有构成存在的性质;实质美国传统〔besides〕I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful.我觉得她不但长得非常漂亮,而且还有很多优秀品质。柯林斯高阶〔best〕His modesty and sense of humor are his best qualities.谦虚和幽默是他最优秀的品德。韦氏高阶〔biform〕Having a combination of features or qualities of two distinct forms.二形的:有二种不同形的特点或品质的美国传统〔bring〕Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a man's best qualities.困难的情境有时能激发出一个人最优良的品质。英汉大词典〔build on〕Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with.以满意的品质为基础, 努力改变令自己不满意的地方。外研社新世纪〔build〕Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with.以自己满意的优点为发展基础,努力改变自己不满意的地方。柯林斯高阶〔chivalrous〕Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.武士精神的:具有勇武精神及荣誉感等被认为是理想的武士所就具有的品质的美国传统〔chivalry〕A manifestation of any of these qualities.这些品质的任一种表现美国传统〔chivalry〕The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.骑士品质:被骑士制度所理想化的品质,如勇敢、彬彬有礼、荣誉感以及对女人的殷勤等美国传统〔class〕To arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify.分类,定等级:把…按性质或特征排列、组合或评价;归于一个类别;分类美国传统〔combine〕We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.我们仍在寻觅兼备所有必要才能的人选。牛津高阶〔companionate〕Having the qualities of a companion.结伴的;同伴的:具有同伴性质的美国传统〔concretism〕The practice of representing abstract concepts or qualities in concrete form, as in concrete poetry.具体化:以具体形式来表现抽象的概念或性质的过程,例如在具体派诗中美国传统〔condone〕He has many good qualities that condone his shortcomings.他有许多可弥补缺点的好品质。英汉大词典〔contradistinction〕Distinction by contrasting or opposing qualities.对照之别:通过对比或对照性质所作的区别美国传统〔contradistinguish〕To distinguish by contrasting qualities.通过对比性质进行区别美国传统〔contrive〕Ralph Richardson contrived to combine both these qualities to perfection.拉尔夫•理查森设法把这两种品质尽善尽美地结合在一起。外研社新世纪〔curate's egg〕Something with both good and bad qualities.有好与坏特性的东西;质量优劣兼备的东西美国传统〔defect〕Everyone has the defects of his qualities [virtues].【谚】每个人都有伴随其优点的缺点;人人皆有美中不足之处。文馨英汉〔defeminize〕To divest of feminine traits, qualities, or characteristics.使失去女人味:使失去女性特征,品质或特色美国传统〔degenerate〕Having fallen to an inferior or undesirable state, especially in mental or moral qualities.堕落的:降到低等的或不合社会道德标准的状态的,尤指在精神或道德品质方面美国传统〔deification〕One that embodies the qualities of a god.神的化身:被赋予神的特征的人或物美国传统〔demand〕He seems to lack many of the qualities demanded of (= needed by) a successful politician.他似乎缺少成功政治家所应具备的很多素质。剑桥高阶〔demo〕A brief tape or recording used to illustrate the qualities of a musician or other performer.示范带:用来说明音乐家或其他表演者水平的简要的录音带美国传统〔denature〕To change the nature or natural qualities of.使性质改变:改变…的性质或自然属性美国传统〔depth〕Jo has hidden depths (= serious qualities that you do not see immediately).乔是个深藏不露的人。剑桥高阶〔desirable〕She chatted for a few minutes about the qualities she considered desirable in a secretary.她用了几分钟谈了谈她认为一个秘书应有的品质。牛津高阶〔detoxification〕Physiology The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body.【生理学】 自解毒:由身体降低体内某种毒素含量的新陈代谢过程美国传统〔devolution〕Transference, as of rights, or qualities, to a successor.转移:向继承人移交(如权力或贵族头衔)美国传统〔diamond in the rough〕One having exceptionally good qualities or the potential for greatness but lacking polish and refinement.未经琢磨的天然金刚石:一种品质极优或有巨大的潜力、但缺乏抛光和精细加工的钻石美国传统〔disposition〕These nouns refer to the combination of qualities that identify a person.这些名词都指辨别一个人的综合品质。美国传统〔dreamscape〕A dreamlike scene or picture having surreal qualities.幻景:超现实的如梦景色或图画美国传统〔earth mother〕A woman combining maternal and sensual qualities.女人:一位具有母爱之心和性质的女性美国传统〔eggheaded〕Befitting or having the qualities of an intellectual.