

单词 resolve
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-powered〕Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it.你的债务情况只是暂时的,你有能力解决好。柯林斯高阶〔DECIDE〕After the divorce she resolved never to marry again. 离婚后,她打定主意再也不嫁人了。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕I resolved to keep quiet about what I had heard, since it would only cause trouble. 既然把听到的说出去只会惹上麻烦,我就决心保持沉默。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Our city authorities are resolved that the new school will be built within six months. 我市市政府决心要在六个月内建成那所新学校。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕The new President is resolved to impose a number of reforms. 新总统决意要进行一些改革。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕Optimists still believe we can resolve the problem without going to war. 乐观人士依然相信,我们不通过战争便可解决这个问题。朗文写作活用〔Law Courts〕She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.她无论如何不会上法庭解决自己的婚姻问题。外研社新世纪〔UNITE〕The Council is united in its resolve to maintain and develop standards of professional management. 委员会团结一致,决心保持并发展专业的管理水平。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕Briggs’ resolve crumbled and he reached for the whisky bottle. 布里格斯的决心动摇了,伸手去拿威士忌酒瓶。朗文写作活用〔bargain〕In an attempt to resolve the crisis over its nuclear project, Iran struck a bargain with Britain, France, and Germany.为了解决核计划危机, 伊朗与英国、法国、德国达成了一项协议。外研社新世纪〔bury〕To stop fighting; resolve a quarrel.媾和,言归于好:停止战争;解决争端美国传统〔business〕This business about housework has to be resolved.家务劳动这件麻烦事得解决。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕Many cases resolve without treatment.许多病人不治而愈。外研社新世纪〔conflict〕The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay.政府未采取任何措施来解决护士工资问题引发的冲突。牛津高阶〔conflict〕The management team is keen to resolve the conflict over wages.管理层渴望解决工资争端。麦克米伦高阶〔conflict〕You'll need to resolve the conflict between your parents' plans for you and your own ambitions.你需要调和父母为你做的规划和你自己的理想间的矛盾。韦氏高阶〔constitutional〕Political leaders are making no progress in their efforts to resolve the country's constitutional crisis.政治领袖们在解决国家宪法危机方面没有取得任何进展。外研社新世纪〔constitutional〕Political leaders are making no progress in their efforts to resolve the country's constitutional crisis.政治领袖们在解决国家宪法危机方面没有取得任何进展。柯林斯高阶〔contradiction〕How can we resolve this apparent contradiction? 我们怎样才能解决这个明显的矛盾呢?牛津高阶〔controversy〕Public funding could resolve the controversy surrounding campaign finance.公共基金能够解决围绕竞选资金引发的争议。牛津搭配〔crack〕It might crack their resolve.这可能会动摇他们的决心。外研社新世纪〔deus ex machina〕In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation.解围之神:希腊或罗马戏剧中,用舞台机关送下来的消除剧情冲突或使主人公摆脱困境的神美国传统〔difference〕The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences.这两个社群正在学着如何解决彼此之间的分歧。柯林斯高阶〔difference〕These talks aim to resolve the outstanding differences between the two sides.这些会谈的目的是消除双方尚存的分歧。牛津搭配〔difficulty〕The partners have been unable to iron out their difficulties. = They haven't been able to resolve their difficulties.合伙人一直都没能解决他们之间的分歧。韦氏高阶〔diligence〕The two sides are now working diligently to resolve their differences.双方正进行不懈的努力以解决他们之间的分歧。柯林斯高阶〔diligently〕The two sides are now working diligently to resolve their differences.双方正不懈努力以解决他们之间的分歧。