

单词 put
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔REPLACE〕to put something where it was before 把某物放回原处朗文写作活用〔another〕put it off to another day.把它推迟到另一天美国传统〔applied〕plans to put more money into applied research将更多资金投入应用研究的计划外研社新世纪〔battery〕put the artillery in battery 使炮处于待发状态英汉大词典〔belt〕put on/fasten a belt 系上/系紧腰带麦克米伦高阶〔bet〕put (或 place) one's bet(s) on 把赌注押在…上英汉大词典〔bluff〕put on (或up) a bluff 虚张声势英汉大词典〔chill〕bad news that put a chill on the celebration.使庆祝活动变得扫兴的坏消息美国传统〔chip〕put one's chips on sb.把赌注下在某人身上英汉大词典〔consideration〕proposals put forward for consideration 提请考虑的建议朗文当代〔crimp〕put a crimp in sb.'s prestige 损害某人的威信英汉大词典〔defensive〕a controversy that has put the school's leadership on the defensive 使学校领导处于守势的一场争论麦克米伦高阶〔duvet〕a duvet cover(= a cover that you can wash, that you put over a duvet) 羽绒被套牛津高阶〔faith〕put one's faith in the future 对未来抱有信心英汉大词典〔file〕put ... in a file 把…归档文馨英汉〔get〕to get dressed/undressed(= to put your clothes on/take your clothes off) 穿上╱脱下衣服牛津高阶〔hierarchy〕put honesty first in her hierarchy of values.把诚实放在她自己的价值等次的首要地位美国传统〔hitch〕put a hitch in a rope 在绳上打个结英汉大词典〔honour〕put up a monument in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而建造纪念碑英汉大词典〔jeopardy〕put sb.(sth.) in jeopardy 使某人(某事物)处于险境英汉大词典〔jism〕put jism into the job 使劲干英汉大词典〔kill〕the first person to be put to death in San Quentin jail 圣昆丁监狱内首名被处死的犯人朗文当代〔launcher〕use a single launcher to put eight satellites into orbit 用1枚运载火箭把8颗卫星送入轨道英汉大词典〔on〕put the coffee on 把咖啡煮上 英汉大词典〔over〕put rocks over a cave entrance; threw a shawl over her shoulders.把岩石盖在洞的入口处;把围巾披在她的肩膀上美国传统〔paid〕a series of airforce strikes that put paid to the General's hopes of fighting on.一连串空中打击粉碎了那位将军继续战斗的希望柯林斯高阶〔paper〕put one's suggestions down on paper 把建议写下来英汉大词典〔ploughing〕as we put more and more wilderness under the plough.随着我们将越来越多的荒地开垦成耕地柯林斯高阶〔posture〕put the country in a posture of defence 使国家处于防卫态势英汉大词典〔proof〕put sth. to the proof 检验某事物英汉大词典〔proposal〕put forth cease-fire proposals 提出停火建议英汉大词典〔put〕put a tremendous responsibility on sb.使某人担负重大的责任英汉大词典〔put〕put down rumors.制止流言美国传统〔put〕put for home 出发回家英汉大词典〔put〕put in a plea of guilty.正式提出犯罪诉讼美国传统〔put〕put in strawberry plants 种草莓英汉大词典〔put〕put on a variety show.举行一次杂耍演出美国传统〔put〕put on weight.增加体重美国传统〔put〕put out a light (the gas) 关掉灯(煤气) 英汉大词典〔put〕put pen to paper 下笔写(或画) 英汉大词典〔put〕put sb/sth first/second etc The job's important to him, but he puts his family first.这份工作对他很重要,不过他还是把家庭放在首位。朗文当代〔put〕put the machine out of action 使机器失灵英汉大词典〔put〕put the project through on time; put through a number of new laws.按时完成了项目;通过许多新法律美国传统〔put〕put the shot.推铅球美国传统〔put〕put up a tent 搭支帐篷英汉大词典〔put〕to put off a visit.展期访问。牛津同义词〔put〕to put out a fire.把火扑灭。牛津同义词〔put〕to put up an argument/a case/a proposal 提出论据╱事实╱建议牛津高阶〔quandary〕put (或thrust) sb. in a quandary 使某人陷入窘境英汉大词典〔rebellion〕put down a rebellion 镇压叛乱英汉大词典〔shortly〕to put it shortly 简短地说文馨英汉〔side〕put a question on one side 把问题放一放 英汉大词典〔storage〕put furniture in storage 将家具放进仓库保管文馨英汉〔timber〕put a hundred acres of land under timber 造林100英亩英汉大词典〔up〕put an umbrella up 撑起伞 英汉大词典〔way〕put an animal out of the way 将动物杀死(或关起来)英汉大词典〔whammy〕put the whammy on someone.让…交厄运美国传统〔x〕put one's X on ...在…上画押文馨英汉〔yack〕put a stop to sb.'s yack 止住某人的喋喋不休英汉大词典to put up a poster/an ad 贴出海报/广告牛津商务




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