

单词 ranger
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Rangers scored early in the game but fell behind within ten minutes. 流浪者队在比赛初期取得入球,但10分钟后落后了。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕For the third time this season, Celtic outclassed their local rivals, Rangers, last night. 凯尔特人队昨晚击败了本市对手流浪者队,这已是本季第三次了。朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕We were debating the best way to reach the river, when a passing ranger kindly pointed it out. 我们正在讨论到河边走哪条路最好,这时一位护林员路过,好心地指了路。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕A park ranger was answering the tourists’ questions as they looked out over the canyon. 游客眺望峡谷时,一名园林管理员在回答他们提出的问题。朗文写作活用〔adrift〕Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League.在苏格兰足球联赛中,亚伯丁队比排在首位的流浪者队落后9分。柯林斯高阶〔adrift〕Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League.阿伯丁队落后位于苏格兰联赛榜首的流浪者队9分。外研社新世纪〔all〕United were all over Rangers in the first half.比赛的上半场联队完全压制住了流浪者队。外研社新世纪〔camper〕Rangers warned campers that leaving food outside might attract bears.护林员告诫野营的人们把食物放在外面可能会把熊引来。韦氏高阶〔capacity〕She guides tourists at the Martin Luther King Jr. Birth Home in her capacity as a National Park Service ranger.作为国家公园管理局的管理员,她陪同游客参观马丁·路德·金的出生地。剑桥高阶〔face〕Rangers face Celtic on Saturday.流浪者队将在星期六对阵凯尔特人队。外研社新世纪〔firefighting〕There may be a lot of firefighting for Rangers to carry out this weekend.流浪者队有许多救火行动要采取。外研社新世纪〔haunt〕Old failings seem to have come back to haunt Rangers in the first week of the new season.新赛季第一周, 旧日的失利似乎又重新开始困扰流浪者队。外研社新世纪〔home〕Rangers were playing in front of their home crowd.流浪队在主场观众面前比赛。牛津高阶〔leg〕They will televise both legs of Leeds' European Cup clash with Rangers.欧洲杯利兹联队与流浪者队的两场争夺战都将进行电视转播。柯林斯高阶〔lucky〕I've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan, but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners' medal with Rangers.我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。柯林斯高阶〔net〕Rangers netted three times in seven minutes.流浪者队在7分钟之内连进3球。外研社新世纪〔park〕I work as a ranger in the city's park system.我的工作是城市系统的管理员。牛津搭配〔park〕The lion was shot dead by a park ranger.那头狮子被公园管理员用枪打死了。牛津搭配〔play off〕United and Rangers are playing off for the championship.联队和流浪者队将加赛决定冠军归属。剑桥高阶〔point〕A team of Rangers were walking point at the outset of the operation.一队突击队员在军行之初担任尖兵美国传统〔pull〕Rangers pulled back to 4–3.流浪队以 4:3 反败为胜。牛津高阶〔pursuit〕Rangers are in hot pursuit of Bayern Munich.流浪者队直逼拜仁慕尼黑队。外研社新世纪〔ranger〕Ranger A member of a group of U.S. soldiers specially trained for making raids either on foot, in ground vehicles, or by airlift. Ranger 突击队员,特别行动队队员:美国特殊训练的在地面,于地面交通工具或在空中执行特殊袭击任务的士兵美国传统〔ranger〕Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.比尔·贾斯蒂斯是卡尔斯巴德洞窟国家公园的管理员。柯林斯高阶〔ranger〕Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.比尔•贾斯蒂斯是卡尔斯巴德洞穴国家公园的巡逻员。外研社新世纪〔ranger〕She's now a ranger at a national forest in Montana.她现在是蒙大拿州国家森林的护林员。韦氏高阶〔ranger〕The Texas Rangers were the oldest police force in the U.S.得克萨斯州巡警乃是美国最早的警察部队。英汉大词典〔ranger〕We were fortunate enough to get a tour from a ranger when we visited Yellowstone National Park.我们游览黄石国家公园时非常幸运,有一位园林管理员带着我们四处观光。韦氏高阶〔rocky〕Rangers got off to a rocky start this season.流浪者队本赛季出师不利。朗文当代〔second〕His goal in the dying seconds of the game secured Rangers a 3-2 victory.他在比赛即将结束时进球得分,使流浪者队以 3 比 2 获胜。牛津搭配〔set〕Rangers will set a trap to catch the bear.护林员们将设置一个陷阱抓捕那只熊。韦氏高阶〔sign〕Miller worked in the shipyards before signing for Rangers.米勒在签约流浪者队之前在造船厂干活。朗文当代〔smoke〕Rangers watched from their fire towers for any wisps of smoke.园林管理员在火警了望塔上观察是否有烟雾出现。朗文当代〔stretch〕It would be stretching the truth to suggest they played well enough to rival Glasgow Rangers.把他们和格拉斯哥流浪者队相提并论就有些言过其实了。外研社新世纪〔tempt〕Having spent so long at a great club like Rangers, no other Scottish team could tempt him away.在流浪者队这样优秀的俱乐部呆了这么久之后,其他苏格兰球队都吸引不了他了。柯林斯高阶〔thrash〕Second-placed Rangers thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil.排名第二的流浪者队以 5: 0 大胜圣约翰斯通队。柯林斯高阶〔want〕Rangers failed to score a goal, but it was not for want of trying.流浪者队虽没有进球,但已经尽力了。麦克米伦高阶Millwall have signed striker Mark Falco from Queen's Park Rangers for £175 000.米尔沃队花了 175 000英镑与原女王公园巡逻者队的前锋马克·法尔科签了约。剑桥国际United and Rangers are playing off for (= playing a game to decide which will win) the championship.联合队和突击队要进行冠军争夺赛。剑桥国际




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