单词 | recall |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕For the first time that he could recall, Chris felt some admiration for his stepfather. 在克里斯的记忆中,这是他第一次对继父产生了一点敬意。朗文写作活用〔ASK〕Local groups have collected 17,000 votes on a petition to recall the mayor. 各地方团体在请愿书上收集了17,000个签名,要求召回市长。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕He has written a spy thriller that recalls Fleming's James Bond series. 他写的间谍惊险小说让人联想起弗莱明的詹姆斯·邦德系列小说。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Mzukwa grew quiet as he recalled the brutality and sadism of the prison guards. 迈朱克瓦回想起狱警的残暴和虐待狂便沉默下来。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕A defect in the braking system caused several accidents before the car was recalled. 这种汽车在被召回之前,其刹车系统中的一个瑕疵已造成了多起事故。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕Lou recalled his idyllic camping trips to Maine as a child. 卢回想起小时候去缅因州的几次美好的露营之旅。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕John recalled his apprenticeship to a blacksmith in the early years of the Second World War. 约翰回忆起了第二次世界大战头几年的时候,他跟着一名铁匠当学徒。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕As a child, she recalled, her parents had seemed very happy together. 她回忆起自己小时候,父母好像很幸福地生活在一起。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕Even in old age, his powers of recall were astonishing. 即使年纪大了,他的记忆力还是很惊人。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕The meeting went very well, as I recall. 我记得会议进行得很顺利。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕The story was memorable because, as far as I recall, it was the only book in the school library that even mentioned a black person. 这则故事令人难忘,因为就我的记忆所及,这是学校图书馆里唯一讲到黑人的书。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕The company has voluntarily recalled the product to check for defects. 该公司主动召回产品检查缺陷。朗文写作活用〔aeon〕He recalled his talk with her aeons ago.他回忆起许久以前跟她的谈话。英汉大词典〔amnesiac〕Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.即使是深度遗忘症患者通常也能记得怎样进行日常活动。外研社新世纪〔anamnesis〕Psychology A recalling to memory; recollection.【心理学】 回忆;回想美国传统〔brief〕She was wearing a fairly brief skirt, as I recall.我记得她当时穿了件非常短的裙子。剑桥高阶〔bygone〕The book recalls other memories of a bygone age.这本书勾起了多年前的记忆。外研社新世纪〔cashier〕The government had to recall many officers who had been cashiered on political grounds.政府不得不召回许多由于政治原因被革职的军官。柯林斯高阶〔circulate〕Public employees are circulating a petition for his recall.公务员们正在散发请愿书, 要求将他罢免。外研社新世纪〔correctly〕As I recall, but correct me if I'm wrong, it was in a car park in Carmarthen.如果我没记错的话,那是在卡马森的一个停车场内。柯林斯高阶〔crash〕Two people in the flat recalled hearing a loud crash about 1.30 am.公寓里的两个人回想起大约在凌晨1点半的时候听到了一声巨响。外研社新世纪〔debauchery〕He recalled the evening's debaucheries with regret.回想起那晚的放纵,他感到后悔。韦氏高阶〔design〕BMW is recalling 8,000 cars because of a design fault.因为发现了一个设计缺陷,宝马正在召回已卖出的 8,000 辆汽车。柯林斯高阶〔detail〕I recall every detail of the party.我回想起聚会的每一个细节。柯林斯高阶〔dissipated〕He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.他回忆起自己年轻时在夜总会和酒吧里的放荡生活。剑桥高阶〔distantly〕Helen thought she could distantly recall having seen him somewhere before.海伦认为她能大致想起以前在什么地方见过他。麦克米伦高阶〔disturbed〕He was disturbed at recalling the sight.回想起那情景,他忐忑不安。英汉大词典〔eidetic〕Of, relating to, or marked by extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images.