自以为有学问的:适合或具有知识分子的品质的美国传统〔endearing〕Shyness is one of her most endearing qualities.腼腆是她最可爱的特质之一。朗文当代〔endow〕She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.她认为马库斯具有她所期望的品质。牛津高阶〔enkephalin〕Either of two closely related pentapeptides having opiate qualities and occurring in the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the body.脑啡肽:两种紧密相关的五肽中任何一种,具有麻醉镇静作用,在大脑、脊髓及身体其它部分发生作用美国传统〔envy〕A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.妒忌,羡慕:由于渴望得到他人的所有物或品质而引起的不满和怨恨的情绪美国传统〔epitomization〕She epitomizes the good qualities of her family.她集中体现了她家的优秀品质。21世纪英汉〔epitomize〕The fighting qualities of the team are epitomized by the captain.这个队的战斗精神从队长身上体现出来。牛津高阶〔equipment〕The qualities or traits that make up the mental and emotional resources of an individual.资质,素养:构成一个人智力或感情资源的本质或特征美国传统〔exceptional〕He could not have won these victories without exceptional qualities of audacity and ambition.他如果没有异乎寻常的胆识和雄心壮志,就不可能取得这些胜利。英汉大词典〔fancy〕Bred for unusual qualities or special points.特别培育的:为不一般的质量和某一特殊特点而被饲养的美国传统〔fangirl〕Fangirls love shows not just for their good qualities but for the opportunities they provide to engage emotionally with what's on the screen.这些节目的年轻女性狂热爱好者喜欢的不仅仅是节目的高质量,也是因为这些节目为她们提供了与屏幕内容感情互动的机会。剑桥高阶〔fatherhood〕The qualities of a father.父性:父亲的品质美国传统〔feminine〕Characterized by or possessing qualities generally attributed to a woman.女人具有的:有女性通常所具有的特征或特性的美国传统〔gender〕Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.管理者可能会在男性和女性身上看重不同的才干,这就进一步强化了性别成见。牛津搭配〔geometrics〕Mathematics Geometric qualities or properties.【数学】 几何本质或特征美国传统〔go towards〕Many different qualities go towards the making of an astronaut.一名宇航员必须具备许多不同的素质。21世纪英汉〔grandfatherly〕Having the qualities of a grandfather.有老祖父品质的美国传统〔grandmotherly〕Having the qualities of a grandmother.有祖母般品质的美国传统〔human nature〕The sum of qualities and traits shared by all human beings.人性:人类所共有的品质和特征的总和美国传统〔humanity〕Humanity is a mixture of good and bad qualities.人性是善与恶的混合体。英汉大词典〔humor〕His humor is one of his most attractive qualities.他的幽默感是他最吸引人的品质之一。韦氏高阶〔identification〕A person's association with the qualities, characteristics, or views of another person or group.认同,有关联:一个人与其他人或人群在品质、特征或观念等方面的联系美国传统〔incompetent〕Devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct or action.无能的,不适任的:对有效的指导或行动缺乏应有的能力美国传统〔inherent〕He should be praised for his inherent qualities, his fair-mindedness, and sense of justice.他内在的品质、他的公正和正义感都应该受到赞扬。外研社新世纪〔intrinsically〕The rate is determined by intrinsic qualities such as the land's slope.速度由诸如地面坡度这样的内在因素决定。柯林斯高阶〔kami〕Any of the sacred beings worshiped in Shintoism, conceived as spirits abiding in natural phenomena and sometimes in people with extraordinary qualities.神道,神:任何在神道中所为人崇拜的神圣本质,被认为是一种永恒存在于自然现象中及偶尔存在于拥有不凡特质的人们身上的精神美国传统〔knighthood〕Behavior or qualities befitting a knight; chivalry.骑士风格:符合骑士身份的行为和品质;骑士风度美国传统〔known〕This plant has long been known for its medicinal qualities.这种植物一直以其药性而闻名。柯林斯高阶〔lacking〕These qualities are sadly lacking today.这些品质如今已消失殆尽。朗文当代〔leadership〕He has many leadership qualities and is capable of communicating his ideas and enthusiasm to others.他具备很多领导才能, 能够向其他人传达自己的想法和热情。外研社新世纪〔leadership〕He lacks leadership qualities.他缺乏领导素质。牛津搭配〔leadership〕She has great faith in her own leadership qualities .她对自己的领导才能非常有信心。朗文当代〔line breeding〕Selective inbreeding to perpetuate certain desired qualities or characteristics in a strain of livestock.