

单词 reduction
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LESS〕a reduction in working hours 工作时间的缩短朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕a reduction in number, prices, levels etc 数量、价格、程度等上的减少朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕a reduction in oil shipments 石油运输的减少朗文写作活用〔agreement〕an agreement on arms reduction 削减武器的协定朗文当代〔bureaucracy〕the reduction of unnecessary bureaucracy 消除不必要的官僚体制朗文当代〔compare〕a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year 与去年相比入室盗窃案发率 20% 的下降朗文当代〔conclude〕talks aimed at concluding a strategic missile reduction treaty以缔结战略导弹削减条约为目标的会谈外研社新世纪〔consequential〕retirement and the consequential reduction in income 退休与随之而来的收入减少牛津高阶〔consolation〕be little / no consolation The fact that there has been a reduction in crime is little consolation to victims of crime.犯罪率下降对于受害者来说也起不了多少安慰作用。朗文当代〔cost〕the pursuit of cost reduction 力求降低费用牛津搭配〔count〕the reduction in white blood-cell counts 白血球计数的下降英汉大词典〔drastic〕a drastic reduction in employment 大量的裁员英汉大词典〔drastic〕a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying临终人数的锐减外研社新世纪〔expenditure〕a reduction in public/government/military expenditure 公共╱政府╱军费开支的削减牛津高阶〔fleet〕a reduction in the size of the British fleet 英国海军的裁减牛津高阶〔gain〕a reduction in the number of people who can gain a living from the land可以靠土地谋生的人数的减少外研社新世纪〔peak time〕a 10 per cent reduction in traffic at peak times交通高峰期减免10%的费用外研社新世纪〔progressive〕a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce 劳力数量的逐步减少牛津高阶〔progressive〕progressive reduction 逐步的减少英汉大词典〔rate〕another reduction in the mortgage rate 按揭贷款利率的再一次降低朗文当代〔recovery〕a reduction in interest rates to stimulate global economic recovery 降低利率以刺激全球经济的复苏牛津搭配〔reduction〕reduction by 30% 减少 30%牛津搭配〔reduction〕reduction of a fraction 约分英汉大词典〔reduction〕reduction of excessive expenses 过高开支的削减英汉大词典〔reduction〕reduction of wood to pulp 木材之化为纸浆英汉大词典〔reduction〕reduction to ashes (powder) 化为灰烬(粉末)英汉大词典〔reduction〕reduction to the next rank 降一级英汉大词典〔reduction〕a reduction in absenteeism.缺席人数的减少美国传统〔reduction〕a reduction in amount or intensity or effect.数量或强度或影响的减少。牛津同义词〔reduction〕a reduction in price.减价。牛津同义词〔reduction〕a reduction in the speed limit from 50 to 40 miles per hour 速度限制从每小时 50 英里减至每小时 40 英里牛津搭配〔reduction〕a reduction in traffic 交通量的减少剑桥高阶〔reduction〕a reduction of a map 地图缩本英汉大词典〔reduction〕a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions 二氧化碳排放的减少牛津搭配〔reduction〕a 25% reduction on normal subscription rates 相比正常订阅费 25% 的降幅牛津搭配〔reduction〕a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available 医院的床位减少 33%牛津高阶〔reduction〕a drug strategy which prioritizes harm reduction 以减轻伤害为先的用药方案牛津搭配〔reduction〕a new strategic arms reduction agreement.新的战略武器削减协议柯林斯高阶〔reduction〕a significant (small) reduction in (或 of) numbers 数目的显著(微小)减少英汉大词典〔reduction〕a slight reduction in the price of oil 油价略微降低朗文当代〔reduction〕a slight/significant/substantial/drastic reduction in costs 成本的略微╱显著╱大幅度╱急剧降低牛津高阶〔reduction〕a twenty percent reduction on the price of summer clothes 夏季服装的20%减价英汉大词典〔reduction〕ascending (descending) reduction 向上(向下)折算英汉大词典〔reduction〕economic growth through a reduction in interest rates 通过降低利率促进经济增长牛津搭配〔reduction〕premiums to be paid by reduction from salary 有待在薪金中扣付的保险费英汉大词典〔reduction〕strategies for noise reduction 减少噪音的对策朗文当代〔reduction〕the reduction in the number of hospital beds 医院床位的减少牛津搭配〔reduction〕the reduction of armaments 军备裁减英汉大词典〔reduction〕the reduction of interest rates 利率的下降朗文当代〔reduction〕the government's waste reduction targets 政府减少浪费的目标牛津搭配〔staged〕staged reduction of atomic weapons 原子武器的分阶段削减英汉大词典〔standard〕a reduction in the weight standard of silver coins 银币法定重量标准的降低牛津高阶〔tourist〕the reduction in tourist traffic due to the violence 暴力事件导致的游客数量减少牛津搭配〔treaty〕a treaty on arms reduction 裁军协定麦克米伦高阶〔yield〕a reduction in milk yield 牛奶产量的降低牛津高阶a reduction in annual running costs 年度营运成本的削减牛津商务a reduction in government/corporate expenditure 政府/企业开支削减牛津商务a reduction in the number of contract and agency workers (= employees provided by an employment agency) 合约员工的数目及职业介绍所提供员工的数目均减少牛津商务a framework agreement on the voluntary reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 自愿减少温室气体排放的框架协议牛津商务a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce 劳动力数量的逐步减少牛津商务




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