异常清晰的:与异常详细、生动的视觉形象的回忆有关的或以这种回忆为特征的美国传统〔elderly〕Elderly residents of the city could still recall the construction of the first skyscraper.这座城市的老居民还能回忆起建造第一幢摩天大楼的情形。美国传统〔election〕The Governor faces an unprecedented recall election.州长正面临着前所未有的罢免选举。牛津搭配〔endless〕He recalls endless summer days as an Oxford student.他想起了在牛津读书时漫长的夏日。外研社新世纪〔ere〕It was not long ere a call came from the house and recalled me from my reflections.不久,家里打来了电话,把我从沉思中唤醒。柯林斯高阶〔exactness〕He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness.对故乡孟买的回忆如放电影般一幕幕清晰地呈现在他的脑海里。外研社新世纪〔feet〕For the short time that she was to stay in Paris, he recalled, the whole world was at Catherine's feet.他回忆说, 凯瑟琳在巴黎短暂停留期间, 全世界都为之倾倒。外研社新世纪〔first〕I had some difficulty at first recalling why we were there.刚开始回想我们为什么会在那儿时我有些费劲。柯林斯高阶〔fragment〕Melinda's niece only recalls that awful night in fragments.梅琳达的侄女对那个可怕晚上只有支离破碎的记忆。外研社新世纪〔gone〕Advanced beyond hope or recall.无望的,不可挽救的美国传统〔halcyon days/years〕She looks back fondly recalling the halcyon days/years of her career, when she was just out of college.她深情地回想起大学刚毕业后工作的美好日子/岁月。韦氏高阶〔halcyon days〕She recalled the halcyon days of her youth.她回想起年轻时的美好时光。剑桥高阶〔hour〕He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need.他回忆起她在丈夫困难之时的忠贞奉献。柯林斯高阶〔humour〕It is difficult to recall him ever being depressed or out of humour.实在想不起来他什么时候情绪低落或是郁郁寡欢过。外研社新世纪〔in the wilderness〕After five years in the political wilderness, she was recalled to be foreign minister.在野5年之后,她被重新召回担任外交部长。剑桥高阶〔incarnation〕She began recalling a series of previous incarnations.她开始回忆起前世的种种情形。柯林斯高阶〔incarnation〕She began recalling a series of previous incarnations.她开始回忆起自己前生的种种。外研社新世纪〔in〕The disaster is vividly recalled in James Cameron's film Titanic.那场灾难在詹姆斯·卡梅伦的电影《泰坦尼克号》中得到了生动的再现。麦克米伦高阶〔jeer at〕He recalls being pushed and jeered at by National Front supporters.他回想起被国民阵线的支持者推搡和嘲笑的日子。外研社新世纪〔kindred〕I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.我回想起和她多次讨论过这些内容以及类似话题。外研社新世纪〔layout〕He tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse.他努力回想农舍的布局。柯林斯高阶〔lip〕She bit her lip as she recalled the words he'd thrown at her.回想起他甩给她的那些话,她咬了咬唇。柯林斯高阶〔lure〕A bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk.鸟媒:系在长绳上的一束羽毛,在放鹰狩猎中用来召回猎鹰美国传统〔lure〕To recall (a falcon) with a lure.用引诱物召回(猎鹰)美国传统〔lyrical〕I recall Rosie waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.我想起了罗西说起他平坦的腹部时眉飞色舞的样子。剑桥高阶〔memory〕She searched her memory to try to recall what she'd been told about him.她努力回想, 试图记起别人告诉的关于他的事情。外研社新世纪〔middle school〕They recall the good buddies they used to have in middle school.他们想起了读初中时的好伙伴。外研社新世纪〔middle school〕They recall the good buddies they used to have in middle school.他们想起了过去上中学时的好伙伴。柯林斯高阶〔misspend〕Ruby recalled getting stoned during her misspent youth.鲁比还记得,在虚度光阴的少女时代她曾经因为吸食毒品而飘飘欲仙。柯林斯高阶〔narcosynthesis〕Narcoanalysis directed toward making the patient recall repressed memories and emotional traumas.精神综合法:精神分析法,指导使病人回忆起抑制的记忆和感情创伤美国传统〔neither〕I can't ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee.我不记得爸爸曾经抱过我,我也没在他膝盖上坐过。柯林斯高阶〔neither〕I don't ever recall her complaining. Neither did she ask for sympathy.我从不记得她有抱怨过。她也从不需要别人的同情。外研社新世纪〔occasion〕I can't recall the occasion, but I've met her before.我以前碰到过她,但记不起在哪个场合。