

单词 roughly
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔degree〕radio antennae located at three sites separated by roughly 120° of longitude无线电天线置于大致由120度经度线分隔的三处 。外研社新世纪〔dictum〕the dictum that it is preferable to be roughly right than precisely wrong.有句格言说道,大致对总比完全错要好柯林斯高阶〔estimate〕how to roughly estimate your caloric intake 如何粗略估计热量摄入牛津搭配〔hew〕roughly hewn logs 胡乱砍伐的原木韦氏高阶〔hew〕roughly hewn timber frames 粗劈成的木架子牛津高阶〔quarter〕roughly one quarter of the city's population 这个城市大约四分之一的人口朗文当代〔rating〕an IQ rating roughly equivalent to eight-year-olds 基本上等于8岁儿童的智商水平 英汉大词典〔roughly〕roughly 40 percent 大约40%英汉大词典〔roughly〕roughly cut timber 粗砍的木材韦氏高阶〔roughly〕roughly dressed lumber 粗刨的木材英汉大词典〔roughly〕roughly plastered walls 灰泥抹得凹凸不平的墙壁牛津高阶〔roughly〕roughly sketched drawings 粗略勾勒的图画韦氏高阶〔roughly〕roughly speaking 大致说来文馨英汉〔roughly〕roughly speaking 粗略地说 英汉大词典〔roughly〕a roughly built cottage 简陃建成的小屋文馨英汉〔roughly〕a period of roughly 30 million years大约3,000万年的时间外研社新世纪〔roughly〕a period of very roughly 30 million years.非常粗略地算作3,000万年的一段时间柯林斯高阶〔roughly〕a woman of roughly his own age一个和他年龄相仿的女人外研社新世纪〔roughly〕a woman of roughly my age 大约跟我同年龄的女人文馨英汉〔roughly〕close the door roughly 狠狠地把门关上 英汉大词典〔roughly〕houses, roughly painted white or blue.简单刷成白色或蓝色的房子柯林斯高阶〔roughly〕in roughly chronological order 按照大致的年月顺序 英汉大词典〔roughly〕treat prisoners roughly 凶暴地对待囚犯英汉大词典〔roughly〕two rocks of roughly equal size 大小基本相同的两块岩石朗文当代




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