外研社新世纪〔diplomacy〕We must try and resolve this situation through diplomacy rather than conflict.我们必须力争通过外交而不是冲突来解决这一局面。牛津搭配〔diplomatically〕The situation was resolved diplomatically.情况得到了妥善的解决。韦氏高阶〔disentangle〕To clear up or resolve (a plot, for example); unravel.清理,解开:澄清或解决(如阴谋);解开美国传统〔dispute〕Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsides to farmers.谈判者未能消弭欧共体和美国之间在削减农民补贴一事上的争端。柯林斯高阶〔dispute〕Negotiators failed to resolve the dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsidies to farmers.谈判者未能解决欧洲共同体与美国之间关于削减农民补贴的争端。外研社新世纪〔drained〕I can help resolve conflicts that drain energy.我可以帮助解决消耗精力的冲突。柯林斯高阶〔drain〕I can help resolve conflicts that drain energy.我可以帮人摆脱耗人精力的矛盾心理。外研社新世纪〔ensnare〕We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes.我们发现自己陷入了雇佣法案的圈套之中,因为它们并不能帮助解决劳资争端。柯林斯高阶〔executive〕The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government.这个问题应该由政府的行政部门解决。柯林斯高阶〔faith〕She showed a touching faith in my ability to resolve any and every difficulty.她相信我有能力解决任何困难,这令人感动。牛津搭配〔falter〕From that moment onwards he never faltered in his resolve.从那一刻起, 他的决心便从未动摇过。外研社新世纪〔farcical〕This situation is farcical and it must be resolved.这种情况荒唐可笑, 必须解决。外研社新世纪〔firmly〕I am firmly resolved to go abroad.我坚定地下决心要出国。文馨英汉〔first〕She resolved to do it at the first(= earliest)opportunity.她决定一有机会就去做。牛津高阶〔foreclose〕To settle or resolve beforehand.预先处理或解决美国传统〔forever〕It has taken forever to resolve these problems.花了很多时间解决这些问题美国传统〔fortify〕His initial success fortified his resolve to be a scientist.他的初步成就增强了他当科学家的决心。英汉大词典〔fortify〕The argument had fortified her resolve to prove she was right.这番争论增强了她证明自己正确的决心。剑桥高阶〔frustrate〕Bureaucratic delays have frustrated our efforts to resolve this problem.官僚机构的拖沓使我们为解决这个问题所做的努力付之东流。韦氏高阶〔harden〕His resolve hardened in the face of further denials of the incident on the part of the management.面对资方进一步否认这个事件, 他更加坚定了决心。外研社新世纪〔harden〕His resolve was even more hardened to escape from captivity although it was impossible.尽管逃脱囚禁是根本不可能的事情,可他却更加坚定了逃脱的决心。21世纪英汉〔harden〕The incident hardened her resolve to leave the company.这件事使她更加坚定了离开公司的决心。牛津高阶〔harden〕The war had hardened American resolve.战争更加坚定了美国人的决心。外研社新世纪〔hired gun〕One with special knowledge or expertise, as in business, law, or government, who is hired to resolve particularly difficult or complex problems.幕僚:(商业、法律或政府部门中)具有特殊知识或专门技能,受雇解决困难的或复杂的问题的人美国传统〔identity〕He had not resolved his identity issue.那时他还没解决他的身份问题。牛津搭配〔imbalance〕Can he resolve the structural imbalance of the deficit? 他能解决赤字的结构性失衡吗?牛津搭配〔impasse〕Thirteen hours of talks failed to resolve the impasse.13小时的谈判未能打破僵局。外研社新世纪〔inherent〕He acknowledged the firm did have inherent problems which needed to be resolved.他承认公司确实存在一些固有的问题需要解决。外研社新世纪〔insistent〕She had been insistent that the matter be resolved quickly.她一直坚决要求迅速解决这个问题。外研社新世纪〔instance〕Try to resolve the problem with the Tax Office in the first instance.第一步, 设法解决和税务局之间的问题。外研社新世纪〔itself〕You have to do something about the problem - it isn't just going to resolve itself.你得做点什么了——这个问题不会自行解决的。剑桥高阶〔law court〕She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.她无论如何不会上法庭解决婚姻问题。柯林斯高阶〔manner〕The issue will be resolved in a manner that is fair to both sides.这个问题将用对双方都公平的方式来解决。