

单词 run a business
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LITTLE〕He doesn't have much experience of running a business. 他没有多少经营管理公司的经验。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕It is hard to run a business with outdated equipment. 设备陈旧的公司很难经营。朗文写作活用〔budgeting〕Careful budgeting is essential to running a business.经营企业精打细算至关重要。韦氏高阶〔business〕They don't know how to run a business .他们不知道如何经营一家企业。朗文当代〔delegate〕A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility.公司经营中的一个重点就是职责的分派。柯林斯高阶〔delegation〕A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility.企业经营的一个关键要素是分派责任。外研社新世纪〔head〕Running a business heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people interviewed by Good Housekeeping magazine.在《好管家》杂志采访过的1,000人中,创立自己的公司在理想抱负中列在首位。柯林斯高阶〔indicator〕Level of education is actually a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.受教育程度实际上并不能表明经营企业的能力。牛津搭配〔mechanics〕He still has a lot to learn about the mechanics of running a business.关于企业经营的方法他还有很多需要学习。韦氏高阶〔mentality〕Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.经营企业所要求具备的心态和上班族的心态截然不同。柯林斯高阶〔mentality〕Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.经营公司需要一种迥异于工薪阶层雇员的心态。外研社新世纪〔moral〕I think you can run a business to the highest moral standards.我想你可以用最高的道德标准来经营公司。朗文当代〔object lesson〕His life story is an object lesson in how not to run a business.他的人生经历就是一部活教材,告诉我们经营企业应该避免哪些情况发生。韦氏高阶〔pitfall〕She was well aware of the potential pitfalls of running a business.她完全清楚开办公司过程中可能会出现的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕I think she's just playing at running a business.我觉得她根本就不把做生意当回事儿。麦克米伦高阶〔ran〕Please teach me how to run a business.请你教教我如何做买卖。21世纪英汉〔run〕He has no idea how to run a business.他丝毫不懂企业管理。牛津高阶〔say〕Say what you like about him, he knows how to run a business.不管你怎样看,他知道如何经营公司。麦克米伦高阶〔shambolic〕Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜做事太缺乏头绪,经营不了公司。剑桥高阶〔the nuts and bolts〕When it came to the nuts and bolts of running a business, he was clearly unable to cope.当涉及到企业经营的实质性问题时,他显然应付不来。剑桥高阶Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜是个做事很混乱的人,不能经营一家公司。剑桥国际He runs a business making well-crafted, properly jointed furniture out of solid wood.他开了一家公司用坚固的木材制作工艺精良、连接准确的家具。剑桥国际He has no idea how to run a business.他不懂得如何管理企业。牛津商务When it came to the nuts and bolts of running a business, he was clearly unable to cope.当涉及到企业经营的实质性问题时,他显然不能应付了。剑桥国际




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