英汉大词典〔option〕Baseball To transfer (a player) to a minor-league club with the option of recalling him within a specified period of time.【棒球】 调动球员:将(一位棒球手)转入普通协会并在一定时期内可选择是否将其召回美国传统〔painful〕He sobbed as he recalled the painful memory.回想那段痛苦的往事时他啜泣起来。朗文当代〔parting〕I recalled Mr Starke's kind parting words.我想起了斯塔克先生离别时亲切的话语。外研社新世纪〔part〕The adaptors being recalled contain the part number 02K65 on their labels.正在被召回的适配器在标签上写有部件编号 02K65。牛津搭配〔petition〕Two million people signed the recall petition.两百万人在罢免申请上签了名。牛津搭配〔powwow〕He recalled a powwow they had in the corridor.他想起了他们曾在走廊开过的一次碰头会。外研社新世纪〔prelude〕The theme recalls the prelude to Wagner's 'Lohengrin'.主题曲使人想到了瓦格纳的《罗恩格林》序曲。牛津搭配〔previous〕He recalled exactly what Bob had told him the previous night.他清楚记得前一天晚上鲍勃告诉他的话。柯林斯高阶〔quietly〕Two embassy employees had been quietly recalled because of spying allegations.大使馆的两名雇员由于面临间谍指控已被悄悄召回。麦克米伦高阶〔raffish〕The theatre's raffish auditorium recalls an earlier era.剧院俗丽的观众席让人想起早先的时代。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕All substandard products should be recalled promptly.凡是次品均应立即收回。21世纪英汉〔recall〕All those years, vanished beyond recall, seemed utterly wasted.这些年的光阴已逝,无法挽回,恰似虚度。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕As I recall , it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.据我回忆,是你首先提出这个想法的。朗文当代〔recall〕As I recall, he was quite a good friend of Mike's.我记得他是迈克十分要好的朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕As I recall, you're not on the board, Joe; you're only a minor shareholder.我记得你并没有进董事会,乔,你只是一个小股东而已。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕As far as I recall, she first met him at university.我记得她是在大学里第一次遇到他的。外研社新世纪〔recall〕As you may recall, he was in the army then.你可能记得,当时他正从军。英汉大词典〔recall〕As you may recall, she had a little sister who was five years old then.你可能记得,她有一个小妹妹,那时只有五岁。21世纪英汉〔recall〕As you may recall, we had agreed that decisions would require prior approval.你应该还记得,我们已一致同意所有决定都需要事先批准。韦氏高阶〔recall〕Both countries recalled their ambassadors.两个国家都召回了各自的大使。牛津高阶〔recall〕Cole was recalled to the squad to replace the injured Quinn.科尔被召回队里代替受伤的奎因。朗文当代〔recall〕Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales.迪安·理查兹被召回英格兰队参加对阵威尔士的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕Do you recall him saying anything about that?你还能想起他关于那件事说了什么吗?外研社新世纪〔recall〕Do you have any recall of the accident? 那事故你还回忆得起吗?英汉大词典〔recall〕Elected judges may be removed by a recall vote.由选举产生的法官可经投票罢免。英汉大词典〔recall〕From what I recall, I think the library is two blocks down on the left.根据我的记忆,我觉得图书馆在前面两个街区左边的地方。韦氏高阶〔recall〕He recalled (that) he had sent the letter over a month ago.他记得一个多月前就已经把信寄出了。剑桥高阶〔recall〕He recalled his earlier instructions.他撤销了先前的指令。英汉大词典〔recall〕He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays.他回想起她星期三总是很晚回家。牛津高阶〔recall〕He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.他记忆力很好, 她说过的话他全都记得。外研社新世纪〔recall〕He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.他记忆力很好,她当时说的话他全都记得起来。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕He had total recall (=remembered everything) of every play in the game.比赛中的一招一式他都记得一清二楚。朗文当代〔recall〕He was recalled to military duty.他被召回执行军事任务。牛津高阶〔recall〕He was recalled to the team for the match against England.