

单词 pull ahead
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAINST/OPPOSE〕Opinion polls showed the opposition pulling ahead in some areas. 民意测验显示,反对党于部分地区领先。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕I turned around and saw that, out of the dust and the crowd, another car was pulling ahead to join us. 我转过头看到,从飞扬的尘土和人堆里又有一辆车赶超上来加入我们的车阵。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕With the finish line in sight, Wallace pulled ahead of the pack and drove to victory. 终点线在望,华莱士一车当先,赢得胜利。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕Opinion polls show Labour pulling ahead of the Conservatives.民意调查显示工党领先于保守党。麦克米伦高阶〔pull ahead〕A poll shows the party pulling ahead of its rivals.一项民意调查显示, 该党领先于竞争对手。外研社新世纪〔pull ahead〕He began to pull ahead of his pursuers.他开始领先于他的追赶者。外研社新世纪〔pull ahead〕He has pulled ahead of the other candidates in the election polls.他在选举前的民意调查中领先其他候选人。韦氏高阶〔pull ahead〕She pulled ahead in the race.比赛中她一马当先。韦氏高阶〔pull ahead〕The two runners were side by side until one pulled ahead.两位跑步运动员一直并驾齐驱,直到其中一人胜出。韦氏高阶〔pull〕During the last lap of the race one of the runners began to pull ahead.跑到最后一圈时,一位选手开始领先。剑桥高阶〔pull〕In those contests, he has pulled ahead of his opponent.在那些竞赛中,他已经领先于他的对手。英汉大词典〔pull〕Schumacher pulled ahead of Montoya as the two drivers approached the first corner of the race.当两位选手接近比赛第一个弯道时,舒马赫超过了蒙托亚。朗文当代〔pull〕The cyclists were together until the bend, when Tyler pulled ahead.自行车选手们原本胶着在一起,直到转弯处泰勒才超前领先。牛津高阶〔pull〕The powerful steamboat soon pulled ahead.那艘大马力的汽船很快开到前面去了。英汉大词典〔pull〕The six states he won in 1988 are the same states in which he has yet to pull ahead of his opponent.1988年他获胜的6个州也是他目前有待领先于对手的几个州。柯林斯高阶〔stroke〕The Romanian rowers pulled ahead with powerful strokes.罗马尼亚划桨手凭借有力的划水占据了领先位置。牛津搭配〔stroke〕With powerful strokes she pulled ahead of the others.凭借着有力的划水动作,她超过了其他人。麦克米伦高阶During the last lap of the race one of the runners began to pull ahead.在比赛最后一圈,一个赛跑选手开始领先。剑桥国际In terms of market share, Japanese firms are pulling ahead.就市场份额而言,日本企业领先。牛津商务




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