

单词 rebirth
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔cycle〕the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth 生、死、再生的循环不息牛津搭配〔rebirth〕a rebirth of classicism in architecture.建筑中古典主义的复兴美国传统〔rebirth〕a rebirth of confidence 信心的恢复英汉大词典〔rebirth〕a rebirth of nationalism 民族主义的复活文馨英汉〔rebirth〕a rebirth of nationalism 民族主义的复活英汉大词典〔rebirth〕a rebirth of nationalism in the region 民族主义在这一地区的复活朗文当代〔rebirth〕a spiritual rebirth 精神上的重生韦氏高阶〔rebirth〕the rebirth of democracy in Latin America.民主在拉丁美洲的复兴柯林斯高阶〔rebirth〕the rebirth of democracy in Latin America拉丁美洲民主的复兴外研社新世纪〔rebirth〕the rebirth of jazz 爵士乐的复兴麦克米伦高阶〔rebirth〕the rebirth of learning in the Western world 西方文艺复兴英汉大词典〔rebirth〕the rebirth of pop music 流行音乐的复兴韦氏高阶〔rebirth〕the rebirth of the soul 灵魂的转世英汉大词典〔rebirth〕the cycle of birth, death and rebirth 生死轮回朗文当代〔rebirth〕the natural cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in plants 植物生长、死亡、新生的自然循环韦氏高阶〔rebirth〕the seasonal cycle of death and rebirth 春荣冬枯的季节循环牛津高阶




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