

单词 recover
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔RECOVER〕to spend time resting in order to recover 为了恢复健康而休养朗文写作活用〔action〕take (legal) action to recover damages 为要求赔偿损失而起诉英汉大词典〔composure〕recover full composure 完全恢复镇静英汉大词典〔file〕how to recover deleted files 如何恢复已删除的文件牛津搭配〔from〕recover from a fever 烧退病愈英汉大词典〔from〕recover from illness 由病中恢复,康复文馨英汉〔go〕go to court to recover damages 为要求赔偿损失而打官司英汉大词典〔marketability〕a product that has sufficient marketability to enable them to recover their investment costs能使他们收回投资成本的销路极佳的产品外研社新世纪〔marketable〕a product that has sufficient marketability to enable them to recover their investment costs.能使他们收回投资成本的销路极佳的产品柯林斯高阶〔patient〕developments that will help surgical patients recover more quickly 帮助手术患者更快康复的新方法牛津搭配〔realization〕the realization that she might never recover from her illness 意识到她或许永远不能康复朗文当代〔recoup〕recoup a loss.See Synonyms at recover 弥补损失 参见 recover美国传统〔recover〕recover a comet 再次发现一颗彗星英汉大词典〔recover〕recover a sword (击剑中)收剑回到预备姿势英汉大词典〔recover〕recover consciousness (或 one's senses) 恢复知觉英汉大词典〔recover〕recover damages for a wrong 取得因违法行为造成损害的赔偿金英汉大词典〔recover〕recover health 恢复健康英汉大词典〔recover〕recover increased costs through higher prices 提高价格来补偿上涨的成本英汉大词典〔recover〕recover losses 挽回损失英汉大词典〔recover〕recover metal from scrap 从废料提取金属英汉大词典〔recover〕recover much land from the sea 填海造大片土地英汉大词典〔recover〕recover one's lost dog 寻回走失的狗英汉大词典〔recover〕recover one's strength (appetite, voice, weight) 恢复力气(胃口,嗓音,体重)英汉大词典〔recover〕recover the land from the encroachment of the sea 围垦土地以拦阻海水侵入英汉大词典〔recover〕recover the meaning of the hieroglyphics 破解象形文字的含义英汉大词典〔recover〕recover the track (迷路后)重新找到原路英汉大词典〔recover〕recover title to a disputed property 取得有争议财产的所有权英汉大词典〔recover〕to recover after an illness.病后复元。牛津同义词〔recover〕to recover damages for a wrong取得因违法行为造成损害的赔偿费21世纪英汉〔recover〕to recover something you have lost.寻回失去的东西。牛津同义词〔recover〕to recover your sight 恢复视力牛津高阶〔regain〕regain one's strength.See Synonyms at recover 重新获得某人的力量 参见 recover美国传统〔stupor〕recover from the stupor of defeat 从失败后的心灰意冷中恢复过来英汉大词典〔virus〕recover from a virus 患病毒病后康复英汉大词典




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