

单词 reservoir
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRY〕The town's reservoir has nearly dried up and many homes are without water. 该镇的水库几乎干涸了,许多家庭都没水用。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The reservoirs are filled to the brim after the spring floods. 春季洪水暴发后水库都满了。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The drought has ended at last, and the reservoirs are filling up again. 干旱终于过去了,水库又满了。朗文写作活用〔Franklin D Roosevelt Lake〕A reservoir of northeast Washington formed in the Columbia River by Grand Coulee Dam.富兰克林:华盛顿东北的一贮水池,在哥伦比亚河里被大古力水坝拦截而形成美国传统〔LET/ALLOW〕Residents were not even permitted to fish in the reservoir. 居民甚至不准在水库内捕鱼。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He and his wife July sank their life savings into an unsuccessful attempt to build a marina on a reservoir in Colorado. 他和妻子朱莉把毕生的储蓄投资于在科罗拉多河的一座水库上造个小码头的计划,结果投资失败了。朗文写作活用〔Mead〕A reservoir of southeast Nevada and northwest Arizona formed by Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. It is the center of a large recreational area.米德湖:位于美国内华达州东南部和亚利桑那州西北部,是由科罗拉多河胡佛水坝形成的人工湖。该湖是休闲娱乐是中心美国传统〔RISK〕During the drought, water companies used water from the emergency reservoirs, gambling that normal rainfall would soon fill them up again. 干旱期间,自来水公司把紧急备用水库里的水也拿来用了,希望碰碰运气,指望正常的降雨会很快再次灌满水库。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕This reservoir supplies water to half of Los Angeles. 这个水库向半个洛杉矶供水。朗文写作活用〔catch basin〕A reservoir for collecting surface drainage or runoff.贮水池:收集地面污水或漏水的贮水池美国传统〔catchment〕A structure, such as a basin or reservoir, used for collecting or draining water.贮水池:一种用于收集或疏导水的装置,如盆或贮水容器美国传统〔circumference〕He jogged around the circumference of the reservoir.他绕着水库周边慢跑。外研社新世纪〔concentrate〕Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs.自来水公司应该集中精力减少水浪费,而不是修建新水库。柯林斯高阶〔dam〕The reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.这个水库是通过在布莱斯河上筑坝形成的。外研社新世纪〔dam〕They created a reservoir by damming up the river.他们以拦河筑坝的方式建了一座水库。韦氏高阶〔dam〕This reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.这个水库是通过在布莱斯河上筑坝形成的。柯林斯高阶〔deplete〕A long drought had depleted reservoirs.长时间的干旱使水库枯竭。英汉大词典〔depress〕The drought depressed the water level in the reservoirs.干旱使水库的水面降低美国传统〔drawdown〕A lowering of the water level in a reservoir or other body of water.池降:水库或其它水体的水位降低美国传统〔dry up〕Reservoirs are drying up and farmers are worried.水库正在干涸, 农民们为此忧心忡忡。外研社新世纪〔dryness〕Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land.水库逐渐干涸,农民开始背井离乡。柯林斯高阶〔excavate〕A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.雇了一个承包商把水库抽干, 挖掉一处的泥土, 然后再用黏土填充。外研社新世纪〔excavate〕A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.雇了一个承包商抽干水库的水,挖掉一个区域的泥土后再用黏土填上。柯林斯高阶〔faucet〕A device for regulating the flow of a liquid from a reservoir such as a pipe or drum.龙头:一种用来控制液体从管子或桶流出来的装置美国传统〔feed〕Melting snow feeds the reservoirs.融化的雪给水库提供了水美国传统〔fill〕At the moment, most reservoirs are filling fast.此时,大多数水库蓄水很快。