系统育种:为保持特定品质或特征而进行某特定血统范围内的优生育种美国传统〔magic〕Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.有魔力的:拥有特殊的能产生令人无法预计或使人迷惑效果的能力的美国传统〔manhood〕The composite of qualities, such as courage, determination, and vigor, often thought to be appropriate to a man.大丈夫气概:具有常被认为是适合男人的多种品质的混合体,如勇气、决心和活力美国传统〔manly〕Having qualities traditionally attributed to a man.具有传统上为男子所具备的品质的美国传统〔man〕A male human being endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood.男子汉:一个被认为具有男性特征的男子,如具有力量的男人美国传统〔mean〕I was never meant for the army(= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier).我根本就不是块当兵的料。牛津高阶〔mediocrity〕One that displays mediocre qualities.庸人:没有突出声名的人美国传统〔medium〕Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法, 那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。外研社新世纪〔medium〕Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。柯林斯高阶〔midcult〕A form of intellectual and artistic culture that has qualities of high culture and mass culture without being either.中产阶级文化:一种思想和艺术文化,既具有高级文化和大众文化的物质,又不是两者中的任何一种美国传统〔milksop〕A man lacking courage and other qualities deemed manly.软弱的男子,懦夫:缺乏勇气和其它所谓男人品质的男人美国传统〔motherhood〕The qualities of a mother.母性:母亲的特性美国传统〔necromancy〕Magic qualities.魔术的特性美国传统〔neighborly〕Having or exhibiting the qualities of a friendly neighbor.睦邻的:有或表现出做一个友好邻居的品质美国传统〔painterly〕Having qualities unique to the art of painting.绘画艺术的:有独特的绘画艺术特点的美国传统〔palette〕The range of qualities inherent in nongraphic art forms such as music and literature.一套颜料:在非图形艺术中的通用要素的类似范围,如在音乐和文学中美国传统〔personality〕The totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior, that are peculiar to a specific person.人格:品质和性格的总称,包括个性或行为,特别是特指的人美国传统〔personalize〕To attribute human or personal qualities to; personify.拟人化:赋予人类或个人的品质;拟人化美国传统〔personal〕He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills.他的人品和他的管理技巧同样受到人们的喜爱。牛津高阶〔positive〕Composed of or characterized by the presence of particular qualities or attributes; real.镇定的:由特殊品质或特质组成的或以其为特点的;真实的美国传统〔possess〕Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.革命者应该具有无产阶级的崇高品质。21世纪英汉〔prerequisite〕These qualities are necessary prerequisites for success.这些特质是成功所必需的先决条件。牛津搭配〔princess〕A woman regarded as having the status or qualities of a princess.公主:被认为有公主身份或地位的妇女美国传统〔prize〕In parts of Asia this plant is prized for its medicinal qualities.在亚洲某些地区,这种植物因其药用价值而倍受重视。剑桥高阶〔propagate〕Scientists were hoping to propagate the best qualities of both types of sheep.科学家希望使这两种绵羊的最佳特性遗传给下一代。21世纪英汉〔propagate〕The farmer was hoping to propagate the best qualities of both types of sheep.农民希望使这两种绵羊的最佳特性遗传下去。英汉大词典〔qualify〕To describe by enumerating the characteristics or qualities of; characterize.描述,形容:通过列举…的特点或特性来描述;刻画…的性格美国传统〔quality〕A job analysis should also include what skills and personal qualities are required.工作岗位分析也应当包括必备技能与个人素质。柯林斯高阶〔quality〕He considered the good and bad qualities of the car before buying it.在购买之前,他认真斟酌了这部车的优缺点。韦氏高阶〔quality〕He has a lot of good qualities but being organized isn't one of them.他有许多优秀品质,可就是缺乏条理性。剑桥高阶〔quality〕He has many good qualities — generosity, diligence, modesty, simplicity.他具有许多优秀品质: 慷慨,勤奋,谦虚,纯朴。英汉大词典〔quality〕He shows strong leadership qualities .他表现出很好的领导素质。朗文当代〔quality〕He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities.他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。柯林斯高阶〔quality〕I found him thoroughly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢,没有任何可取之处。