朗文当代〔matter〕Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete.事情没解决, 那些运动员便没有资格参加比赛。外研社新世纪〔matter〕Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete.除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛。柯林斯高阶〔move〕The authorities have made no move to resolve the conflict.当局没有采取任何措施来解决冲突。朗文当代〔nearness〕The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。柯林斯高阶〔near〕The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future(= very soon).冲突短期内不可能解决。牛津高阶〔notal〕He noted again he would completely resolve the dispute between the two countries.他再一次强调,他将一次性地解决两国间的争端。21世纪英汉〔occasion〕This question will be resolved when the occasion arises.出现这种情况时, 问题会被解决的。外研社新世纪〔ombudsman〕The insurance company's ombudsman was able to resolve the problem.保险公司的投诉处理专员解决了这个问题。韦氏高阶〔once〕We have to resolve this matter once and for all.我们必须彻底解决这一问题。柯林斯高阶〔opening〕His comments created an opening for efforts to resolve the crisis.他的话为争取解决这个危机创造了机会。麦克米伦高阶〔outstanding〕We still have some outstanding issues to resolve before we'll have a treaty that is ready to sign.我们签协议之前还有一些未尽事宜待解决。柯林斯高阶〔paper over〕Differences were papered over but by no means were they fully resolved.分歧被掩盖了,但是绝没有得到完全解决。柯林斯高阶〔partner〕If the matter cannot be resolved, one of the senior partners should be informed.如果问题无法解决,就应该通知其中一位资深合伙人。麦克米伦高阶〔peaceful〕They resolved their problems peacefully.他们和和气气地把问题解决了。麦克米伦高阶〔pertinacious〕She was pertinacious in her resolve to study medicine.她下定了决心非要学医不可。英汉大词典〔play for time〕They're just playing for time, hoping that the situation will resolve itself.他们只是在拖延时间,希望情况会自行好转。韦氏高阶〔pleased〕We are pleased that the problems have been resolved.问题都已解决,对此我们表示赞赏。柯林斯高阶〔polarity〕In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced: male and female, strength and compassion, severity and mercy.在他身上,生命的两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈。柯林斯高阶〔power〕They are threatening to use air/military power to resolve the conflict.他们威胁要用空军/军事力量解决冲突。韦氏高阶〔power〕Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it.你的债务情况只是暂时的, 你有能力解决好。外研社新世纪〔present〕Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.不要等到新年才下决心规划生活。没有比现在更好的时机了。外研社新世纪〔privately〕He had privately resolved he would buy her the dress.他暗自下定决心要为她把这件连衣裙买下来。外研社新世纪〔prudently〕Being a prudent and cautious person, you realise that the problem must be resolved.慎重小心的人都会意识到这个问题非解决不可。柯林斯高阶〔question〕Several questions have still not been resolved .有几个问题仍然没有得到解决。朗文当代〔resolve into〕The ghost resolved itself into a tree.鬼魂把自己变成了一棵树。外研社新世纪〔resolve into〕The vision soon resolved into a figure walking next to the wall, down the tunnel, towards me.这一幻象很快变成一个身影, 贴着隧道的墙一路向我走来。外研社新世纪〔resolved〕He was resolved to ask her to marry him the next day.他下定决心要在第二天向她求婚。剑桥高阶〔resolved〕He was firmly [fully] resolved to win the prize.他非常坚决的要赢得该奖。文馨英汉〔resolve〕Resolved (或 Be it resolved) that this meeting is opposed to appointing a new secretary.兹决议本次会议反对任命一名新秘书。英汉大词典〔resolve〕After hours of argument, they resolved against taking legal action.经过几个小时的争论,他们决定不提起诉讼。剑桥高阶〔resolve〕After the divorce she resolved never to marry again.离婚以后,她下决心永不再嫁。朗文当代〔resolve〕All doubt would soon be resolved.一切疑虑很快就会消除。外研社新世纪〔resolve〕Any misunderstanding can resolve itselfinto a quarrel.