牛津搭配〔filter bed〕A layer of sand or gravel on the bottom of a reservoir or tank, used to filter water or sewage.滤垫:在蓄水池或大容器底部铺的一层沙或砾石,用于过滤水或污水美国传统〔flowage〕A body of water, such as a lake or reservoir, formed by usually deliberate flooding.积水湖:通常由故意的积水而形成的水体,例如一个湖或水库美国传统〔font〕The oil reservoir in an oil-burning lamp.油灯的贮油器美国传统〔fountain pen〕A pen filled from an external source and containing an ink reservoir that automatically feeds the writing point.自来水笔:一种带吸墨管的笔,墨水由吸管从外部吸入并自动流向笔尖美国传统〔fountain〕A reservoir or chamber containing a supply of liquid that can be siphoned off as needed.液体贮存器:一个贮水的器皿或容器,需要水时便可从中喷出来美国传统〔full〕The reservoirs are all virtually full.所有的水库差不多都满了。牛津搭配〔funnel〕Underwater hoses funnel water from the reservoir to a purification plant.水下软管使水从水库经过漏斗形的小口子流到净化厂。麦克米伦高阶〔heat pump〕A device that warms or cools a building by transferring heat from a relatively low-temperature reservoir to one at a higher temperature.热泵:一种通过将热量由温度相对较低的热源传到温度较高的热源从而使建筑物取暖或降温的装置美国传统〔impoundment〕A body of water, such as a reservoir, made by impounding.集水区:一块集水域,例如水库,用以集水美国传统〔lead〕There's a track that leads directly to the reservoir.有一条小道直接通向水库。剑桥高阶〔leak〕Radioactive water has leaked into the reservoir.放射性水已渗进了蓄水池。麦克米伦高阶〔look〕The cabin looks out over the reservoir.小屋俯瞰水库。英汉大词典〔low water〕The lowest level of water in a body of water, such as a river, lake, or reservoir.低水位线:载体(比如河流,湖泊或水库)的最低水位美国传统〔low〕The reservoir was low after the long drought.久旱之后水库的水位下降了。牛津高阶〔oil pan〕The bottom of the crankcase in an internal-combustion engine, serving as an oil reservoir.滑油(收油)盘:内燃机曲轴箱的底部,用以贮油美国传统〔pipe〕The villagers piped drinking water from the reservoir.村民们用管道从水库里引入饮用水。外研社新世纪〔pipe〕The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir.村民用管道从水库引来饮用水。柯林斯高阶〔pipe〕Water is piped from the reservoir to the city.水从水库经管子输送到城里。牛津高阶〔premium〕Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated.在水库被污染之后,清水便因稀而贵了美国传统〔pump ... up〕The oil is pumped up from deep underground reservoir.这油是从地下深油库里泵上来的。21世纪英汉〔pump〕They used electricity to pump water back into the reservoir.他们用电把水抽回到水库中。文馨英汉〔refill〕The reservoir will refill once it begins raining.只要开始下雨,水库就会重新储水。韦氏高阶〔remedy〕When the reservoir becomes blocked, the only remedy lies in cleaning the entire system.水库堵塞,唯一的解决办法就是疏浚整个系统。牛津搭配〔reservoir〕A fountain pen has an ink reservoir.自来水笔有一个贮墨水管。英汉大词典〔reservoir〕Colleges and universities provide reservoirs of talent for job recruiters.高等院校为招聘者提供人才储备。韦氏高阶〔reservoir〕History is a reservoir of human experience.历史是人类经历的总汇。英汉大词典〔reservoir〕Immigrants have long been a rich reservoir of talent.外来移民中长期以来蕴藏着众多人材。英汉大词典〔reservoir〕Nearby colleges are a reservoir of talent for employers.附近的几所大学是雇主们的人才储备库。麦克米伦高阶〔reservoir〕She found she had reservoirs of unexpected strength.她发现自己潜藏着意想不到的意志力。朗文当代〔reservoir〕She found the reservoirs of energy she needed to finish the job.她找到了完成这份工作所需要的能量。韦氏高阶〔reservoir〕The reservoir overflowed.水库泛滥。英汉大词典〔reservoir〕The pen has a large ink reservoir.这支钢笔的贮墨管很大。