

单词 result from
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amalgamation〕The act of amalgamating or the condition resulting from this act.汞齐化法:使汞齐化或使合并的行为或由此产生的状态美国传统〔amnesia〕Partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock, psychological disturbance, brain injury, or illness.记忆缺失,健忘症:通常是由于休克、心理刺激、大脑损伤或疾病引起的部分或全部记忆缺失美国传统〔blastomere〕Any of the cells resulting from the cleavage of a fertilized ovum during early embryonic development.分裂球:在早期胚胎发育时受精卵分裂产生的任何细胞美国传统〔calamity〕Dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy.不幸:由于损失或不幸而导致的极度痛苦美国传统〔cardiogenic〕Resulting from a disease or disorder of the heart.由于心脏病而发生的美国传统〔catastrophism〕Geology The doctrine that major changes in the earth's crust result from catastrophes rather than evolutionary processes.【地质学】 灾变说:一种认为地壳的重大变化是源于灾难而非进化过程的学说美国传统〔chloasma〕A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy.褐黄斑:通常出现在妇女的脸上的一种褐色或深褐色有染斑的皮肤变色,可能由怀孕等引起的激素变化所导致美国传统〔cold〕The sensation resulting from lack of warmth; chill.扫兴,寒心:由于缺乏热情而引起的感觉;寒心美国传统〔cyanosis〕A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood.发绀,青紫:由于血液中的氧不充足而产生的皮肤和黏膜的带青色的变色美国传统〔eluate〕The solution of solvent and dissolved matter resulting from elution.洗出液:洗提后得到的溶剂和溶质的溶液美国传统〔fluky〕Resulting from or depending on mere chance.侥幸的:来自或依靠于仅有的机会的美国传统〔flutter〕Rapid fluctuation in the pitch of a sound reproduction resulting from variations in the speed of the recording or reproducing equipment.干扰声:在声音被重播时由于声速的变化而使磁带中重播器产生快速震颤而失真美国传统〔heuristic〕Of, relating to, or constituting an educational method in which learning takes place through discoveries that result from investigations made by the student.启发式的:通过学生的调查研究获得发现从而学习知识的一种教育方法的,作为该种方法的,或与此种方法有关的美国传统〔hydrocephalus〕Congenital hydrocephalus is present at birth and can result from events during the development of the foetus.先天性脑积水在出生时就已发生,可能是由于胚胎发育中的事件造成的。剑桥高阶〔hydrochloride〕A compound resulting or regarded as resulting from the reaction of hydrochloric acid with an organic base.氯化氢:一种合成物,是或被认为是盐酸与一种有机碱的反应的结果美国传统〔hypothyroidism〕A pathological condition resulting from severe thyroid insufficiency, which may lead to cretinism or myxedema.甲低:严重的甲状腺不足引起的病理状态,它可能导致愚侏病或粘液水肿美国传统〔inelastic scattering〕The scattering of particles resulting from inelastic collision.非弹性散射:由于非弹性碰撞而引起的物体或粒子的散射美国传统〔infection〕The pathological state resulting from having been infected.有传染病的:被感染后所处的病态美国传统〔interplay〕Our personalities result from the complex interplay between our genes and our environment.我们的个性是基因与环境之间复杂的相互影响的结果。剑桥高阶〔kibe〕A chapped or inflamed area on the skin, especially on the heel, resulting from exposure to cold; an ulcerated chillblain.冻疮:皮肤(尤指踵部)上由于受冻而引起的皲裂或发炎的部分;冻的脓疱溃烂美国传统〔moral hazard〕A risk to an insurance company resulting from uncertainty about the honesty of the insured.道德风险:保险公司因投保人诚实的不确定性存在的可能遭受损失的风险美国传统〔morula〕The spherical embryonic mass of blastomeres formed before the blastula and resulting from cleavage of the fertilized ovum.桑椹胚:形成于囊胚之前且处于胚胎期内的球形裂球群,由受精卵细胞的分裂而成美国传统〔neural tube defect〕Any of various congenital defects of the brain and spinal cord, such as spina bifida, resulting from incomplete closing of the neural tube in an embryo.