任何误会都能演变成争吵。英汉大词典〔resolve〕Barnet was desperate for money to resolve his financial problems.巴尼特急需钱来解决他的经济问题。朗文当代〔resolve〕DNA samples were extracted and resolved.DNA 样本提取后进行了分解。朗文当代〔resolve〕He resolved against going out.他决定不出去。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕He was resolved to become a football player.他决心要作一名足球运动员。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕His speech did nothing to resolve doubts about the company's future.他的讲话没有消除人们对公司未来的疑虑。韦氏高阶〔resolve〕It might help to resolve the argument in a peaceful way.这可能有助于以和平的方式结束争论。外研社新世纪〔resolve〕It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.经过表决决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。牛津高阶〔resolve〕Mary resolved that she would stop smoking.玛丽决定戒烟。朗文当代〔resolve〕Recent events strengthened her resolve to find out the truth.最近发生的事件坚定了她找出真相的决心。朗文当代〔resolve〕She resolved (that) she would never see him again.她决心再也不见他了。牛津高阶〔resolve〕She resolved that she would never speak to him again.她决心再也不理他。剑桥高阶〔resolve〕She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。柯林斯高阶〔resolve〕She resolved to report the matter to the hospital's nursing manager.她决定把这件事汇报给医院的护士长。柯林斯高阶〔resolve〕The Assembly took back its resolves.大会撤回了决议。英汉大词典〔resolve〕The argument resolved itself into an uneasy truce.争论进入暂时的停战状态。朗文当代〔resolve〕The binoculars resolved the grey moving dot into swarms of airplanes moving north in tight V's.双筒望远镜辨析出那移动的灰色圆点是一群群编成紧密人字队形向北飞行的飞机。英汉大词典〔resolve〕The board has resolved that it is in the best interests of the club that this occur immediately.董事会作出决议, 为了俱乐部的最大利益这件事应马上进行。外研社新世纪〔resolve〕The committee resolved to override the veto.委员会决定推翻这项否决。韦氏高阶〔resolve〕The company resolved to take no further action against the thieves.公司决定不再继续追究这些窃贼。剑桥高阶〔resolve〕The crisis was resolved by negotiations.危机通过谈判得到解决。朗文当代〔resolve〕The crisis was finally resolved through high-level negotiations.危机最终通过高层谈判得以消除。牛津搭配〔resolve〕The discussion eventually resolved itself into two main issues.讨论后来集中在两大主要议题上。牛津高阶〔resolve〕The family feuding could resolve itself.家族恩怨可以自行化解。牛津搭配〔resolve〕The ghost resolved itself into a tree.鬼怪变形成了一棵树。英汉大词典〔resolve〕The government reiterated its resolve to uncover the truth.政府重申一定要查个水落石出。牛津高阶〔resolve〕The inflammation resolved without suppuration.炎症没有化脓就消退了。英汉大词典〔resolve〕The meeting resolved itself into a number of working committees.大会转化为若干个工作委员会。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕The mixture will resolve into two simple substances.这种混合物可以分解为两种简单的物质。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕The new cabinet resolved on a strong foreign policy.新内阁决定采取强硬的外交政策。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕The orange light resolved itself into four lanterns.橙色的光亮逐渐变成了四盏灯。牛津高阶〔resolve〕The prism resolved the light into a play of colour.棱镜把光分成了各种颜色。英汉大词典〔resolve〕The swelling resolved rapidly.肿胀症状很快就消退了。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕The tumor will soon be resolved.这个肿瘤很快就会消掉的。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕The two countries have failed to resolve their differences on this.两国未能化解在此事上的分歧。牛津搭配〔resolve〕They resolved a cluster of stars with a high-powered telescope.他们用大功率望远镜来分辨群星。