

单词 reached
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔're〕they're〔reach〕We reached the hotel at 7 p.m.我们于晚上7点到达酒店。外研社新世纪〔age〕young people who have reached the voting age 到了选举年龄的年轻人麦克米伦高阶〔age〕young people who have not yet reached drinking age 尚未到法定饮酒年龄的年轻人韦氏高阶〔assent〕reached assent on a course of action.就行动进程达成一致意见美国传统〔bargain〕finally reached a bargain with the antique dealer over the lamp.最后和这古董商签订了关于这个灯的买卖合约美国传统〔crisis〕negotiations that had reached a crucial juncture; 已走到关键性时刻的谈判;美国传统〔double figures〕double figures The death toll is thought to have reached double figures.死亡人数据认为已达到了两位数。朗文当代〔impasse〕reached an impasse in the negotiations.谈判过程中陷入了僵局美国传统〔level〕students who have reached the intermediate level 达到中等水平的学生牛津搭配〔menopausal〕women who have not yet reached the menopausal stage还没有到更年期的女性外研社新世纪〔out-of-court〕reached an out-of-court settlement.达成法庭外和解协议美国传统〔point〕by the time the movie has reached its halfway point 电影演到一半的时候牛津搭配〔point〕finally reached the point of exhaustion.终于到达筋疲力尽的程度美国传统〔power〕women who have reached positions of great power and influence身居高位并且颇具影响力的女性外研社新世纪〔pretty〕in a pretty predicament; a situation that has reached a pretty pass.处境极为尴尬;处理特别不妙的美国传统〔prime〕a career that hasn't yet reached its prime一项尚未达到鼎盛时期的事业外研社新世纪〔procession〕when the procession reached the edge of the village 队伍到达村子的边缘时牛津搭配〔produce〕reached into a pocket and produced a packet of matches; failed to produce an eyewitness to the crime.手伸进口袋,拿出了一盒火柴;无法提供犯罪的目击证人美国传统〔puberty〕a schoolboy who has just reached puberty刚进入青春期的男生外研社新世纪〔reach〕reached a conclusion; reached their destination.得出一个结论;到达他们的目的地美国传统〔reach〕reached for a book.使劲够一本书美国传统〔reach〕reached out an arm.伸出一只手臂美国传统〔reach〕reached shelter before the storm broke; 在风暴来临前赶到遮雨处;美国传统〔reach〕a coat that reaches to the knee; shrubbery reaching up to the eaves; a career that reached over several decades.长及膝盖的大衣;高达屋檐的灌木树;一项干了几十年的事业美国传统〔reach〕a long fly ball that reached the wall of the stadium.打到了体育馆墙边的长远球美国传统〔reach〕a nightshirt that reached to his knees长度到他膝盖的一件睡衣外研社新世纪〔reach〕a nightshirt which reached to his knees.长及他膝盖的睡衣柯林斯高阶〔saturation〕indications that the market has reached saturation 市场已达到饱和状态的迹象麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕reached out and touched the smooth stone.伸出手触摸光滑的石头美国传统〔whence〕a remote village, whence little news reached the wider world. 遥远偏僻的村庄,几乎没有消息可传到更广阔的世界。 美国传统




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