神经管缺陷:一种先天性脑和脊髓发育不足,如脊髓二分枝,这是由于胚胎中神经管闭合不严造成的美国传统〔officiary〕Attached to or resulting from an office held. Used of a title.与职务相联的:与职务相联系或由职务而来的。用于头衔美国传统〔ootid〕A haploid cell that results from the meiotic division of an oocyte and becomes a female gamete or an ovum.卵(子)细胞:由于卵母细胞减数分裂产生而后形成配子或卵细胞的单倍体细胞美国传统〔overattention〕Some would say her problems result from overattention as a child.有人会说她的问题是因为小时候受关注过多造成的。外研社新世纪〔presbyopia〕Inability of the eye to focus sharply on nearby objects, resulting from loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with advancing age.远视,老花:眼睛不能准确地聚焦在近处物体上的症状,是由年龄增长导致睫状体缺乏弹性引起的美国传统〔pyric〕Of, relating to, or resulting from burning.灼烧的:属于或有关灼烧的,或由灼烧所造成的美国传统〔question〕Results from a study questioned whether treatment with the drug really improved survival.一项研究的结果对使用该药进行治疗是否真的提高了病人存活率提出了质疑。剑桥高阶〔reference〕My careful writing results from many references to a dictionary.我缜密的文章来源于经常查字典美国传统〔rent〕Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.由于租金大幅提高而产生了不满。牛津搭配〔result from sth〕His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.童年时的一场疾病导致他行走困难。剑桥高阶〔result from〕Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated.由于疏忽大意所造成的损害概不赔偿。21世纪英汉〔result〕Inflation results from an excess of demand over supply.通货膨胀是供不应求引起的。外研社新世纪〔result〕Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。柯林斯高阶〔result〕We badly need to get a result from this match.这场比赛我们非赢不可。牛津高阶〔sideband〕Either of the two bands of frequencies, one just above and one just below a carrier frequency, that result from modulation of a carrier wave.边(频)带:两个频率带之中的任何一个,一个恰好高于且另一个恰好低于载体的频率,因载体的电波调制造成的美国传统〔spate〕A freshet resulting from a downpour of rain or melting of snow.河水猛涨:因暴雨或融雪造成的河水猛涨或泛滥美国传统〔sprain〕The condition resulting from a sprain.扭伤所导致的状况美国传统〔static electricity〕Electric discharge resulting from the accumulation of electric charge on an insulated body.静电荷:在绝缘体上由于静电作用产生的静电荷美国传统〔stress〕Earthquakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.地壳应力变化可能会引发地震。外研社新世纪〔tectonic〕Geology Relating to, causing, or resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust.【地质学】 地壳构造的:关于、引起或造成地壳的结构变形的美国传统〔tertiary color〕A color resulting from the mixture of two secondary colors.第三色:由两种第二色混合而成的一种颜色美国传统〔undernutrition〕Inadequate nutrition resulting from lack of food or failure of the body to absorb or assimilate nutrients properly.营养不良:由于缺乏食物或身体不能恰当地吸收营养而引起的营养不足美国传统〔united〕Concerned with, produced by, or resulting from mutual action.共同形成的:涉及、产生于或引起相互行动的美国传统〔voluntary〕These adjectives mean being or resulting from one's own free will.这些形容词的意思是作为或由某人自愿导致的。美国传统He highlighted the improvements that resulted from the company's off-site.他强调了因公司外出活动而取得的改进。牛津商务His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.他的行走困难是由童年时的一场疾病导致的。剑桥国际Nothing will result from their airy plans. 他们那些不切实际的计划不会有什么结果。译典通Two months ago, results from a European study questioned whether early treatment with the drug really improved survival. 两个月前,一项欧洲研究的结果对使用该药进行早期治疗是否真的提高了存活率提出疑问。剑桥国际




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