他被召回队中,准备参加对英格兰队的比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕He was a mathematician, as I recall.我记得他是一位数学家。外研社新世纪〔recall〕His paintings recall the style of Picasso.他的画作使人联想起毕加索的风格。剑桥高阶〔recall〕I recall reading in an interview that he loved to cook.我想起读到过他在一次访谈中谈到喜欢做饭。牛津搭配〔recall〕I recall seeing a poster on his wall.我记得曾在他墙上见过一张招贴画。英汉大词典〔recall〕I can't recall meeting her before.我想不起来以前曾经见过她。牛津高阶〔recall〕I can't recall where he lives (how to do it).我想不起他住在哪儿(这个活怎么做法)。英汉大词典〔recall〕I couldn't quite recall the date.我不太想得起那个日子了。牛津搭配〔recall〕I don't recall her mentioning him.我不记得她提到过他。外研社新世纪〔recall〕I don't recall seeing the document.我不记得看过这份文件。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕I don't recall what he said at the meeting.我想不起来他在会上说了些什么。21世纪英汉〔recall〕I don't recall what time they said they would be here.我想不起来他们何时说过会在这里了。韦氏高阶〔recall〕I seem to recall that you said you would do that yesterday.我好像记得你说过你昨天要做那件事。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton.如果我没记错的话,他住在卢顿。牛津搭配〔recall〕If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton.如果我没记错的话,他住在卢顿。牛津高阶〔recall〕It is gone beyond recall.它一去不复返了。英汉大词典〔recall〕It is important to recall that not very long ago cell phones did not exist.重要的是要记得,不久前还没有手机。韦氏高阶〔recall〕It would be great to get a recall to the Scotland squad.要是被召回苏格兰队就好了。外研社新世纪〔recall〕Many people are calling for a recall of the mayor.许多人要求罢免市长。韦氏高阶〔recall〕My brother has total recall (= he can remember every detail of past events).我弟弟对过去发生的事情记得清清楚楚。剑桥高阶〔recall〕Officials recalled two tons of contaminated meat today.今天,官员们召回了两吨受污染的肉。韦氏高阶〔recall〕Old people often have astonishing powers of recall.老年人经常会表现出惊人的记忆力。剑桥高阶〔recall〕Parliament was recalled from its summer recess.国会议员在夏季休会之际被召回。外研社新世纪〔recall〕She recalled how she would go for walks along the beach late at night.她想起深夜在海边漫步的情形。牛津搭配〔recall〕She could easily recall the smell of the orange groves.她常常回忆起那个柑橘园的芳香。牛津搭配〔recall〕She could not recall his name.她想不起他的名字。牛津高阶〔recall〕She has almost total recall of her conversations with the President.她几乎记住了与总统的全部谈话内容。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕She has amazing powers of recall.她有惊人的记忆力。牛津高阶〔recall〕She wanted to send him a letter but couldn't recall his address.她想给他寄一封信,但是想不起他的地址了。韦氏高阶〔recall〕She was recalled home when her father was critically ill。她的父亲病危才把她叫回家来。21世纪英汉〔recall〕Spain recalled its ambassador after a row over refugees.在一场有关难民的争论后, 西班牙召回了本国大使。外研社新世纪〔recall〕Stephen frowned, trying to recall what had happened.斯蒂芬皱着眉头,努力回忆着已发生的事。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.召回艾伦·格林大使是美国关注此事的一个公开信号。外研社新世纪〔recall〕The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.召回艾伦·格林大使是美国关注此事的一个公开信号。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕The recall of an ambassador is a serious diplomatic action.召回大使是一项重大的外交举措。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕The ambassador was recalled from abroad.大使被从国外召回。韦氏高阶〔recall〕The cars had to be recalled due to an engine fault.由于发动机有缺陷,汽车必须收回。朗文当代〔recall〕The commander was recalled from the frontline.司令员从前线被召回。21世纪英汉〔recall〕The company has recalled all the faulty hairdryers.公司回收了所有有瑕疵的吹风机。牛津高阶〔recall〕The company issued a recall of all their latest antibiotics.公司将他们最近生产的抗生素全部召回。剑桥高阶〔recall〕The company said it was recalling one of its drugs.