

单词 rope
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔TIE/UNTIE〕to prevent someone from escaping by tying rope around them 把某人捆住使其不能逃脱朗文写作活用〔bind fast〕to bind the rope fast把绳子绑紧21世纪英汉〔bind〕bind sth. on with rope 用绳把某物捆扎上英汉大词典〔burn〕rope burns 被绳索摩擦出来的伤痕英汉大词典〔cable-laid〕a cable-laid rope 三根三股索英汉大词典〔cap〕cap a rope with tape 用胶布把绳端包住英汉大词典〔chasm〕a rope bridge across the chasm 峡谷上的悬索桥朗文当代〔cheep〕the cheep of rope running through the blocks 绳索通过滑轮的唧唧声英汉大词典〔climbing〕a climbing rope 登山绳朗文当代〔climb〕climb down a rope 缘索而下英汉大词典〔coil〕a coil of rope 一卷绳子牛津搭配〔coil〕a coil of rope 一卷绳子麦克米伦高阶〔coil〕a coil of rope 一圈绳子朗文当代〔dragging〕a dragging rope 拖曳绳索英汉大词典〔draw〕to draw a rope tight把绳索拉紧21世纪英汉〔fast〕make a rope fast 把绳子系牢文馨英汉〔fast〕take (a) fast hold on a rope 握紧绳子文馨英汉〔half〕the longer half of a rope 一条绳子较长的一半文馨英汉〔haul〕haul at (或 on, upon) a rope 拉绳子英汉大词典〔hitch〕put a hitch in a rope 在绳上打个结英汉大词典〔hold〕hold to the rope 紧紧抓住绳索英汉大词典〔knotted〕a knotted rope 一条打结的绳子麦克米伦高阶〔knotty〕a knotty rope 有结的绳索英汉大词典〔ladder〕a rope ladder 绳梯英汉大词典〔lax〕a lax rope 松(弛)的绳子英汉大词典〔lead〕lead a rope through a pulley 使绳子穿过滑轮文馨英汉〔lead〕lead a horse by a rope 用绳牵马英汉大词典〔loop〕loop a rope around the fish 用绳子将鱼捆起英汉大词典〔reef-knot〕reef-knot a rope 将绳子打成平结英汉大词典〔reeve〕reeve a rope to a yard 把绳在帆桁上缚紧英汉大词典〔reeve〕to reeve a rope to a mast将绳子拴在船桅上21世纪英汉〔right-handed〕a right-handed rope 右捻向的绳子英汉大词典〔rope〕rope a trunk 用绳捆扎箱子英汉大词典〔rope〕rope off the streets near the fire 把火灾附近的街道用绳子拦开英汉大词典〔rope〕rope sb. in to help 说服某人出力相助英汉大词典〔rope〕a rope of pearls 一串珍珠剑桥高阶〔run〕run a rope in a pulley 使绳在滑轮上滑动英汉大词典〔sag〕the sag in a rope 绳索的下垂部分英汉大词典〔secure〕secure a boat to a rope 把小船缚牢在绳子上英汉大词典〔seize〕seize on a rope 抓住一根绳子英汉大词典〔sinewy〕a sinewy rope 结实的绳子英汉大词典〔slack〕slack the rope before untying the knot 解结前先放松绳子英汉大词典〔slit〕to slit the rope that tied one's hands割开捆住双手的绳子21世纪英汉〔snake〕tried to snake the rope along the ledge.试图将那根绳子沿着棚架曲折前进美国传统〔splice〕splice a rope to a chain 把一条绳子系在一根链条上英汉大词典〔spool〕spool the rope on the drum 把绳子绕在卷筒上英汉大词典〔strain〕strain a rope 把绳子拉紧文馨英汉〔strain〕strain at a rope 用力拉绳文馨英汉〔stranded〕a three-stranded rope 3股的绳子英汉大词典〔strength〕the strength of a rope 绳子的强度牛津高阶〔strength〕the strength of a rope 绳子的强度英汉大词典〔stretch〕to stretch a rope between two trees在两棵树之间拉了一根绳子21世纪英汉〔take〕take up the slack in a rope 把绳索的松垂部分收紧 英汉大词典〔tensile〕the tensile strength of rope 绳索的抗拉强度牛津高阶〔throw〕throw the rope over the hook 把绳子穿过钩子 英汉大词典〔twice-laid〕a twice-laid rope 再生绳英汉大词典〔twist〕a rope full of twists 满是结子的绳英汉大词典〔twist〕twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.用几股麻搓成了一段绳子美国传统〔uncoil〕to uncoil a rope 打开盘卷的绳索牛津高阶〔untwist〕untwist the tangled strands of the rope 解开缠结在一起的几股绳英汉大词典




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