

单词 autonomous
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASSR.〕Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.苏维埃社会主义自治共和国美国传统〔Greek Orthodox Church〕The state church of Greece, an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox Church.希腊正教会:希腊国教,为东正教教会的一个独立分支美国传统〔INDEPENDENT〕The councils, which are locally autonomous, act as courts for the whole area. 各地区独立的政务委员会是整个地区的法院。朗文写作活用〔autonomous〕A tumour is an autonomous growth.肿瘤是自发的赘生物。英汉大词典〔autonomous〕Galicia is an autonomous region of Spain.加利西亚是西班牙的一个自治区。朗文当代〔autonomous〕He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.他把我们当作独立自主的个体来看待,认为我们必须学会在重大问题面前自己拿主意。柯林斯高阶〔autonomous〕Higher education is relatively autonomous from the government.高等教育相对来说不受政府控制。牛津搭配〔autonomous〕They are part of a new autonomous province.它们是新自治省的一部分。外研社新世纪〔autonomous〕They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔autonomous〕This organization is independent and autonomous.本机构是独立自主的。文馨英汉〔federally〕Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.在新的联邦政府体制中,6 省中的 5 个将成为自治区。柯林斯高阶〔federal〕Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.在新的联邦政府体制下, 6个省当中有5个将成为自治区。外研社新世纪〔free city〕A city governed as an autonomous political unit under international auspices.自由市:受国际机构管辖的,政治上有自治权的城市美国传统〔heteronomous〕Subject to external or foreign laws or domination; not autonomous.他律的,他制的:受制于外部的或他国的法律或统治的;非自治的美国传统〔individual〕His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual.他的哲学是关于自主个体自我意识的觉醒。牛津搭配〔nation-state〕A political unit consisting of an autonomous state inhabited especially by a predominantly homogeneous people.民族国:由一个独立的主权国家居住的政治团体,尤指由同一种族的人占主要优势的人们居住的美国传统〔nationality〕Existence as a politically autonomous entity; national independence.独立国地位:作为一个独立的政治团体而存在;民族独立美国传统〔partition〕Division of a country into separate, autonomous nations.分裂:把一个国家分割成独立的、自治的几个国家美国传统〔partition〕To divide (a country) into separate, autonomous nations.使(国家)分裂:把(一个国家)分割成独立的、自治的几个国家美国传统〔regionalism〕Political division of an area into partially autonomous regions.地方分权制:部分自治区域的正当划分美国传统〔region〕Barcelona, capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia.加泰罗尼亚自治区首府巴塞罗那柯林斯高阶〔region〕The country is divided into 17 autonomous regions.该国分成 17 个自治区。牛津搭配〔replicon〕A genetic element that undergoes replication as an autonomous unit.复制子:一种作为自动单元进行复制的遗传因子美国传统〔republic〕An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.加盟共和国:一个属于某一最高联邦政府的且在政治上和领土上具有自治权或部分自治权的单位美国传统〔self-governing〕Having the right or power of self-government; autonomous.有自治权或权利的;自治的美国传统The company's hotels are run as autonomous units.公司的旅馆作为自负盈亏单位经营。牛津商务The local groups are autonomous of the national organization.当地团体具有独立于全国性组织之外的自主权。剑桥国际The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.大多数苏格兰人都赞成一个中央权力下放的自治苏格兰或完全独立。剑桥国际




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