这个公司说正在召回他们生产的一种药。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕The factory has issued a recall of all cars with the defective brakes.工厂召回了所有刹车有问题的汽车。韦氏高阶〔recall〕The garage recalled the faulty cars.汽车行收回有毛病的汽车。牛津同义词〔recall〕The government recalled the soldiers to active duty. = The soldiers were recalled to active duty.政府召回那些士兵服现役。韦氏高阶〔recall〕The ground has been polluted beyond recall.这片土地已被污染得面目全非。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕The music recalls memories of childhood.音乐勾起了我对童年的回忆。麦克米伦高阶〔recall〕The old man recalled the city as it had been before the war.这位老人回忆起战前这座城市的样子。剑桥高阶〔recall〕The poem recalls Eliot's ‘The Waste Land’.这首诗令人想起艾略特的《荒原》。牛津高阶〔recall〕The sound of my name recalled me to myself.听见有人叫我名字,我才清醒过来。英汉大词典〔recall〕They have both been recalled to the Welsh squad(= selected as members of the team after a time when they were not selected).他们俩都被重新召回了威尔士队。牛津高阶〔recall〕They were recalled to a sense of propriety by the presence of visitors.宾客莅临提醒他们行为应当得体。英汉大词典〔recall〕This is a matter past recall.这是不能挽回的事。英汉大词典〔recall〕Thomas's recall to the Welsh team 让托马斯回归威尔士队的要求牛津高阶〔recall〕Why are some memories more available for recall than others? 为什么有些往事比之其他往事更易被忆起?英汉大词典〔recall〕You will recall that I sent you a warning of troubled times. Well now, almost everything I forecast has come about.你还记得我警告过你时局会出现动荡吧。现在看来, 几乎我预测的每件事都发生了。外研社新世纪〔recall〕You will recall that I sent you a warning of troubled times. Well now, almost everything I forecast has come about.你还记得我警告过你时局会出现动荡吧。现在看来,几乎我预测的每件事都发生了。柯林斯高阶〔recess〕Parliament was hastily recalled from recess.正在休会的议会被紧急召集开会。外研社新世纪〔recovered memory〕A memory of an experience, especially a traumatic one, that is recalled after an often lengthy period of repression.恢复记忆:一段经历的记忆,尤指受创经历,常会在长时期的压抑后回想起来美国传统〔reputation〕The company's reputation suffered when it had to recall thousands of products.公司的声誉因不得不召回数千产品而受损。牛津搭配〔resistance〕Psychology A process in which the ego opposes the conscious recall of unpleasant experiences.【心理学】 阻抗:自我阻止对不愉快的经历进行有意识的回忆的过程美国传统〔retention〕An ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced; memory.记忆力:记起或认识出已经学过或经历过的事物的能力;记忆力美国传统〔retrieve〕To recall to mind; remember.追忆;记起美国传统〔round〕He recalls a joke that went the rounds of the office.他回忆起一个曾在办公室里流传的笑话。英汉大词典〔selective〕He seemed to have a very selective recall of past events.他好像只能选择性地回想起过去的事情。剑桥高阶〔shear〕He recalled the humiliation of having his hair shorn and exchanging his clothes for the prison uniform.他记起了曾被剃光头、被迫换上囚服的耻辱。剑桥高阶〔silent〕He would give her the silent treatment over some trespass she couldn't even recall.她都不知道自己哪里冒犯了他, 他就对她不理不睬了。外研社新世纪〔spin control〕When the defective part was recalled, the company had to do some clever spin control.缺陷部件被召回时,这家公司不得不做点巧妙的舆论引导。韦氏高阶〔television〕She recalled her first television appearance forty years ago.她回忆起 40 年前初次上电视时的情景。牛津搭配〔tongue〕On the verge of being recalled or expressed.差点说出某事:在被回忆出或表达出来的边缘美国传统〔unending〕I do not recall any formal training, just endless work and an unending stream of people! 现在想起来,没有任何正式的培训,有的只是没完没了的工作和无休无止的人流!柯林斯高阶〔unending〕I do not recall any formal training, just endless work and an unending stream of people!我想不起有过任何正式培训, 只有做不完的工作和无穷无尽的人流!外研社新世纪〔unwilling〕The judge was unwilling that the witness be recalled.