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕They resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.他们经过表决,决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。牛津高阶〔resolve〕They haven't been able to resolve their differences.他们未能解决彼此间的分歧。韦氏高阶〔resolve〕They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully.他们希望这场危机能够得到和平解决。柯林斯高阶〔resolve〕This will strengthen the American public's resolve to go to war.这会坚定美国公众诉诸战争的决心。柯林斯高阶〔resolve〕Water may be resolved into hydrogen and oxygen.水可以分解为氢和氧。21世纪英汉〔resolve〕We resolved to start our own business.我们决定自己来做生意。牛津同义词〔resolve〕We hope that the dispute can be resolved peacefully.我们希望能够和平地解决争端。牛津搭配〔resolve〕We must find a way to resolve these problems before it's too late.我们必须及时找到解决这些问题的方法。柯林斯高阶〔retreat〕He went into retreat and tried to resolve the conflicts within himself.他去静修并试图调节自己内心的矛盾。牛津高阶〔rigid〕Both sides have remained rigid in their resolve.双方都很坚决。麦克米伦高阶〔ripen〕Thinking often ripens into resolve and action.思想往往会上升为决心和行动。21世纪英汉〔satisfaction〕It is hard to see how the issue can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.很难想象这个问题如何解决才能让每个人都满意。柯林斯高阶〔satisfaction〕The question could not be resolved, at least not to my satisfaction.这难题无法解决,至少达不到让我满意的地步。朗文当代〔seek〕Corbett resolved to seek out the truth.科比特决心找出真相。麦克米伦高阶〔sense〕I came away from the meeting with the sense that we had resolved all outstanding issues.会议的结果是我们解决了所有悬而未决的问题美国传统〔shoe〕To defer action or decision until another matter is finished or resolved.推迟行动或决定,直到另一件事情做完或解决美国传统〔sound out〕He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.他正在探询中东国家的政府要如何解决这次冲突。柯林斯高阶〔stiffen〕A hot shower and change of clothes stiffened her resolve.洗了个热水澡, 换了身衣服, 这使她更坚定了决心。外研社新世纪〔stiffen〕He stiffened his resolve.他坚定了他的决心。韦氏高阶〔stiffen〕The air attack only served to stiffen the enemy's resolve.空袭只能使敌人的决心更加坚定。麦克米伦高阶〔strategy〕The company must first resolve questions of strategy.公司首先必须解决规划问题。朗文当代〔strengthen〕Her objections only strengthened my resolve to open my own business.她的反对只是增强了我自己开公司的决心。麦克米伦高阶〔strengthen〕Steve's opposition only strengthened her resolve to go ahead.史蒂夫的反对反而坚定了她继续下去的决心。朗文当代〔strengthen〕This merely strengthens our resolve to win the league.这只会更加坚定我们赢得联赛的决心。外研社新世纪〔strengthen〕This merely strengthens our resolve to win the league.这只会更加坚定我们赢得联赛的决心。柯林斯高阶〔submicroscopic〕Too small to be resolved by an optical microscope.亚微观的:太小的以致用一般光学显微镜不能分辨或看见的美国传统〔superman〕Collor nurtured the idea that he was a superman, who single-handedly could resolve Brazil's crisis.科洛尔一直希望自己有超凡能力,凭一己之力就能解决巴西的危机。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved.要解决纠纷,还需再举行一轮谈判。牛津高阶〔talk〕To resolve or settle by discussion.通过讨论来解决或决定美国传统〔term〕The dispute was resolved on amicable terms.争端在友好的气氛中得以解决。牛津搭配〔unscramble〕To straighten out or disentangle (a jumble or tangle); resolve.解开:理清或解开(一堆乱糟糟的或纠结成一团的东西);解开美国传统〔up〕Try not to get worked up (= increasingly excited or angry) - I'm sure we can resolve this.尽量不要激动,我相信我们能解决这个问题。剑桥高阶〔wager〕Archaic A pledge of personal combat to resolve an issue or a case.【古语】 誓约:用私人决斗来解决一个问题或案子的誓约美国传统〔waste〕I resolved not to waste money on a hotel.我决心不住酒店,以免浪费钱。柯林斯高阶〔waver〕His resolve began to waver.他的决心开始动摇了美国传统〔weaken〕Our resolve weakened.