

单词 best
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BEST〕the best part of something 某物最好的部分朗文写作活用〔admission〕to gain admission to one of the best schools 被最好的一所学校录取牛津搭配〔advance〕to advance for a best seller为畅销商品做广告21世纪英汉〔all-round〕an excellent all-round guide on how to shop for the very best foods.一本关于如何买到最佳食品的全面而实用的指南柯林斯高阶〔all-round〕if you want the best all-round quality of life如果你想要全方位最优质的生活外研社新世纪〔aristocrat〕a natural aristocrat who insists on the best accommodations.一个天生的贵族坚持要最好的膳宿美国传统〔bar〕the best hotel in town, bar none 城里绝无仅有的好旅馆英汉大词典〔bench〕the team with the best bench 替补队员力量最强的球队英汉大词典〔beside〕has earned a place beside the best performers in the business.在商业中赢得与最佳者平等的地位美国传统〔best〕the best of three games 三战两胜英汉大词典〔brain〕commit money and some of the best brains to a task 将资金和一些最佳智力人才投入一项任务英汉大词典〔buy〕the best education money can buy 钱可以买到的最好的教育麦克米伦高阶〔candidate〕candidates for the award for best actor 最佳男演员奖的候选人麦克米伦高阶〔competition〕a competition between the best teams in the country 国内顶级队伍之间的比赛牛津搭配〔concert〕one of the best concert venues最好的演唱会场地之一外研社新世纪〔condition〕the best way to condition your hair护理头发的最好方法外研社新世纪〔consider〕a television program that is considered one of the best comedies ever 被视为迄今为止最佳喜剧之一的电视节目韦氏高阶〔earner〕the country's best foreign-exchange earner这个国家赚取外汇最多的产品外研社新世纪〔easily〕easily the best play this season.无疑是本赛季最精彩的比赛美国传统〔educate〕to educate oneself about the best course of action使自己了解最优良行为规范21世纪英汉〔ever〕the best I've ever seen我曾见过的最好的外研社新世纪〔far〕do far best 干得极其出色 英汉大词典〔fluency〕two teams who at their best play their football with breathtaking fluency竭尽全力踢得极其流畅的两支足球队外研社新世纪〔going〕the best products going.可提供的最好产品美国传统〔hypothermia〕the best way to treat victims of hypothermia治疗体温过低患者的最佳方式外研社新世纪〔likely〕the best deal they are ever likely to get 迄今他们可能得到的最划算的一笔买卖牛津搭配〔manure〕the best time to spread manure on the fields 在田里施粪肥的最佳时机牛津搭配〔match〕a grudge match between two of the best teams in the league 联赛中两支最佳球队之间的一场恩怨对决牛津搭配〔mature〕our best selling matured cheddar我们最畅销的切达熟干酪外研社新世纪〔mean〕feel mean for not having done one's best 因没有尽力而感到羞愧英汉大词典〔mind〕the best mind of the English Renaissance 英国文艺复兴时期的头号智者英汉大词典〔musician〕one of Britain's best known rock musicians英国最著名的摇滚乐手之一外研社新世纪〔nurture〕the best way to nurture and raise your children to adulthood将孩子养育成人的最佳途径外研社新世纪〔objective〕the best way to accomplish your objectives 完成你的目标的最佳方法朗文当代〔overall〕the surfer who was judged to have performed best overall 被认为总体上发挥得最好的冲浪运动员麦克米伦高阶〔par〕a local product on a par with the best foreign makes.与最好的外国货同水平的本地产品美国传统〔pick〕picked out the best piece of silk.挑出最好的一匹丝绸美国传统〔possible〕the best possible time最好的时光外研社新世纪〔preserved〕the best preserved mediaeval township in the world 世界上保存最为完好的中世纪遗留市镇英汉大词典〔protect〕one of the best ways for countries to protect themselves against erratic behaviour by the financial markets各国保护自己免受反复无常的金融市场影响的最佳方式之一外研社新世纪〔prunability〕the best time to prune整枝的最好时节21世纪英汉〔prune〕the best time to prune 整枝的最好时节英汉大词典〔race〕a race between the two best runners of the club 俱乐部中两名最佳选手的赛跑牛津高阶〔raging〕a raging desire to be the best 出人头地的强烈欲望麦克米伦高阶〔rousing〕a rousing best seller 异常畅销的书 英汉大词典〔runaway〕a runaway best seller 极为成功的畅销书韦氏高阶〔savour〕to savour the best in life体验生活的乐趣21世纪英汉〔score〕the best score for years against Italy 多年来与意大利队比赛的最好成绩牛津搭配〔seminar〕a series of half-day seminars to help businessmen get the best value from investing in information technology.旨在帮助商界人士从投资信息技术中获得最大价值的一系列半日研讨会柯林斯高阶〔set off〕perfectly proportioned galleries that set off the contents to their best advantage.结构匀称完美、能最有效地凸显其展品的展览馆柯林斯高阶〔side〕the best tea this side of China 中国茶叶中最好的一种英汉大词典〔solve〕the best way of solving our dilemma 解救我们走出困境的最佳办法朗文当代〔stipulate〕stipulate for the best materials to be used 讲定使用最好的材料英汉大词典〔surprise〕a surprise best seller/success 意想不到的畅销书/成功韦氏高阶〔tenor〕one of the best tenor sax players ever.有史以来最出色的次中音萨克斯管演奏者之一柯林斯高阶〔the〕the best song of the week本周最佳歌曲21世纪英汉〔try〕try one's best 尽最大的努力,尽全力文馨英汉〔very〕one of the very best books of reference 最好的参考书之一英汉大词典a meeting of the best brains in the industry 业内精英会议牛津商务creating the best product for the end consumer 为最终消费者开发最好的产品牛津商务




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