

单词 rickety
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕In the corner of the room were a broken chair and a rickety old desk. 房间的角落里放着一把破椅子和一张摇摇晃晃的旧书桌。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕The staircase was old and rickety. 楼梯破旧,摇摇欲坠。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕They sat around the card table on rickety old chairs. 他们围着牌桌坐在摇晃的旧椅子上。朗文写作活用〔caution〕The car proceeded over the rickety bridge with caution.汽车小心地在摇晃的桥上前进美国传统〔crate〕Slang An old, rickety vehicle, especially a decrepit automobile or aircraft.【俚语】 破旧汽车,破旧飞机:一种用久而破烂的交通工具,尤指破坏了的汽车或飞机美国传统〔fall〕The rickety chair fell apart. He fell apart after years as a POW.摇晃的椅子散架了。 作战俘多年,他崩溃了美国传统〔firebreak〕It sees a steady currency as a firebreak protecting its rickety financial system.它把稳定的货币视为保护其脆弱金融体系的一道屏障。外研社新世纪〔limb〕This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.这整个快要散架的搭建物吊挂在一棵枝繁叶茂的大树的枝杈上。柯林斯高阶〔padlock〕I saw him padlock the rickety door behind us.我见他在我们背后把摇摇晃晃的门锁上了。21世纪英汉〔rattletrap〕A rickety, worn-out vehicle.老爷车:一种破旧的,吱吱作响的交通工具美国传统〔rejig〕The company's rickety economic structure has to be fundamentally rejigged.公司摇摇欲坠的经济结构必须作根本性调整。英汉大词典〔rickety〕Careful! That chair's a bit rickety.小心!那把椅子不结实。剑桥高阶〔rickety〕Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway.莫娜爬上了摇摇晃晃的木楼梯。外研社新世纪〔rickety〕Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway.莫娜爬上了摇摇晃晃的木楼梯。柯林斯高阶〔rickety〕She slowly climbed the rickety wooden steps.她慢慢爬上摇摇欲坠的的木楼梯。剑桥高阶〔rickety〕She started off down the rickety stairs.她开始走下摇摇欲坠的楼梯。英汉大词典〔rickety〕The recession put a lot of strain on an already rickety economic system.经济衰退期使本来就摇摇欲坠的经济体系雪上加霜。剑桥高阶〔sea〕The refugees put to sea in five rickety rafts.这些难民驾着五只破旧的木筏驶向大海。朗文当代〔squalid〕He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.他跟着她上了一段摇摇晃晃的楼梯,来到了一间邋遢的卧室起居室两用房间。柯林斯高阶〔squalid〕He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.他跟着她爬上一段摇摇晃晃的楼梯, 来到一间肮脏的一室户。外研社新世纪Careful! That chair's a bit rickety.当心!那把椅子有些不稳。剑桥国际His gait is a bit rickety because he has had a drop too much. 他喝多了,所以脚步有点摇摇晃晃的。译典通I was working at a rickety table. 我正在一张摇摇晃晃的桌子边工作。译典通She slowly climbed the rickety wooden steps.她慢慢地爬上了摇摇晃晃的木制楼梯。剑桥国际The hut was a rickety structure that looked as if it might collapse at any moment.小屋的结构不稳,看上去随时都会倒塌。剑桥国际We had to climb some rickety old steps.我们只得爬摇摇欲坠的旧楼梯。剑桥国际We travelled around Europe on a rickety old bus.我们乘着一辆摇摇晃晃的旧公共汽车周游了欧洲。剑桥国际




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