我们的决心减弱了。牛津同义词〔with〕With the development of space research, many mysteries of Mars will soon be resolved.随著太空研究的发达,有关火星的种种神秘将很快地被揭开。文馨英汉〔wit〕It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute.解决这一纠纷应当是人力所能及的事。牛津高阶〔wit〕It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute.解决这场纠纷不是不可能的。牛津搭配〔wobble〕US resolve appeared to wobble yesterday.美国的决心昨天似乎动摇了。麦克米伦高阶After an hour of argument they resolved on/against going to the party.经过1个小时的争论,他们打定主意去/不去参加聚会。剑桥国际He resolved never to tell anyone about the incident. 他决定永远不跟任何人谈这件事。译典通He resolved on going abroad to study. 他决定到海外留学。译典通He resolved to avenge the insult on the boss. 他决意为受辱向老板进行报复。译典通He was resolved to ask her to marry him the next day.他打定主意第二天向她求婚。剑桥国际He was keenly resolved to do well in the examination. 他下定决心要在考试中取得优异成绩。译典通I'm sure these problems can be satisfactorily resolved.我相信这些问题可以圆满解决。剑桥国际Our team made a stern resolve to win. 我们队下定决心取胜。译典通She resolved to abide the pressure her superiors put on her. 她决心顶住上司们向她施加的压力。译典通She believes that the right to hunt is a question that can only be resolved in Parliament (= by a decision made by Parliament).她认为打猎的权利是一个只能由议会解决的问题。剑桥国际She was parachuted in last year to resolve the pensions crisis.去年她空降到公司来解决养老金危机。牛津商务Sometimes the child doesn't want to go back to the parent. In such cases the situation is almost impossible to resolve.有时候孩子不愿意回到父母身边。这种情况往往很难对付。剑桥国际That was a difficult problem to resolve.那是个难解决的问题。剑桥国际The Government resolved on a bold policy. 政府决定采取大胆的政策。译典通The argument fortified her resolve to prove she was right.那理由增强了她的决心,去证明自己是正确的。剑桥国际The association may make representations to the chief executive to try to resolve the situation.这个协会可能会跟总裁交涉以试图解决这个问题。牛津商务The board has resolved to recommend the offer to shareholders.董事会决定向股东推荐这一要约。牛津商务The church's aloofness from (=lack of involvement in) the current controversy will do little to resolve the matter.教堂对现有争端的超然态度对问题的解决无济于事。剑桥国际The company resolved to take no further action against the thieves.公司决定不采取进一步的防盗措施。剑桥国际The company is trying to resolve a pay dispute.公司正试图解决薪酬纠纷。牛津商务The crisis resolved itself when the unions saw they couldn't win.当工会看到他们无法取胜时,危机自行消解了。剑桥国际The difficulties among us should be resolved by consultations. 我们间的问题应透过磋商来解决。译典通The federal government appealed for restraint, insisting the crisis could be resolved without the use of force.联邦政府恳请克制,并坚持说无需使用武力就可以解决危机。剑桥国际The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat. 会见变成了愉快的闲聊。译典通These plans have some in-built problems which can't be resolved without revising the entire project.这些计划有一些不改变整个方案就无法解决的内在问题。剑桥国际These so-called reforms are just cosmetic half-measures which do nothing to resolve the problem.这些所谓的改革只不过是粉饰的折中办法,对解决问题根本没用。剑桥国际They called for arbitration to resolve the strike.他们要求仲裁解决罢工。牛津商务This chemical resolves when distilled at a high temperature. 这种化学品在高温下蒸馏就会分解。译典通We resolved to visit Europe at least once a year. 我们决定至少每年访问欧洲一次。译典通We might have to resort to fisticuffs to resolve the problem.我们可能得通过拳斗来解决这个问题。剑桥国际We need to resolve this dispute quickly.我们需要很快解决这场争端。剑桥国际What I preach, I am resolved to practice. 我所讲的道理,我必定身体力行。译典通




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