韦氏高阶〔reservoir〕The universities constitute a reservoir of expert knowledge.大学是专业知识的宝库。剑桥高阶〔reservoir〕This dictionary is a reservoir of information about the English language.这部词典是英语知识的宝库。英汉大词典〔reservoir〕We can tap into the vast reservoir of information available on the Internet.我们可以开发利用因特网上丰富的信息储备。牛津搭配〔riprap〕They riprapped the dykes of the reservoir with stone.他们用乱石基加固水库的堤坝。21世纪英汉〔seep〕Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.放射性水已经渗入地下蓄水层中。柯林斯高阶〔see〕This summer has seen the end of water restrictions in the area thanks to a new reservoir.由于有了新水库,今年夏天该地区取消了用水限制。剑桥高阶〔side〕He sided with the plan to build a reservoir.他支持修建水库的计划。英汉大词典〔silt up〕Without huge investment the reservoirs will silt up.如果没有巨额投资的话,水库肯定会淤塞。柯林斯高阶〔silt up〕Without huge investment the reservoirs will silt up.没有大笔的投资, 水库将会淤塞。外研社新世纪〔spillway〕A channel for an overflow of water, as from a reservoir.溢洪道:为溢出的水而设立的水道,如从水库中出来的水美国传统〔sump〕The crankcase or oil reservoir of an internal-combustion engine.油底壳,油箱:内燃发动机的曲轴箱或罐美国传统〔takeoff〕The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir.飞机从希思罗机场起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。柯林斯高阶〔tank〕A usually artificial pool, pond, reservoir, or cistern, especially one used to hold water for drinking or for irrigation.贮水池:通常是人工做成的水池、水塘、水库或水箱,尤指用来盛放饮用水或灌溉水的美国传统〔torrent〕Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir.急流涌入了水库。柯林斯高阶〔water gauge〕An instrument indicating the level of water, as in a boiler, tank, reservoir, or stream.水位表:显示水位高度的仪器,装在锅炉、水箱、贮水池或流水中美国传统〔water tower〕A standpipe or elevated tank used as a reservoir or for maintaining equal pressure in a water system.水塔:用作蓄水池或保持供水系统内等压的竖管或直立水箱美国传统〔water〕An abandoned town lies under the water of the reservoir.有一个废弃了的小镇淹没在水库下面。牛津搭配〔well〕A container or reservoir for a liquid, such as ink.储液体的容器:储存液体的容皿或贮液器,如墨水美国传统A whole village was drowned (= covered with water) when the valley was made into a reservoir.当山谷被改成水库时,整个村庄被淹了。剑桥国际About two kilometres down this road a track to the right leads (up) to the reservoir.沿这条路走两公里,右边有一条小路通向水库。剑桥国际History is a reservoir of human experience. 历史是人类经历的总汇。译典通New York City draws water from the Hudson River to augment reservoirs when they are low.当水库的水位低时,纽约市从哈德逊河引水来增加储水量。剑桥国际The reservoir is flush. 水库里装满水。译典通The heavy rain in the last few days has helped make the reservoirs less depleted.最近几天的大雨有助于使水库不那么枯竭。剑桥国际The report concerned plans to build reservoirs and pumping stations to irrigate land in the northeastern region.这份报告是关于建造水库和泵站来灌溉东北地区土地的计划。剑桥国际There are plans to flood the valley to form a reservoir.有计划要(引水)淹没山谷造一个水库。剑桥国际There has been so little rain recently that the reservoirs are low (= do not have much water in them).最近降雨很少,以致水库蓄水量很低。剑桥国际They used to breed fish in the reservoir. 他们过去一直在水库养鱼。译典通They're going to dam (up) the river and build a reservoir.他们将在河中筑坝拦水,建造水库。剑桥国际This reservoir supplies the entire city with water. 这个水库为全城供水。译典通




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