牛津搭配〔quality〕She has many good qualities.她有很多优点。牛津同义词〔quality〕She has strong leadership qualities.她有很高的领导素质。韦氏高阶〔quality〕She's got lots of good qualities.她有很多优秀的品质。外研社新世纪〔quality〕Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good qualities.有时你会想,孩子们身上的优秀品质是从何而来呢?柯林斯高阶〔quality〕Stubbornness is one of his bad qualities.固执是他的一个缺点。韦氏高阶〔quality〕The house has many fine qualities.这座房子有许多良好的特性。韦氏高阶〔quality〕Thyme tea can be drunk for its antiseptic qualities.百里香茶具有杀菌的特性。外研社新世纪〔quality〕Thyme tea can be used by adults for its antiseptic qualities.百里香茶的杀菌功效可用于成人。柯林斯高阶〔ranch mink〕A mink bred in captivity from Alaskan and Labrador strains for special pelt colors and qualities.貂场水貂:一种阿拉斯加和拉布拉多种的饲养的水貂,其皮毛有特殊颜色且品质好美国传统〔rare〕It's very rare to find someone who combines such qualities.具有此类综合素质的人是非常罕见的。剑桥高阶〔recommended〕These qualities recommended him to Olivier.这些品质让他受到奥利维尔的青睐。柯林斯高阶〔resonate〕London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city.伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。柯林斯高阶〔rhodamine〕Any of several synthetic red to pink dyes having brilliant fluorescent qualities.若丹明:任一种具有闪亮荧光性质的红色至粉红色合成染料美国传统〔saponaceous〕Having the qualities of soap.肥皂的:具有肥皂性质的美国传统〔sculpturesque〕Suggestive of or having the qualities of sculpture.有雕刻风味的:具有雕刻风味的或有雕刻风味特性的美国传统〔seduction〕Something that seduces or has the qualities to seduce; an enticement.诱饵:诱惑的或有诱惑性质的事物;诱惑物美国传统〔self-image〕The conception that one has of oneself, including an assessment of qualities and personal worth.自我形象:一个人所具有的对自己形象的概念,包括对品质及个人价值的评价美国传统〔sensuous〕I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of her paintings.我喜欢她的画中那种充满诗意、赏心悦目的特性。牛津高阶〔sex appeal〕Physical attractiveness or personal qualities that arouse others sexually.性感:引起他人性欲的身体魅力或个人性格美国传统〔sincere〕I have a sincere admiration of his qualities.我由衷地赞赏他的品质。英汉大词典〔snob appeal〕Qualities that seem to substantiate social or intellectual pretensions.吸引力:能够证实社会或智力要求的品质美国传统〔sober-sided〕Devoid of extreme qualities, such as exaggeration; sober.持重的:没有极端性质,如夸大的;严肃的美国传统〔spandex〕Of or relating to spandex or its elastic qualities.氨纶的,氨纶弹性的:氨纶或氨纶弹性的、或与之有关美国传统〔sterling〕He has sterling qualities.他具备优异的素质。朗文当代〔sterling〕Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone.那些是在任何人身上都值得敬佩的优秀品质。柯林斯高阶〔subliterary〕Of, relating to, having the qualities of, or producing subliterature.通俗学的:通俗文学的,与之有关的,具有通俗文学性质的或创作通俗文学的美国传统〔suppose〕This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.一般认为,同时具有这样一些品质极为罕见。牛津高阶〔suppose〕This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.这些特性集于一身,一般来说是极其罕见的。牛津搭配〔sweetheart〕Something cherished for its excellent qualities.佳品,上品:因其出色的品质而珍惜的东西美国传统〔taste〕The sensation of sweet, sour, salty, or bitter qualities produced by or as if by a substance placed in the mouth.味道:由置于口腔中的或仿佛是置于口腔中的一种物质所产生的甜、酸、咸或苦等感觉美国传统〔taste〕The sense that distinguishes the sweet, sour, salty, and bitter qualities of dissolved substances in contact with the taste buds on the tongue.味觉:辨别接触舌头味蕾上的溶化物质的甜、酸、咸和苦的性质的感觉美国传统〔taste〕The unified sensation produced by any of these qualities plus a distinct smell and texture; flavor.风味:由这些性质中的任何一种加上某一特别的气味和质地所产生的合在一起的感觉;滋味美国传统〔unitable〕She unites the best qualities of a good wife and a tender mother.她同时具有贤妻和良母的最佳品德。21世纪英汉〔universalization〕Observe what is best and to strive to universalize these qualities.观察什么是最好的,然后努力使这些特质得以普遍化。21世纪英汉〔unmusical〕Lacking in musical qualities, such as melody or harmony.