法官不同意召回证人。英汉大词典〔wake〕She did not often recall dreams on waking.她醒来时往往记不起所做的梦。英汉大词典〔withdraw〕To recall or remove a motion from consideration in parliamentary procedure.撤销动议:在议会程序中取消或除去对某一行为的考虑美国传统〔worthwhile〕It might be worthwhile to recall a few important facts.也许值得花时间去回想一些重要的事实。麦克米伦高阶Recalling cheerful yesterdays cheered the lady. 回忆欢乐的往昔使这位女士感到欣慰。译典通Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child. 狄克忆起小时候曾经到巴黎学音乐。译典通He recalled his fellow traveller with pleasure. 他愉快地回忆起他的旅伴。译典通He cannot recall how he got the car home, but he arrived late on Sunday night and went straight to bed. 他想不起怎么把车开到家,但他星期天晚上很晚到达并直接上床睡觉。剑桥国际He could recall her features very distinctly. 他能够清晰地回想起她的容貌。译典通He seemed to have a very selective recall of past events.他好像对过去的事情只作有选择的回忆。剑桥国际His paintings recall the style of Picasso.他的画令人想起毕加索的风格。剑桥国际If you cast your mind back (=try to remember), you might recall that I never promised to go.如果你回想一下,你会想起我从来没答应去。剑桥国际My brother has total recall (= He can remember every detail of past events).我兄弟对过去的事记得很清楚。剑桥国际Now at forty and with three children, she still, sometimes, recalls her calf love at the age of 14. 如今她四十岁了,有三个孩子,但她仍然时常想起自己十四岁时的初恋。译典通Observers recalled other times he'd slighted his wife, by neglecting to introduce her.善于观察的人们回忆起其他时候他对妻子的轻视,他都不屑于介绍她。剑桥国际Officials refused to put a cost on the recall, which affected 1.6 million vehicles.官员拒绝说明这次涉及 160 万辆车的召回的成本。牛津商务Old people often have astonishing powers of recall.老年人常有令人惊讶的回忆能力。剑桥国际One colleague recalled the dancer's petulant refusal to collect an award because his name had been wrongly pronounced.一位同事回忆那名舞蹈演员因为他的名字被念错了就粗鲁地拒绝领奖。剑桥国际Parliament was recalled from recess.议会被从休会期召回。剑桥国际Parliament was hastily recalled from recess. 休会的议员被匆匆召回议事。译典通She recalled her promise. 她取消了约言。译典通She recalled seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery. 她想起抢劫那晚在商店外见过他。剑桥国际She recalled the wedding ceremony at which they had pledged their undying love for each other.她回忆起婚礼,那时他们各自承诺了对对方的永恒的爱。剑桥国际She recalled with a shudder how her boss had once tried to kiss her.她颤抖地回想起她的老板曾经企图亲吻她。剑桥国际The recall of the general could mean he had lost the battle. 召回将军一事可能意味著他打了败仗。译典通The ambassador was recalled when war broke out.战争爆发后,大使被召回。剑桥国际The ambassador was recalled. 大使被召回。译典通The auto-makers recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe. 汽车制造商召回许多不安全的车辆。译典通The company recalled 6.5 million of its tyres.这家公司召回了 650 万只轮胎。牛津商务The company recalled thousands of tins of baby food after an anonymous caller claimed to have put rat poison in several tins.公司在接到匿名电话称已在几听罐头里放了老鼠药后收回了成千上万听婴儿食品罐头。剑桥国际The dead can not be recalled to life. 死者不能复活。译典通The old man recalled the city as it had been before the war.老人回想起这座城市战前的样子。剑桥国际The product was recalled because a part was faulty.由于有零部件存在缺陷,产品被收回。牛津商务There was an emergency recall of Parliament following the economic crisis.紧随经济危机议会被紧急召回。剑桥国际There's a brief paragraph which recalls how, 100 years ago, ships sailed from Hull bearing immigrants to the New World.有一段文章简明地回忆了100年前船只载着移民从赫尔航行到新大陆的情景。剑桥国际When Iceland recognised Lithuania as an independent state, the Soviet Union recalled its ambassador in protest.当冰岛承认立陶宛是一个独立的国家时,苏联召回其大使以示抗议。剑桥国际 |
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