缺乏音乐性的:缺乏音乐性的,比如这样的旋律或和声美国传统〔unsportsmanlike〕Not displaying the qualities or behavior befitting a good sport.不象运动员的:未表现出符合一个好的体育运动员的品质或举止的美国传统〔valuable〕They have skills and qualities which make them highly valuable.他们有技术,有素质,是难得的人才。牛津搭配〔violate〕To do harm to (property or qualities considered sacred); desecrate or defile.亵渎:伤害(认为神圣的特性或品质);亵渎或玷污美国传统〔wannabe〕A product designed to imitate the qualities or characteristics of something.仿制品:模仿某物的特性或特点的产品美国传统〔which〕She again demonstrated the qualities for which she is admired by so many people.她再次展示了她那令众人佩服的品质。韦氏高阶〔winy〕Having the qualities or taste of wine; heady or intoxicating.有酒香的,有酒味的;易使人醉的或令人陶醉的美国传统〔without〕He's not without (= he does have some) good qualities.他还是有一些品德的。剑桥高阶〔wizardly〕Having the qualities or attributes of a wizard.魔法的,术士的:有巫师的特点或性质的美国传统〔womanhood〕The composite of qualities thought to be appropriate to or representative of women.女人的特质:被认为合适于或代表女人的特点的混合美国传统〔womanly〕Having qualities generally attributed to a woman.女人的:具有总的属于女人的特征的美国传统〔zoomorphism〕Attribution of animal characteristics or qualities to a god.神像兽形化:赋于动物以神的特性和气质美国传统Eileen really comes into her own (= shows her true qualities and value) in a crisis.艾琳在危机时刻真正显出了她的本色。剑桥国际Even from within prison, his qualities of leadership inspired his followers.甚至在监禁中,他的领导品质也激励着他的追随者。剑桥国际He did not have any leadership qualities.他不具备任何领导才能。剑桥国际He has leadership qualities.他有领导素质。牛津商务He has many sterling qualities.他有许多高尚的品质。剑桥国际He seems to lack many of the qualities demanded of (= needed by) a successful politician.看来他缺乏一个成功政客所必需的素质。剑桥国际He's a consummate (=He has all the qualities of an) athlete/politician/gentleman/actor/liar.他是一个极为出色的运动员/政治家/绅士/演员/十足的说谎者。剑桥国际I don't think he has the right qualities to be a politician.我认为他不具备做一个政治家的素质。剑桥国际It's a good essay as far as it goes (= it has good qualities but it could be improved).大体上看,这篇短文还不错。剑桥国际It's hard to find people with the right qualities for the job.难以找到胜任这份工作的人。牛津商务Jo has hidden depths (= serious qualities that you do not see immediately).乔是个感情藏而不露的人。剑桥国际Modesty is one of his good qualities. 谦虚是他的美德之一。译典通Personal qualities and keenness (= interest in everything and willingness to work) can be more important in finding a job than previous work experience.找工作时个人的品质和热忱比以前的工作经验更重要。剑桥国际She is that rare animal (=she has qualities or interests that are not usually found together), a brilliant scientist who can communicate her ideas to ordinary people.她是一个奇特的人物,作为一个非凡的科学家,却能让她的思想为普通人所理解。剑桥国际She said that the qualities which made a good nurse were patience, honesty and, above all, cheerfulness.她说使人成为好护士的素质是耐心、诚实,而最重要的是开朗。剑桥国际She thought she had found the perfect man (= one with all the qualities she wanted).她认为找到了她理想中的男人。剑桥国际Some of his most devoted fans think of Elvis Presley as a god (= as having qualities that make him better than other people).一些阿尔维斯·普雷斯利的最狂热的歌迷将他奉为神。剑桥国际The school has many excellent qualities.这个学校具有许多出色的特点。剑桥国际This cheese has good keeping qualities.这种乳酪保质期长。剑桥国际We are keen to see if Robley still has the international qualities to justify selection (= being chosen) for the national team.我们急切地想知道罗布利是否仍有国际水准能入选国家队。剑桥国际We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.我们仍在寻找具有所有必备才能的人选。牛津商务We're looking for someone with the qualities of patience, tolerance and understanding.我们正在寻找一个人,他必须具有耐心,宽容和善解人意的品质。剑桥国际




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